Menopause - obesity: how to avoid it

January 11, 2012

 Menopause - obesity
 Menopause - a time when all kinds of reduced metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 That promotes the deposition of excess fat. Almost all women gain weight during this period of life, and some women develop obesity. For an elderly person obesity - it is a very dangerous condition, because the extra weight puts a strain on all the organs.

 Menopause - obesity: how to avoid it

Obesity as a result of reducing the amount of estrogen

In menopause (ie after the cease of menstruation) a reduction in the secretion of female hormones estrogen. Estrogens have very different effects on the human body. It was under the influence of estrogen occurs oocyte maturation in the ovaries, estrogen prepare the mother for the pregnancy, making the fat stores in the right locations, where required protective cushion for the prevention of injury to the child - in the hips and buttocks.

Once the amount of estrogen decreases, metabolism slows down Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   and the fat begins to save more. But the body is no longer required to store fat in the hips and buttocks, and under the influence of male sex hormones androgens (they always have in a woman's body) fat begins to be deposited on the male pattern in the internal organs and stomach. As a result, it may form a central or visceral obesity, which is much more dangerous than obesity on female type.

 Menopause - obesity: how to avoid it

Features central obesity in women

Central obesity is dangerous because it gives a lot of complications in the internal organs, especially on the part of the cardiovascular system. It is known that heart attacks and strokes at a young age are more often in men, especially prone to be overweight. With the onset of menopause in women, they are compared on the number of these diseases with men. This is the most dangerous result of obesity in women during menopause.

How do we determine that obesity was formed by the central type? To do this, just need to measure the circumference of the waist and hips. If these figures are equal to or exceed the waist circumference hip circumference, it indicates the presence of central obesity.

 Menopause - obesity: how to avoid it

How to deal with obesity during menopause

How to cope with this condition? First of all, you need to clearly know the cause of obesity - hormonal decline and the resulting decrease in the rate of metabolism in the body. The conclusion is clear: to reduce the weight you need to eat less and move more.

But everything is good in moderation. Therefore, some women practiced strict diets do not succeed, and sometimes contribute to further weight gain. The fact that the flow is too small amounts of nutrients causes the body to go to austerity - to save energy consumption. The energy obtained from food is to ensure the operation of metabolism, visceral and regular work during the day. In economy mode the metabolic processes proceed more slowly, and the reduction of energy for daily work leads to lethargy and inactivity. It is a vicious circle: the less a person eats, the more energy is stored in reserve, that is deposited in the form of fat.

A way out could be just the right balanced diet with fewer calories daily than in the young. The daily amount of calories better distribute five to six meals. This will make work constantly gastrointestinal tract and to take some of the energy, not allowing it to be deposited as fat.

 Menopause - obesity: how to avoid it

Psychotherapeutic techniques to combat obesity

Transition to a balanced diet means and the transition to eating only healthy foods. It's not as easy as it seems. If a woman has always loved fatty meats, sweets, cakes, and after menopause it is better to eat low-fat foods and eliminate simple carbohydrates (weakness and baking), it is not given so easily. Especially hard it falls under stress and high nervous and mental stress - want to "seize" the stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   something tasty, give yourself that little pleasure.

This process occurs at an unconscious level. And even if a woman understands what is happening, it is sometimes not able to cope with them and continue to use it for harmful products in large quantities. To help in this situation may be psychotherapeutic techniques that allow you to enter information directly into the subconscious, bypassing the mind. There are special psychotherapeutic techniques for treating obesity, which are conducted by doctors - psychotherapists. Depending on the skill of the therapist, they can have different effects on the body, including to be very effective.

