Hormonal contraceptives Postinor is intended for emergency prevention of pregnancy. Each tablet contains Postinor hormone - a synthetic analogue of progesterone at a dose ten times higher than the same dose of the drug contained in the oral contraceptive for permanent use.
The monthly cycle of normal
Menstrual cycle consists of two phases. During the first phase of major sex hormones are estrogens. In addition, a great impact on the menstrual cycle has the pituitary follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Under the influence of these hormones in the ovary egg matures and grows up to volume inside the mucous membrane of the uterus.
As soon as the egg matures, this information enters the central nervous system, which is under the influence of hormonal changes. The pituitary gland starts to produce another hormone - luteinizing (LH) Under the influence of this hormone follicle bursts (bubble) in which the egg is matured and is released from the ovary.
At the site of the ruptured follicle forms a temporary endocrine gland - the corpus luteum, which produces the female sex hormone progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
- Hormone second half of the menstrual cycle. Under the influence of progesterone the mucous membrane of the uterus stops increasing in volume and starts to produce the secret required for pregnancy.
If pregnancy does not occur, the signal it again enters the central nervous system, which "instructs" for the gradual fading of the corpus luteum. Stopping hormonal support causes rejection of the mucous membrane of the uterus, and menstrual bleeding.
How does postinor
Action Postinor is based on the mechanism of action of one of the female hormone - progesterone, as it contains a synthetic analogue of progesterone levonorgestrel. Thus, if in hormonal contraceptives recommended for continuous use, levonorgestrel is contained mainly in the dose of 30 mcg (eg mikrolyute), then it Postinor 750 micrograms.
Under the influence of Postinor mucous membrane of the uterus changes its properties, and the fertilized egg can not penetrate it. Shortly after receiving Postinor (and it is recommended to take two to twelve-hour break) the level of progesterone in the blood decreases sharply, which causes rejection of the mucous membrane bleeding.
This "hormonal blow" is able to completely disrupt the work of ovaries and pituitary gland (pituitary gonadotropins selection depends on the number of female sex hormones: the more of them, the less distinguished gonadotropin-releasing hormone).
Violations monthly in the form of various types of bleeding when using Postinor
With proper single administration Postinor no more frequently than once every six months, complications in most cases do not happen. But sometimes there are menstrual irregularities and of single use Postinor. Most often this happens in the case when a woman originally had some menstrual disorders or in young girls, whose menstrual cycle is not yet fully formed.
The most frequent violations are intermenstrual bleeding and spotting. When receiving a one-time, they usually are, but if you take Postinor
Postinor - used very carefully!
often, so-called "breakthrough" bleeding are not uncommon. It can also increase the duration and intensity of menstrual bleeding. If time does not take action (that is, not to see a doctor), such bleeding can lead to iron deficiency anemia
Iron deficiency anemia: how dangerous it is?
(along with the red blood cells woman loses iron, which is part of the gemogolobina contained in red blood cells). This will cause a general weakening of the body.
Bleeding can be very strong and, in such case, a woman may need urgent medical attention.
Violations monthly in the form of persistent dysfunction of the ovaries
Sometimes, instead of bleeding, there are other menstrual irregularities. It can be painful periods, scanty menses
Scarce or monthly hypomenstrual syndrome - a call to action
or even their absence. These symptoms indicate that the ovaries have been significant changes. Moreover, changes may occur in the pituitary gland, causing the affected oocyte maturation in the ovary and its exit from the ovary (ovulation) and the integration with the uterine wall, i.e. come persistent infertility.
How long this state will last and whether it will be amenable to treatment it depends on the individual woman. Therefore, if the menstrual disorders in patients receiving Postinor yet occurred, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Postinor - a highly effective hormonal contraceptive, which should be used only under medical supervision.
Galina Romanenko