Jeanine - not only contraception but also protection against acne - Side effects and contraindications

February 19, 2013

  • Jeanine - not only contraception but also protection against acne
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 side effects when taking Jeanine

Side effects when taking Jeanine

Jeanine is generally well tolerated. At the same time when his admission may appear headache, breast tenderness, nausea - symptoms common to all hormonal contraceptives. For sufficiently long reception Jeanine these phenomena are reduced or completely.

Very rarely cases of venous or arterial thrombosis. Therefore, the appearance of symptoms such as pain, swelling or numbness in one side of the body, sudden severe chest pain Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
 Radiating to the left arm, sudden shortness of breath, coughing, partial or complete loss of vision, severe prolonged headache, double vision, movement disorders, sudden sharp pain in the abdomen Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 An urgent need to call an ambulance.

 Side effects and contraindications | Janine - not only contraception but also protection against acne

Contraindications for use

Like most drugs Janine has a number of contraindications:

  • the presence of thrombosis of the veins and arteries, pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident;
  • predinsultnye condition, angina pectoris;
  • diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   with vascular complications;
  • severe liver diseases including benign and malignant tumors;
  • malignant genital tumors, or breast or suspicion of them;
  • vaginal bleeding of unknown origin;
  • Pregnancy or suspicion of it;
  • Hypersensitivity to the drug.

 Side effects and contraindications | Janine - not only contraception but also protection against acne

As reflected in the reception Jeanine pregnancy and breastfeeding

Studies have found no increased risk of any complications in children whose mothers took hormonal contraceptives prior to pregnancy in the early stages of pregnancy or during breast-feeding Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
 . However, as the reception of Janine is contraindicated during pregnancy (may cause an interruption) and breastfeeding (may decrease the amount of breast milk and change its composition).

Hormonal contraceptive Janine belongs to a new generation of drugs. It was developed by the pharmaceutical Schering (Germany). This firm is reliable and high quality products.

