Supraks for children - often the drug of choice

July 29, 2012

 supraks children
 Supraks for children comes in the form of pellets, of which by adding boiling water, a suspension. Take suspension supraks only on prescription with all the indications and contraindications. Babies first half-life of this drug is not prescribed.

 Supraks for children - often the drug of choice

As supraks acts on the child's body

Supraks - is the only antibiotic cephalosporin third generation, which is only available in dosage forms for oral administration. The group of cephalosporin derivatives include the semisynthetic cephalosporin C, a natural antibiotic isolated from fungi of the same name. According to the structure similar to the cephalosporins, penicillin, but resistant to enzymes that Deplete the penicillins. There are these drugs are bactericidal, ie destroy the cells sensitive to them bacteria by inhibiting the formation of their walls.

Each new generation of cephalosporins has more pronounced antibacterial effect with fewer side effects. Supraks is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that is well tolerated in children, ranging from six months. For children up to 12 years produced a special pharmaceutical form - pellets, of which at home is easy to prepare a suspension. After 12 years, the child can already prescribe supraks capsules.

Suspension supraks readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream and distributed in tissues. The maximum effect of the drug occurs within four hours after oral administration and is valid for one day.

Supraks exhibits activity against a variety of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. A special exhibit sensitivity to most types of streptococci, while the majority of staphylococci sensitivity to this drug do not show.

 Supraks for children - often the drug of choice

Application supraksa pediatric

Supraks now widely used in pediatric patients for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract and upper respiratory tract bacterial origin. Assign it mainly for light and medium gravity during such diseases if the treatment is done on an outpatient basis. Supraks effective in the treatment of acute bronchitis, pharyngitis, otitis, sinusitis, laryngitis. Assign it and exacerbation of chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Use supraks and conditions of hospital treatment of children. The hospital is the treatment of severe infectious and inflammatory processes, so often in the complex therapy of first come in the form of injectable cephalosporins (eg ceftriaxone), and then, after the child's condition improved, moving to a reception inside the cephalosporins. In this case supraks suspension that can be taken once a day is a convenient dosage form. Thus in a hospital treating acute pneumonia, severe obstructive bronchitis, sinusitis and other serious diseases.

Assign supraks and less severe infectious and inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract infections, including pyelonephritis.

Contraindications reception supraksa are hypersensitive to the components of the drug to severe kidney disease, accompanied by significant impairment of their function. Admission supraks suspension is contraindicated in children the first six months of life, and capsules - children up to 12 years.

Be wary appoint supraks children who previously developed the treatment with antibiotics such complication as pseudomembranous colitis - severe recurring diarrhea.

 Supraks for children - often the drug of choice

Side effects that may occur in children when taking supraksa

Supraks usually very well tolerated in children, but possible side effects. The most important risk is the development of intestinal candidiasis and pseudomembranous colitis Colitis - the danger of colon  Colitis - the danger of colon
 . Both of these complications develop during the suppression of antibiotic Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
   natural intestinal flora, which normally suppresses the development of conditional patogennnoy microflora.

Intestinal candidiasis develops in significant breeding yeast fungi genus Candida. Intestinal Candidiasis is dangerous because it is disturbed digestion, resulting in the intestine produced toxic substances that cause intoxication - child eats poorly, lagging behind in the physical and psychological development. In addition, Candida can spread to other organs, causing serious complications

Pseudomembranous colitis develops in the reproduction of other organisms - Clostridium difficile. These bacteria do not exhibit sensitivity to any antibiotic. Normally, they are almost always found in the intestines, but in very small quantities. If the natural microflora is suppressed, these pathogens are beginning to multiply, causing the defeat of the walls of the colon (pseudomembranous colitis) which appear severe, recurrent diarrhea.

There are also small transient disturbances of liver and kidney function, blood disorders, headache Headache: Causes and Complications  Headache: Causes and Complications
 Allergic reactions Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat

Supraks used in pediatric practice, but it may appoint a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • supraks

Cere children: used widely and at any age

June 3, 2012

 cerebrolysin children
 Cerebrolysin many years used in neurologic practice. But if earlier it was used mainly for the treatment of adult patients, but today this drug is most widely used in the treatment of neurological disorders in children, mainly perinatal lesions of the nervous system (USC) and the effects of traumatic brain injury.

 Cere children: used widely and at any age

Damage to the central nervous system in children

Basically, all destruction of brain and spinal cord in children can be divided into prenatal nervous system and the effects of traumatic brain injury.

Perinatal refers to any child's brain damage, arising from the second half of pregnancy and ending the first week after birth. The reasons for this defeat may be different. A frequent cause is a violation of USC placental circulation, which leads to prolonged hypoxia of brain cells (neurons). This condition is called hypoxia. Depending on the severity and duration of hypoxia may occur necrosis (death of) neurons or a metabolic disorder Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 . From this it depends on the child's condition: from minor violations of certain functions of the brain to severe, in the form of cerebral palsy.

USC can also occur after a birth injury Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?  Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?
 , Intrauterine infections, prematurity, and when detected in the first hours or days of life of the newborn. Sometimes a slight abnormality at birth remains unnoticed and is detected at a later age, when a child there are small disturbances of motor coordination and attention, and perception of speech, headaches and so on.

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) are also frequent diseases in children. It is very important to timely and adequate treatment to prevent long-term consequences of injury. The consequences of TBI can manifest as headaches Headache: Causes and Complications  Headache: Causes and Complications
 , Fatigue, impaired ability to learn.

In all these cases, children are assigned vasodilators to improve cerebral circulation and nootropics to improve the metabolic processes in neurons.

 Cere children: used widely and at any age

Neuroprotective drugs cerebrolysin and its effect on the child's body

Nootropic called drugs that are active in the metabolism of the cells of the brain, allow the cells to function properly in a lack of oxygen and other harmful effects, thereby improving your mental abilities, including learning ability, concentration, memory and so on. Nootropy well tolerated by all patients, including children.

One of nootropics is cerebrolysin, which for many years has been successfully applied in the treatment of childhood neurological disorders. This preparation is an extract from porcine brain, the active fraction of neuropeptides which includes a low molecular weight. Small molecule neuropeptides easily penetrate from the blood into the brain tissue (overcoming the blood-brain barrier) and fall directly to the neurons. Neuropeptides in nerve cells actively influence the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   (increasing the amount of intracellular energy and intracellular protein) protect neurons from the harmful effects of any damaging factors and contribute to the improvement of plastic properties of neurons (their ability to recover damaged and create new connections with each other).

Such exposure can quickly restore the state of the brain cells and their relation to each other (ie, the conductivity of nerve impulses, bypassing the lesion), and with it the function of the brain as a whole. Under the influence of cerebrolysin structure of the brain mature faster and recover their functions after perinatal injuries and traumatic brain injuries. The timely appointment of adequate treatment for traumatic brain injury can prevent the development of serious trauma, improves children's ability to learn.

The positive effect of Cerebrolysin also provides children with hyperactive disorders and impaired concentration.

 Cere children: used widely and at any age

Cere attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children

ADHD can be inherited as a feature, and the traumas of undetected perinatal and traumatic brain injury. The frequency of ADHD among children of preschool and school age is growing (perhaps due to detection), suffer from this disease more often than boys. Usually it is the children with preserved intellect, which lag far behind in school due to the fact that they can not focus on teaching materials and are constantly distracted. They also can be reduced memory, increased psychomotor activity (hyperactivity), often develop any intrusive motion (ticks).

When included, the complex treatment of diseases such cerebrolysin condition of children is significantly improved.

Cere is widely used for the treatment of children.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • cerebrolysin