But something can be done and the woman. In order to enter into the subconscious or that the information you need to prepare in advance and memorize a phrase-installation, for example, a "fatty and sugary foods - is poison for my body." The best time to introduce any facilities into the subconscious - a half-asleep state, which occurs when falling asleep, and as soon as the person wakes up. It was at this time and have to repeat many times the desired phrase. The effect will not be immediate - in order to "persuade" your subconscious mind takes time. But after a month of constant work on yourself you will notice a significant reduction in cravings for unhealthy foods.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • problems of menopause

Risk of cancer in menopause: What is to be feared

January 12, 2012

 Risk of cancer in menopause
 The next stage in a woman's life is menopause (menopause). Menopause - this is the last menstrual period, which was a year ago. Then follows postmenopausal Postmenopause - is it possible to control it?  Postmenopause - is it possible to control it?
 That is, the complete absence of menstruation. The risk of cancer increases at menopause, which is associated not only with the hormonal changes in the body and the woman's age, but also with taking hormone replacement therapy.

In most various benign and malignant processes develop in the age of 40-60 years. During this period the woman should pay attention to your health, be sure to twice a year to visit the gynecologist and pass an additional examination (pelvic ultrasound, mammography breast, etc.).

 Risk of cancer in menopause: What is to be feared

Endometrial hyperplasia in postmenopausal

Endometrial hyperplasia - a pathological growth of the mucous membrane of the uterus. Very often, endometrial hyperplasia develops during menopause, which is due to constant fluctuations in the levels of sex hormones and the depletion of ovarian function. Additional risk factors for endometrial hyperplasia are diabetes, hypertension and overweight. There are two basic forms of endometrial hyperplasia: typical and atypical (adenomatosis). In the absence of treatment of endometrial hyperplasia can develop into cancer of the endometrium (especially atypical form). It manifested the disease irregular menstruation and constant uterine bleeding. Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia is separate diagnostic curettage of cervical and uterine cavity, followed by hormone therapy (progestogens: norkolut, Depo-Provera, a 17-DIC).

 Risk of cancer in menopause: What is to be feared

Uterine fibroids at menopause

In menopause increases the risk of uterine fibroids or rapid growth. This disease is also linked to hormonal disruptions in menopause. Manifested acyclic uterine fibroids bleeding, pain in the abdomen and lower back, the syndrome of compression of adjacent organs (bowel and bladder). In the case of the rapid growth of uterine fibroids and increase its size more than 12 weeks of pregnancy, surgery is performed. Fibroids is one of the risk factors for endometrial cancer. Fibroids small size also treat hormone (progestin). Positive point - is the opposite of uterine fibroids in postmenopausal (ovaries do not function practically and hormone levels to normal).

 Risk of cancer in menopause: What is to be feared

Endometrial cancer in menopause

Endometrial cancer is a cancer of the mucous membrane of the uterus. Endometrial cancer is in first place among all cancers of the female reproductive organs. Endometrial cancer arises as a result of the action of estrogen. The main causes of this disease are: late menopause (60 years later), early onset of menstruation, lack of delivery, multiple abortions, obesity, hypertension and diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 . The main symptoms of endometrial cancer are: uterine bleeding, the occurrence of cables (mixed with blood and foul smelling), abdominal pain (in severe cases) and cancer cachexia (wasting). Treatment consists of surgical removal of the uterus, followed by prescribing progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   and tamoxifen (anti-oestrogenic). Radiation therapy and radiotherapy administered in case of contraindications to surgery and an increased risk of recurrence of the disease.

 Risk of cancer in menopause: What is to be feared

Breast cancer in menopause

The development of breast cancer is not associated with menopause and with long-term use of hormone replacement therapy. Additional factors affecting the development of the disease are heredity, diabetes, hypertension, frequent abortions, smoking, obesity and lack of labor. On palpation of the breast is found in dense, hilly painless education, as well as an increase in axillary lymph nodes Axillary lymph nodes - signals about trouble in the mammary glands  Axillary lymph nodes - signals about trouble in the mammary glands
 . Perhaps the presence of secretions (often with blood) from the nipple, and the nipple retracted. Additional features of breast cancer are the presence of rash and so-called lemon peel. Treatment of the disease is surgical removal of the breast.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • problems of menopause