Late-term abortions - only on medical grounds - Forum

November 1, 2009

  • Late-term abortions - only for medical reasons
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Girls do not kill children! how to honor you is a horror hair on end become !!! for your sins past and your future children will have pity on them to pay !! and their health (((
Vikochka, I understand even more, by reading your article, I experienced again a story that happened to me, but my most terrible date for the lives of 24 of October. Now I write to you and sluzy on the eyes ... It will never go away from my thoughts, probably not a day goes by that I have not thought about made me. Very sorry. very bad. shame but there are no words, of course everyone can judge me, but had no choice, but just my mom ..
Almost perfect analyzes were by 2 ultrasound - a bit short of the nose bone. They offered an amniocentesis, 27 years old, my husband is not much more. I think - I will do for my own peace of mind, in any case, will be the first to leave the desired child. But after the announcement of the diagnosis - Down syndrome all your boldness and courage to fly away into the abyss. It was totally against abortion - thought - life never do, but when in front of you gets a choice between killing in late pregnancy (21 weeks.) And lifelong torment of three people - you become a murderer. The worst thing - he already understands it - a small copy of the child, you see it. And understand you only survivor like, others just feel sorry for "ship" this is not just a terrible story and a horror movie. All your "high morals" and Christianity simply evaporate.
To quote Natalya:
We were preparing for pregnancy floor goda.Ya pregnant, my husband and I were happy, really! until I went to the second routine ultrasound. UPU revealed: transposition of the great vessels. Doctors say the baby will survive if surgery immediately after birth, will suffer all his life, need multiple operations, is constantly disclosed sternum child infusion into it of medications. But the decision to take my husband. It is very difficult, I love this baby, he is constantly moving, we have 22 weeks, he's so beautiful on these screens uzi.Kak be I do not know!
  I understand you perfectly. Similar situation. Also 22 weeks. After 2 days I will go to a good hospital, check again. I pray so as not confirmed. Place yourself can not find. I'm so used to it. I look forward to. and when it is kicked, it is a magical feeling. And now such horrible methods of abortion. That's like a lifetime lead a healthy lifestyle, like so want this baby, and then that's that. But moms alkashek and other babies are born healthy and they leave them in hospitals. not fair somehow.
We were preparing for pregnancy floor goda.Ya pregnant, my husband and I were happy, really! until I went to the second routine ultrasound. UPU revealed: transposition of the great vessels. Doctors say the baby will survive if surgery immediately after birth, will suffer all his life, need multiple operations, is constantly disclosed sternum child infusion into it of medications. But the decision to take my husband. It is very difficult, I love this baby, he is constantly moving, we have 22 weeks, he's so beautiful on these screens uzi.Kak be I do not know!
Girls .. do not listen to the doctors on the word! I beg you! recheck hundred times and in other clinics. late-term abortions are sometimes made by physicians with the baby vygodoy- stem cells are used in medicine and they cost big money. And doctors lie with impunity. If you are leaning toward abortion doctors if claimed that the pathology based only on ultrasound and perinatal research, if you want to apply them to court if you have been told doctors that the baby was born sick and zdorovyy- write pozhadluysta me his story, hospital number and name doctor. Physicians must not go unpunished. otherwise they will continue to use its position and neglects to the lives of children. Why for their mistakes, they are not responsible? ***
Quoting vikki:
first just I decided to check out and then just could not resist, that would not write simply the soul is torn apart by such words !!!! : cry: how to sleep, so we are smart, then we do the right choice and to advance to think about the consequences, so it did not have brains enough !!!! and then rant about women's rights
  In fact, there were such cases when kids (eight years old, all began to realize with cerebral palsy and severe disabilities and suffering, but those who can speak (!)), Say, "Mom, why you gave birth to me?"
Quoting Ludashka:
Abortion by partial birth - it's just tough! : cry:
  It is generally tin, but I read that abortion by partial birth of a fetus saves on average! 15 !, because his brain suck, and using these cells save cancer patients! 4 degrees of Cancer !, so saved my friend. So think for yourself, decide for yourself ...
Hello! I'm 24 years old, made on 34nelede abotr .  seh me up terribly long when I think about it! the doctor advised to do inducing labor, it was 27dekabrya right before New Year! I started to drip something, but I could not open the cervix! decided to have an abortion because she was afraid that I could not nurse the child's disability, he had potologii right lower limb .  a gynecologist who was to take delivery cord pulled me I was lying and tearfully watched how they forcibly pulled out of my life, and then she put me there and then press the button I omnyu only that the pain I fainted .  Then I made anesthesia and waking, I heard they were trying to rattle inside me break his spine! then a sharp sound, and from there poured something teplloe .   The doctor then went left me I began to bleed, it became an urgent cause, then I was sent to the House to say goodbye to his family, I felt that something is wrong !!! We said good-bye, and again under the knife! I woke up in intensive care 29dekabrya, all the while they were fighting for my life, and I went in the other world .   Now I blame myself for this act, I do not know how to survive again this day 27dekabrya .   help I'm going crazy .  
