Mifepristone: medical termination of pregnancy by the French pharmacists - Facts

December 21, 2008

  • Mifepristone: medical termination of pregnancy by the French pharmacists
  • Data

Facts about mifepristone

Mifepristone is used for medical abortion in early pregnancy. It is an alternative to invasive methods of abortion. The tool is approved by the Food and Drug Administration, it has no long-term side effects to the reproductive system - the woman retains the ability to further a healthy pregnancy.

 Facts | Mifepristone: medical termination of pregnancy by the French pharmacists

What mifepristone

This drug, sold by prescription, which is used to terminate pregnancies at an early stage. He is also known as RU-486, mifegin Mifegin - performing well?  Mifegin - performing well?
 , Mifepreks and so on.

 Facts | Mifepristone: medical termination of pregnancy by the French pharmacists

How it works

Mifepristone - an artificial steroid that blocks progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 Hormone necessary for continuation of pregnancy. 48 hours after taking mifepristone, misoprostol (prostaglandin) which causes uterine contractions and expulsion of the fetus.

 Facts | Mifepristone: medical termination of pregnancy by the French pharmacists

When can I take mifepristone

Mifepristone can be taken only if a LMP been less than 49 days. In the opposite case it decreases efficiency and increases the likelihood of side effects.

If both funds taken as prescribed by a doctor, the efficiency reaches 95-97%.

 Facts | Mifepristone: medical termination of pregnancy by the French pharmacists

Where can I buy mifepristone

Only physicians with appropriate training can give you mifepristone. He is not available for sale in pharmacies.

 Facts | Mifepristone: medical termination of pregnancy by the French pharmacists

Side effects

Side effects of medical abortion may be severe bleeding, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, painful cramps. They mainly causes the second means, misoprostol Misoprostol - indications for abortion  Misoprostol - indications for abortion

 Facts | Mifepristone: medical termination of pregnancy by the French pharmacists


Mifepristone is sometimes confused with the means for emergency contraception, such as Postinor Postinor - used very carefully!  Postinor - used very carefully!
 . These are completely different drugs for different situations. Emergency contraception contains the same material as regular birth control pills, they are designed to prevent pregnancy. Abortifacients used to terminate pregnancy.

 Facts | Mifepristone: medical termination of pregnancy by the French pharmacists


In medical abortion there are a number of contraindications. This disease of blood clotting, adrenal failure, severe anemia and hereditary porphyria. Mifepristone is not prescribed for an ectopic pregnancy in the case of allergy to components means.

Before you decide on a medical abortion, it is necessary to carefully weigh the risks. Among other things, mifepristone increases the risk of sepsis.

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  • mifepristone

Curettage - Women's mini-surgery - Recovery

June 12, 2012

  • Curettage - Women's mini-operation
  • Restoration

 curettage recovery

Recovery after curettage

After the procedure, the patient must be delivered scraping home. After general anesthesia she may persist for a while a twilight state of consciousness, sometimes nausea and vomiting. Back to normal life is possible in a day or two. It should be clarified by a doctor, there is a need at this time to comply with any restrictions. In addition, within a few days, the patient may show spasms and small amount of bleeding. This is normal. These days, you can use panty liners Feminine pads - talk about wings  Feminine pads - talk about wings
   and take painkillers to reduce pain.

In addition, after curettage can move the menstrual cycle, that is, menstruation can begin earlier or later. To the uterus does not become infected, you need a little time off from sexual conduct, as well as the use of tampons How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
 Up to the moment when the doctor says that a serious risk of infection is gone.

You must come to the follow-up visits with your doctor to develop a program of follow-up treatment, if it is needed. If the tissue samples from the uterus after the procedure were sent to the biopsy, you need to ask your doctor when to expect results. They usually come in a few days.

 Recovery | Curettage - Women's mini-operation

Curettage: Risks

Curettage procedure involves the following risks:

  • Bleeding. Large hemorrhage are rare. This can happen if, during the procedure, curettage uterine wall damage the tool or unrecognized fibroid.
  • Infection. There is always a small risk of infection during the introduction of instruments into the uterus. Most of these infections are easily cured with antibiotics. But there are serious infectious diseases.
  • Perforation of the uterus. This complication, in principle, a rare, often occurs in women who have the procedure at the time of an infection of the uterus, post-menopausal women, as well as in cases where the procedure is performed by curettage abortion. If the doctor suspects the existence of such complications, the patient is left for some time in the hospital to monitor her condition or conduct another operation.
  • Asherman's syndrome. This complication is rare and involves the formation and scar tissue in the uterus due to the rough scraping Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure  Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure
   or unusual reactions to this procedure. This can lead to the fact that the uterus is completely covered with severe scarring. This may completely stop menstruation, infertility patient faces.
  • Unrecognized disease. Studies have shown that only 10-20% of the uterine cavity purged during curettage, so there is the likelihood that any disease may go unnoticed. For this reason, today the procedure is not performed without concomitant hysteroscopy Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterus inside  Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterus inside

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  • abortion
