Pantokaltsin - children prescribed the age of three

August 12, 2012

 pantokaltsin children
 Pantokaltsin - a nootropic drug, which is prescribed for children from three years. Up to three years it is not used, not because it has some toxic effects, and therefore that the dosage form gapantenovoy acid (the main active substance pantokaltsina) in tablet form up to three years, is not applicable.

 Pantokaltsin - children prescribed the age of three

As pantokaltsin acts on the child's body

Pantokaltsin has on the brain child multilateral impact. First of all, it improves the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   in brain cells - neurons, which helps to restore its basic functions. Restoration of metabolic processes is due to the increase of the energy potential of the cells (the process of improving the utilization of glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
   - The main source of energy necessary for the implementation of all types of metabolism). This in turn activates all the other types of sharing.

In children, particular importance is the correct protein metabolism in cells. Children's body is very plastic - it's not just the whole body but also the brain cells, but to restore the function of neurons need protein, which is derived from protein obtained from food through metabolism. Pantokaltsin able to activate this process. As a result, children begin to develop better, improve their intellectual and cognitive (the ability to learn) skills, they learn better variety of knowledge and skills

Furthermore, pantokaltsin has both activating and inhibitory effects on the central nervous system. This has a positive impact on children, characterized by an increased excitability and motor activity. They have increased concentration and coordination of movements, children start to do better in school.

Pantokaltsin has a regulating effect on muscle performance, for example, it is often used in children with night and daytime urinary incontinence, stuttering, tics different and so on.

 Pantokaltsin - children prescribed the age of three

Application pantokaltsina when perinatal lesions of the nervous system in children

The most common neurological diseases in children are perinatal nervous system (USC) and their consequences. The term "perinatal" means that nerve damage occurred during the period from 22 completed weeks (154 days) of intrauterine life fetal complete the seventh day after birth. During this period, the fetus and newborn child can affect the numerous damaging factors that determine its future health and development.

The most common manifestation is USC perinatal encephalopathy -porazhenie all the baby's brain in the form of very small foci of the violation of his power. Perinatal encephalopathy develops most often in the background of hypoxia - lack of oxygen supply of the brain, which in turn is a consequence of circulatory disorders.

Perinatal encephalopathy may occur in the form of severe violations immediately after birth, and can proceed quickly, but subsequently affect the mental development of the child. These children often suffer from headaches, they later begin to speak, behind in the neuro-psychological development, hardly learn school material.

Children with perinatal encephalopathy, since the age of three, often prescribed as a pantokaltsin treatments. It improves metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
   in the brain, which helps to improve the mental abilities of the child, his memory, ability to learn new knowledge and skills. Decreases and headaches - it also helps to improve the condition of the child.

 Pantokaltsin - children prescribed the age of three

Application pantokaltsina the syndrome of hyperactivity in children

The syndrome of hyperactivity in children may be due to mikroporazheny brain, both in utero and in infancy. Such a child is different unmanageable behavior, increased physical activity and inability to focus. This can significantly disrupt the adaptation of the child in the children's collective, as well as an obstacle for acquiring new knowledge and skills.

Pantokaltsin good for children with hyperactivity disorder attention deficit. After treatment, children become more assiduous and attentive, improving their behavior and adapt to the team.

 Pantokaltsin - children prescribed the age of three

Application pantokaltsina incontinence in children

Pantokaltsin used as part of an integrated treatment for both daylight and night incontinence that arose against the backdrop of neurogenic disorders. These disorders are associated with neuromuscular disorders of the urinary bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
 . Pantokaltsin helps restore bladder function and normal bladder in these children.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • pantokaltsin

Colds in children - do not rush to bring down the temperature

December 25, 2008

 Colds in children
   Colds - the most common disease among children of all ages. Although it is a viral disease of the respiratory tract does not last more than a week, many children tolerate it pretty hard.

The common cold is an acute respiratory viral disease that leads to inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the upper respiratory tract. Colds can cause more than two hundred viruses, but most colds are rhinoviruses pathogens. As the cold - a viral infection, antibiotics are not appropriate to treat it as intended to bacterial infections.

Colds in children (except infants) are not a threat to their health or life. Colds are usually held for four - ten days without any specific treatment. Due to the large number of viruses which can lead to colds, and the emergence of new viruses and new forming immunity to colds viruses impossible.

Sometimes fatigue, stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   or a certain type of cold virus contribute to the development of bacterial infection in certain parts of the body organs and child (lung, throat, ears or sinuses). Bacterial infection weakens the immune system of the body and requires antibiotic treatment Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?

 Colds in children - do not rush to bring down the temperature

Symptoms of the common cold in children

In most cases, the common cold in children begins suddenly. The child wakes up with a stuffy nose, cough, and fever. Fatigue - another common symptom of a cold. Because of the common cold and nasal congestion child often feels sore throat. The cold virus can spread to the sinuses, throat, bronchi and the ears of a child. With a cold in children is often described as diarrhea and vomiting.

In the early stages of the disease the child may be very irritable, complaining of a headache and flushing. By meree progression of colds and nasal mucus becomes darker and denser. The child often appears as a mild cough that can last for several days.

 Colds in children - do not rush to bring down the temperature

How often children are colds?

According to statistics, that preschool children suffer from colds about nine times a year, the children of kindergarten age - up to twelve times a year, and adolescents and adults - at least eight times a year. The incidence increases during the cold season, from September to March (April), and children usually suffer from cold during these months.

 Colds in children - do not rush to bring down the temperature

How can you prevent colds in children?

The best way of preventing colds in children - compliance with the rules of hygiene. Teach your child to wash their hands after coming back from the street or from contact with other people. Cold viruses are transmitted mainly by contact, such as shaking hands or touching.

Colds are also spread through contaminated objects, including door handles, stair railings, books, pens, video game consoles, as well as a computer keyboard and mouse. The cold virus can exist on infected objects in a few hours - enough time that the child touched the object and then the dirty hand rubbed his nose or eyes.

Studies show that frequent hand washing is really lowers the risk of colds. Teach your child to wash their hands after using the toilet, before eating and after playing in school or at home. Hands should be washed with warm soapy water for at least twenty seconds - that is how much time you need to wash the hands of disease-causing microbes.

If a child has a cold sick, it is important to prevent the spread of the virus and protect others from infection. If you notice a child's cold symptoms, leave it at home until they are cured, to avoid contact with other children. Teach your child when sneezing or coughing to cover his mouth with his hand or a handkerchief, and then be sure to wash your hands with soap and water to prevent the spread of the virus.

 Colds in children - do not rush to bring down the temperature

Treatment of the common cold in children

Colds - self-limiting disease. Typically, it passes by itself without a particular treatment. Home treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms and includes the following:

  • a good rest;
  • excessive drinking;
  • Use a humidifier in the child's bedroom at night. Moist air helps clear the airway of the child from mucus and sputum, thereby facilitating breathing;
  • receiving acetaminophen or ibuprofen Ibuprofen: anti-inflammatory drug  Ibuprofen: anti-inflammatory drug
 To bring down temperature How to bring down the temperature in the home - a variety of methods  How to bring down the temperature in the home - a variety of methods
   and reduce soreness.

Do not let the cold sick children or teenagers aspirin, especially if they have a fever. Aspirin increases the risk of Reye's syndrome, a rare disorder that occurs almost exclusively in children under the age of fifteen years. Rice syndrome can cause severe liver disease and brain.

Before giving your child under six years of any medications for colds, consult your doctor. For the treatment of nasal congestion in small children, use a nasal spray designed specifically for children.

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  • cold
