Early menopause: Why so fast?

January 27, 2012

 early menopause
 Early menopause can occur for various reasons, which lead to the depletion or complete cessation of ovarian function. Menopause is called early when it comes to 45 years. In the case where premature menopause occurs when no active influence on the ovaries in the form of their partial or complete removal, irradiation of radiation or chemotherapy, and in itself, indicate premature depletion of ovarian function. Such a state can begin well before 45 years old, still in his early youth.

 Early menopause: Why so fast?


It begins with the fact that menstruation is becoming increasingly scarce and rare .  This period lasts about a year, and then comes the last menstrual period .  As it determines only the latest in a year .  For some women, this period (premenopausal) lasts several years .  If this period began to 45 years, to confirm the diagnosis gives blood on hormones .  The diagnosis is confirmed if the blood revealed a reduced number of female sex hormones estrogen (they are distinguished by the ovaries) and the increased number of pituitary gonadotropins, whose main task to stimulate ovarian function (so, the lower stands of female sex hormones, the greater the pituitary gonadotropins) .  Most revealing is a significant reduction in the secretion of estradiol (the main estrogen), and increased secretion of pituitary follicle-stimulating hormone (it acts in the first half of the menstrual cycle to stimulate egg maturation) .

Premature menopause can begin when running out of eggs, or if the estrogen produced enough for the egg is ripe for one menstrual cycle. Then ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   (yield mature egg from the ovary) occurs every menstrual cycle, and less frequently, sometimes every few months. Some women with premature ovarian failure may even conceive. However, it happens very often, but this premature menopause differs from natural - presence in the ovaries of a number of viable eggs that can still ripen.

In some cases, early menopause occurs when the follicles (vesicles in which mature ova) are no longer perceived effect of hormones that leads to ovulation and menstruation rare or their total absence.

By the beginning of early menopause may lead transferred earlier cancer, the early stages of ovarian cancer, autoimmune disease (in the basis of these diseases is allergic to their own tissues - glomerulonephritis, rheumatoid arthritis Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications  Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
 , Graves' disease, and so on), smoking (especially if the woman every day smokes a pack or more of cigarettes a day), poor diet, especially at a young age (for example, frequent hard diet to lose weight), large neuro-psychological load and stress including experienced in childhood.

Finally, early menopause may occur after surgery, by partial or complete removal of the ovaries or uterus (hysterectomy contributes to impaired blood supply to the ovary and accordingly reduce their functions). The impact on the ovaries to radiation or various drugs that suppress their function may also cause the beginning of early menopause.

 Early menopause: Why so fast?


The onset of early menopause may be accompanied by symptoms such as flushing and upper body, night sweats, insomnia, disorders of the nervous system in the form of increased irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Nervousness, decreased performance, constant fatigue, memory loss and concentration. All this leads to constant conflicts at work and at home, the formation of neuroses, including accompanied by depression and suicide attempts.

In addition, there is a change on the part of metabolism - slowing down all metabolic processes. Due to violations of protein metabolism quickly enough is aging of the skin, disorders of carbohydrate and fat metabolism lead to the appearance of puffiness and overweight. Disturbed sexual function - can disappear libido, which leads to family conflicts and aggravation of neuroses.

Insufficient and irregular supply of female sex hormones can lead to changes in the mammary glands in violation of their sensitivity and the formation of mastopathy. The internal organs often appear loss of appetite, bloating (flatulence), constipation.

Another sign of early menopause are disorders of the musculoskeletal system: the body loses calcium, and with it increases muscle weakness, are thinning and brittle bones that can lead to the appearance of frequent fractures.

To improve the condition during early menopause helps proper nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
 : No diets just a balanced diet with lots of vegetables (including fresh, not thermally processed), fruits, cereals, milk products, cheese, lean meat and fish.

It should also be possible to move more, including watching and feasible sports: swimming, jogging, walking, bike riding and so on. Equally important is the exclusion of all stress and increased psycho-emotional stress.

Early menopause also requires timely treatment to the doctor and find out the reasons for its occurrence.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • menopause

Climax: the facts that you should know

March 30, 2012

  • Climax: the facts that you should know
  • Complications

 menopause facts
 Menopause - a period when estrogen production Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   and progesterone and ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   and the menstrual cycle stops. It is a natural part of a woman's life.


Symptoms Perimenopause

In most women, symptoms of perimenopause subside after the onset of menopause. At the same time, you can alleviate these symptoms, make you feel better. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will improve your health. The following tips can help you. Doing something you enjoy and spending time with people you love -Excellent ways to always be in a good mood at the time, as your body is experiencing changes of perimenopause.

  • What's happening

As hormone levels fall, periods may become irregular and hard to predict. These changes are often the first signs of perimenopause.

  • What you can do

Always carry pads or tampons How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
   in the event of an unexpected start of menstruation. You may also want to talk with your doctor about how to take birth control pills to regulate menstruation.


Treatment: Hormone Replacement Therapy

The use of estrogen as a supplement that the body is no longer manufactured and hormone replacement therapy, which uses a combination of estrogen and progestin (synthetic progesterone) are subject to hot discussion in recent years.

To learn more about women's health and especially about hormone replacement therapy was observed for a certain number of women who have already come a climax. Clinical trials were designed to study the effect of hormone replacement therapy, change of diet, the use of calcium and vitamin D in the manifestation of heart disease, fractures, and breast and colon.


Accept: to go through menopause

Remember the day when you were first month? Immediately this was followed by the realization that the next forty years, you have to deal with possible cramps, bloating, and a passionate desire to eat chocolate every month. We had to get used to it. But gradually the coming month became part of your everyday life. The same can be said about the menopause. When your monthly stop for good, you will need to get used to it mentally and physically. But you can be prepared for this, if you know a little more about what awaits you. If you can go through puberty Puberty child - stages of a complex path  Puberty child - stages of a complex path
 Then survive and menopause.