I have too much to say that her daughter would never even sit, let alone how to walk or talk, and even after birth was diagnosed with central nervous system ... together all maternity hospital persuaded to give it up, saying that, why is it so you need me only 20 years old give birth to a dozen. But I took it ... in 4 months, she began to crawl, get up at 6 in the crib itself, and nearly 10 start itself hodit.Seychas her almost year and a half chatting with might and main. Neurologists and pediatricians only shrug, care and good care, and most importantly the love works wonders! ) It is not always necessary to listen to the doctors and, especially now that the doctors sent specifically to abortion in the later stages of the benefits, because from materials of abortion make expensive preparations against skin aging ... it's not isolated cases, on such a fact has been instituted no criminal proceedings in different parts of Russia.
I quote:
I read and come to the horror of each subsequent comment .  What are all correct, you can not kill .  Of course not! you can not, if it's the fact that her husband threw or what else home (yes, it does) I also think that a child - is a miracle, and God help him if he is sent .  My husband and I had planned and wanted child .  previous abortions I had, but I think without a shudder of this could not .  And here, we boy 22 weeks .  with multiple malformations and a high risk of chromosomal abnormality .  Until recently I was not going to accept an interrupt, even when I saw that the defects are progressing .  But when the day before yesterday also revealed a heart defect .   And you will say, do not kill, do not torture? And when he is born, he will not suffer? What do you all think when mindlessly agitiruete bear and judge? In life here such situations happen where there is no right decision .  I DO NOT WANT TO BE YOUR CHILD MURDERER .  but what to do to be "good" and to condemn him to endless torment and operation, if any, will be .
  And how many cases when after the delivery, this bunch of diagnoses is not confirmed? Even on these two pages there are now history. If the baby was going to die and he did not really compatible with the life of the diagnoses, the better that he himself would die when born. Not the fact that it will suffer more than choking saline or bleeding from severed hands. Better he dies himself, and not from the mother's hands. You also then live with it and suffer conscience. I was told that her daughter will not go, and that she was deaf. It has not been confirmed. And even if it proved to be true, I would have took her in a wheelchair and learn the language of the deaf, because it is in any case better than to kill. A son prophesied kidney infection. After discharge from the hospital district doctor, looking at the certificate asked, where is the diagnosis? A diagnosis was not, because we have all been good.
Everyone decides for himself .  but if someone is now reading this site, and is considering a decision, please think again !!! I want someone made the same mistake as me !!! I was 18 years old . grew up in a poor family, the father is missing .  mother of the doctor at the district hospital .  I went to study .  and then "Prince" .  as if I got in a fairy tale .  He was 21 years old, his business in my life seen such a luxury .  six months pregnant . and once the problem 2 times on maintaining .  gynecologists to neurologists, they give the paper a pregnancy may be prolonged . and the term incomprehensible .  by month .  30 and Uzi puts 17 .  there are no stomach .  He began to change, as long as I'm in the hospital (I later learned that he was a drug addict) .  He said that let you suffer an abortion clinic here, at any stage make .  I'm a gynecologist, once ultrasound 22 weeks .  Well, I went to an abortion .  stimulated me about the morning hours a day had the bout, only took a day to give birth .  went into labor the doctor says . yes you have 36 weeks, what the child will subside? if you take away survive? I'm talking of course take away .  They abandoned me, baby in intensive care .  after half an hour the doctor came back finished . I instead went to lie in intensive care, his legs give way in the eyes of the dark .  and in my head, Lord, please, if only he survived, I'm a million times all this just to survive, he lived .  The child died of heart failure in the evening .  I call a failed father, and say it is necessary to bury the child, and he, that if a man's arm cut off, it buries its Th! they buried the baby in the hospital cemetery .  with "Prince" we parted .  I am now married 2 years ago zaberemenela- placental abruption 27 week .  Now I can not even get pregnant .  I still have a husband, job, apartment, expensive car .  but not the main thing, children .  I still reproach myself .  I blame only .  You know, I dream about it and calls me .  Doctors diagnosed with infertility . is the price paid for this sin .  the most difficult to realize the hours never buy life, that no one never let me call my mother, and forgive me if this act itself .  Girls if there is no honey . grounds to give birth . better then to give it to a childless family .  but do not kill !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tatiana I quote:
  I do not want to be the murderer of his child. but what to do to be "good" and to condemn him to endless torment and operation, if at all.
  Tatiana, you have the right to decide. Only you, the readers of this site is not, and is not even your husband. But you're a mother and you have the right to choose what is best for your baby. Sometimes mothers are killing children and grown ... out of mercy, because they can not stand the pain of their child. No one ever has the right to condemn you for your choice. This is my personal opinion.
