Contraceptives for women over 40 years: the danger remains

November 8th, 2011

 Contraceptives for women
 Women older than 40 years for some time retain the ability to conceive, because the period of fertility in each individual. But despite retaining the ability to get pregnant, women of late reproductive age often forget about contraception. This sad fact is confirmed by a large number of abortions in women after 40 years. It becomes obvious that in this age of contraception is needed. But the question arises, what contraceptives suitable for women older than 40 years.

 Contraceptives for women over 40 years: the danger remains

The essence of contraception after 40 years

Contraception for women over 40 years, accept all methods. Selection of contraceptives should be done together with your doctor, who will take into account contraindications to one or another method of birth control. The main quality of what must have contraceptives for women Contraceptives for women - whether you need a gynecologist?  Contraceptives for women - whether you need a gynecologist?
   Late childbearing age:

  • reliable protection against pregnancy;
  • prevention of age-related diseases (osteoporosis, ovarian cancer, anemia and others);
  • therapeutic effect (endometrial hyperplasia, anemia, menstrual and menopausal syndrome).

 Contraceptives for women over 40 years: the danger remains

Physiological method of contraception

By physiological methods of contraception are counting fertile days (calendar method, the measurement of basal body temperature). Advantages of the method: the complete absence of side effects and is suitable for all women.

Drawbacks: does not prevent infection, sexually transmitted diseases, has no curative and preventive qualities, requires constant attention and monitoring.

 Contraceptives for women over 40 years: the danger remains

The barrier method of contraception

By this method include the use of condoms, diaphragms, cervical caps and vaginal sponges. Condoms are the best option.

Diaphragms, caps and sponges are not used as a very uncomfortable and have a number of contraindications: cervicitis Cervicitis - can cause infertility  Cervicitis - can cause infertility
 , The omission of sexual organs, inflammatory diseases of the sexual sphere. In addition, caps and diaphragm have low contraceptive effect, are inconvenient to use and do not protect against sexually transmitted infections. Condoms are preferable in this regard.

 Contraceptives for women over 40 years: the danger remains

Surgical sterilization

The method consists in the ligature of the fallopian tubes through laparoscopy. This is an irreversible method of contraception is 100% contraceptive effect.

Disadvantages surgical sterilization: laparoscopy Laparoscopy - why is it necessary?  Laparoscopy - why is it necessary?
   contraindicated in women with obesity, hypertension and diabetes (high risk of postoperative wound festering). Moreover, sterilization does not protect against sexually transmitted infections, hepatitis and HIV and has no curative and preventive properties.

 Contraceptives for women over 40 years: the danger remains

Intrauterine contraceptive method

Introduction IUD is an effective method of contraception. Advantages: high contraceptive effect, fast recovery of reproductive function, no systemic effects on the body. Disadvantages of the method include: a high risk of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, heavy menstruation with iron deficiency anemia.

It is strictly forbidden to IUD insertion in women with multiple uterine myoma Multiple uterine fibroids - a frequent phenomenon  Multiple uterine fibroids - a frequent phenomenon
 , Painful menstruation, history of trophoblastic disease (hydatidiform mole, horionkartsinoma), cervical cancer, and others.

Intrauterine contraceptive method does not protect against sexually transmitted infections and has no curative and preventive properties.

 Contraceptives for women over 40 years: the danger remains

Hormonal contraceptive method

Hormonal contraceptives are the best way to prevent pregnancy in women older than 40 years. They are reliable, prevent the development of diseases, facilitate climacteric symptoms and prolong a young woman. Furthermore, combined oral contraceptives are used to prevent osteoporosis.

Combined oral contraceptives are contraindicated in hypertension, diabetes and obesity, and smoking women. In this case, we recommend taking pills containing only progestogen (mini-pill).

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • Contraceptives

How do emergency contraception: caution especially

June 27, 2012

 How do emergency contraception
 Emergency contraception are designed for women who have had unprotected sex, but they do not want to get pregnant. This tool does not allow to happen fertilize an egg. Emergency contraception, for example, postinor Postinor - used very carefully!  Postinor - used very carefully!
 They are not abortifacients, since they do not interrupt the beginning of pregnancy. They are designed for cases when regular contraception does not work out. The sooner accepted means of emergency contraception, the more effective it is.

 How do emergency contraception: caution especially

Time frame

Conception does not occur immediately after sexual intercourse, and in a few days. At this time the sperm moves through the fallopian tubes, which should reach the egg. Emergency contraception are effective if you take them within 72 hours after sexual intercourse, then 12 hours later a second dose should be taken.

 How do emergency contraception: caution especially


Emergency contraception contains the same material as regular contraceptives, but in high doses. Some of them contain the hormone levonorgestrel, others - two hormones, estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   and progestin. Estrogen suppresses ovulation, that is, prevents the egg, progestin prevents the sperm to fertilize the egg and the egg does not attach to the uterine wall.

 How do emergency contraception: caution especially

Side effects

Possible side effects include dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 , Vomiting, fatigue, headache, and menstrual irregularities. Manufacturers claim that emergency contraception have an efficiency of more than 80%.

 How do emergency contraception: caution especially


Adult women are free to purchase emergency contraception in pharmacies without a prescription. Girls under 16 should first consult a doctor and get a prescription.

 How do emergency contraception: caution especially

Additional considerations

Emergency contraception are less effective if there were several instances of unsafe sex during the menstrual period. Also, the means can not work if you vomit within an hour after ingestion. If this occurs, consult a doctor.

 How do emergency contraception: caution especially

How to avoid taking the pills for emergency contraception

Emergency contraception contains the same hormones as regular birth control pills, but their dose considerably higher. Often, emergency contraceptive pills mistakenly called abortnymi pills. In fact, first, unlike the second, able only to prevent pregnancy, and are useless if embryo implantation has already occurred. Side effects of emergency contraceptive pills include nausea, vomiting, headaches, weakness. In addition, the "loading dose" of hormones can cause disturbances of the menstrual cycle, so try to avoid these drugs and think about the prevention of pregnancy in advance.

  • Take oral contraceptives. Take the pill in one and the same time may not always be convenient, but it is incomparably more secure and efficient means of emergency contraception. The only drawback is that if you forget to take the pill at the time, the probability of becoming pregnant increases. In this case it is better to use the next period additional protection.
  • Use condoms. They are sold in stores, kiosks and gas stations, so do not even need to wait to open a pharmacy. But it is always better to have a couple of condoms with them. They not only eliminate the need to resort to emergency methods of contraception, but also are a reliable means of protection against many diseases, sexually transmitted diseases.
  • The injection of Depo-Provera three months suppresses ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 ; This method can be used without harm to health to use for two years. Depo-Provera is particularly well suited to those with unstable schedule and for whom taking oral contraceptives daily at the same time - a real problem.

Article Tags:
  • methods of contraception
