The first signs of menopause: meet the changes head-on

June 19, 2011

 the first signs of menopause
 Between the ages of 45 and 50 years in women decreases the secretion of female hormones, which are under the influence of her body developed many years. Such hormonal changes often cause the appearance of a number of unpleasant symptoms that are called climacteric syndrome.

 The first signs of menopause: meet the changes head-on

Menopausal and menopausal syndrome

Menopause - a time when it is a gradual decrease in the secretion of female hormones, resulting in menstrual cycle changes: menstruation are becoming increasingly rare and less prolonged and intense. For most women, that period goes unnoticed, but for many it is accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms that are combined under the name of the climacteric syndrome.

At the age of about 50 years of menopause (complete cessation of menstruation).

To establish the exact date of menopause can be no earlier than six months after the last menstrual period, because there is always the possibility of its renewal.

This is very important because some women feel that menopause has occurred and it is in this period comes an unwanted pregnancy.

Approximately one-third of women during menopause menstruation becomes longer and more abundant. Some of the women (not much) menstruation stopped suddenly.

 The first signs of menopause: meet the changes head-on

As menopause begins

The first signs of menopause are mood changes. The woman herself is beginning to notice that the mood is changing frequently and radically: from enthusiastic and euphoric to irritable and even depressed. At this time, as a rule, it has broken the relationship with colleagues and loved ones in the family, as the smallest, most innocuous remark she can respond with tears or rudeness. Disrupts sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 Especially the process of falling asleep, the woman remembers all the troubles that have occurred during the day, sparing himself and even more upset. Changes and sexual lives of women during menopause or she can dramatically decrease, or, on the contrary, sharply intensify sexual attraction.

Another well-known feature of the climacteric syndrome are changes in the autonomic nervous system, which supplies the blood vessels and internal organs. The autonomic nervous system is under the influence of the central nervous system, and any change of mood necessarily reflected in the blood vessels and internal organs. Hence the famous "tides" of blood to the face and the upper half of the body, sweating, seizures, palpitations, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Autonomic dysfunction often associated with impaired sensitivity (senestopatii) in the form of itching, skin tingling, pins and needles in the body, indefinite sensations in different parts of the body. These strange feeling combined with neurotic disorders often lead a woman to believe that she was gravely and terminally ill (eg, cancer).

Often the first sign of menopause Symptoms of menopause - when the desire is weakening in his eyes  Symptoms of menopause - when the desire is weakening in his eyes
   are sudden changes in blood pressure: high blood pressure, it is replaced by a sharp decline. Despite the fact that the critical figures do not reach these jumps, they are carried by women is painful, as accompanied by headaches, dizziness, and sometimes even a brief loss of consciousness.

Climacteric syndrome can be mild, moderate and severe.

If mild to moderate menopause the woman may retain the ability to work, the climacteric syndrome in severe her condition requires medical care.

 The first signs of menopause: meet the changes head-on

Atypical and complicated forms of climacteric syndrome

Atypical forms of climacteric syndrome in addition to the typical symptoms can include such acts as various rashes on the skin and mucous membranes, allergic reactions (up to neurodermatitis and asthma), signs cardioneurosis (constant aching pain in the heart).

In addition, there is an atypical form of climacteric syndrome, which is formed with premenstrual syndrome, and is characterized by recurrence of symptoms of menopause Symptoms of menopause: forewarned is forearmed  Symptoms of menopause: forewarned is forearmed
 That is, these signs appear at regular intervals, usually once a month.

Climacteric syndrome can be complicated, it happens in the case if a woman is suffering from a chronic illness for which heavier during menopause. Typical complicated forms of climacteric syndrome caused against the background of hypertension, thyroid disease, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers.

In climacteric gradually reduced immunity, and therefore often have an autoimmune disease (in the face of allergy to own tissues), such as rheumatoid arthritis Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications  Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
 , Ankylosing spondylitis.

Menopause - a physiological process, but sometimes it still requires medical treatment.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • symptoms of menopause

The psychological state of the menopause: why change the mood?

December 23, 2011

 the psychological state of menopause
 A woman, perhaps initially more difficult to live with. First comes the puberty Puberty child - stages of a complex path  Puberty child - stages of a complex path
 When they begin to grow hair in the "unusual" places increased mammary glands, appear strange and disturbing bleeding - menstruation. Then you need to get married, build a house, give birth and raise children to climb up the career ladder. And finally, as the final stage of all major life stages - it is the onset of menopause. No wonder that in menopausal women undergoing psychological state of a number of changes. But nevsegda woman can tie neurotic disorders and psychological changes with menopause. How to tell them apart and try to overcome?

The first need to know that the menopause begins on average 45 years old. No woman could not pass through the stage of menopause safely, including psychologically. Changes in mental attitude during menopause are different, but the reasons that lead to this, it is quite similar.

 The psychological state of the menopause: why change the mood?

Physiological causes

Menopause occurs due to ovarian failure, which in the reproductive age rapidly produce the female sex hormones - estrogens. The lack of estrogen at menopause leads to the development of neuropsychiatric disorders and vasomotor. This excessive sweating, hot flushes and exhausting, and emotional discomfort. The brain is a target organ for estrogens, and their lack of a negative impact on the emotional state of women. There are irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 , Tearfulness and impatience towards others, sometimes depression and suicidal thoughts. In turn, the constant ebb disrupt nighttime sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 Which also negatively affects the psychological condition of the woman.

Constant insomnia exacerbates the physical and emotional causes weakness and loss of interest in life and pleasures. Atrophic processes that develop in the genitals (vaginal dryness), contribute to the reduction of sexual desire (pain during intercourse), which also has a negative impact on the state of mind. Urinary incontinence, prolapse of genitals cause the woman a sense of inferiority and dissatisfaction with life.

 The psychological state of the menopause: why change the mood?

Psychological causes

Neurotic disorders occurring during menopause are also associated with psychological causes. As a rule, women in this age already has adult children, who have long been separated from their families. And then leans loneliness. The woman is programmed by nature to care about someone and can not realize itself in this sense. My husband appear their interests and hobbies, where he does not allow his wife. On the other hand, women who do not have children (for example, due to illness), perceive menopause as the collapse of all their hopes in relation to maternity.

In addition to the above items, menopause a woman is perceived as an inevitable stage of aging. She believes that has lost its attractiveness, youth (menstruation perceived as a sign of femininity) and charm. Flabby and wrinkled skin, chin, weight gain, change in shape of the breast are more proof of aging and loss of beauty. Especially hard going through menopause hot-tempered and excitable nature, as well as those who in the past had a tendency to depression and psychological trauma.

 The psychological state of the menopause: why change the mood?

Endocrine causes

In addition to the physiological and psychological reasons, changes in the emotional state of the women associated with hormones (estrogens not only). Permanent hormonal swings during menopause (the spike, then drop) is directly related to mood changes. If five minutes ago she was in a deep depression, at the present time it can laugh uncontrollably quite banal joke.

According to some studies it is known that estrogens affect the excitability of the brain receptors. The lack of female hormones causes a decrease in serotonin (hormone of happiness) and norepinephrine. These biochemical processes disrupt the balance in the brain and contribute to the appearance of psychiatric disorders (depression). Equally important in the development of neurotic disorders play thyroid hormones.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • menopause