I read and come to the horror of each subsequent comment .  What are all correct, you can not kill .  Of course not! you can not, if it's the fact that her husband threw or what else home .   (yes, it really is .   ) I also think that a child - is a miracle, and God help him if he is sent .  My husband and I had planned and wanted child .  previous abortions I had, but I think without a shudder of this could not .  And here, we boy 22 weeks .  with multiple malformations and a high risk of chromosomal abnormality .  Until recently I was not going to accept an interrupt, even when I saw that the defects are progressing .  But when the day before yesterday also revealed a heart defect .   And you will say, do not kill, do not torture? And when he is born, he will not suffer? What do you all think when mindlessly agitiruete bear and judge? In life here such situations happen where there is no right decision .  I DO NOT WANT TO BE YOUR CHILD MURDERER .  but what to do to be "good" and to condemn him to endless torment and operation, if any, will be .
Hi .  I want not a lot to tell you something about yourself on your CONSIDERATION .  2006 .  I gave birth to a charming daughter, but after a year and a month later I get pregnant again .  No you do not think or anything bad, my husband and I were in seventh heaven because we had twins .  At 25 weeks I went to the hospital to save .  And there making my ultrasound the doctors said that both girls went backlog feet for one week .  You have no idea how they are (ie, . e .  doctors) took me to turn after this result .  They came by 5-6 times per day and worked at night .  Honestly attack was moral and psychological such a strong way I nevstrechala nor when and where! In general, I received on April 1, 4th cut me all caesarean .  In the intensive care unit doctor he said they did not breathe, saying that the dead were .  What then happened to me words can not describe .  And out of it to doctors absolutely do not care about your condition after experiencing . When lying in the ward took a knife and began to quietly begin by cutting arms .  Prevented a phone call a friend, she had worked as a psychologist . Here it is from me, cut and saved .  After leaving the hospital began to drink .  Then my mother came for help to get a job .  I can not say that everything is forgotten, but a little dull pain .  And then after 1, 5mes .  I start all over again, because I went to the morgue and there pathologist issues a certificate that the children were healthy .  Simply, they were closely together in here they were stronger legs poprizhaty .  Because of what the ultrasound machine was not able to properly measure the length of the legs .  Believe me then I hated myself for what was broken, for the fact that did not go away from the hospital for something that could not prevent the double murder .  And then gradually moved to the hatred of those doctors .  After surgery meenya shifted to another department, and when she met the doctor who sent me to an abortion they began passing on my nose to turn up .  Like we did their job is now live as you wish .  I know, though not the religiously fan, but for our abortion god still punishing us . Someone then feels bad to have children at all, someone then gives birth to sick children well, and someone then just something in life nevezёt .  And I, too, he was punished in 2010 I gave birth to a daughter all her diagnoses seem at whole company enough .  She did not just dead, and once in front of me .  Believe me it is very scary to see .  We are now home with her and it seems the worst is over .  But I was told "nezarekaysya" .  But still I hope only for the best . So lovely woman if you do not want children to purchase contraception at least a year in advance .  If you become pregnant to give birth do not be afraid or anything . You do not have nothing and no one to stop the urge to have a baby .  And if you do not need, then out of it is not necessary to become pregnant do yourself a tubal ligation, and your problem will be solved forever .  I beg you do not make, what I did .  And do think about what happiness to look into those little eyes, to touch this little hand, see that little smile on the face of your baby .  Out of it, and no one will never be like you, like your baby .  Take, for your all sorts of phobias and other *** s to share a place under the sun and at your table with the future REBЁNOCHKOM .  And all the rest will come with time believe me !!!
Do not become a killer - a woman! I myself once suggested to his wife to have an abortion when she was pregnant (was afraid of responsibility, I was 19). What I was an idiot! 26. Now I still can not afford forgive. Abortion, by the way, thank God wife did, and what I now have a nice daughter! 4 goda.No forgive myself, I still do not mogu.Nedavno way more son was born. And I, idiot, again nakosyachil. She told me - what to do? I - up to you. And this is another load to me. Son has 1, 5. For myself firmly decided - even if pregnant - will only FOR! This is really murder, but perhaps you do not even understand ... then, and it will be very bad.
I read and was moved, I swear! Innocence rushing from all cracks! Dear ladies, please explain, someone forced you or cheated? Nonsense .  How can you think of to tear apart, and throw to suck debris live person because you were too lazy to take a pill? This is generally how ??? Such majority .  It called on the MOD * Recommend enlightened in full, before heading to the abortion clinics, especially in the later period .  If available for an Internet blog themes of abortion, and find other information .  You resent the abuse of women and children, terrorism, war and the low standard of living? Look in the mirror .  Most of the problem - in their heads, in the women's heads, and not a man, a beautiful life, strange substance "everything you need" .  So, learn to sleep, but to think his head - no .  Oppositely, when women begin to pretend to be poor sheep - "did not know", "I did not notice", "and he was gone," "*** tore", etc. . d .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
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