Baziron - a gel that will get rid of blackheads and comedones

November 9, 2011

 Baziron - gel
 AU Baziron made in gel form at a concentration of 2, 5 to 10%. This preparation requires a long course of treatment and the correct application - in this case, its effectiveness is high enough baziron can get rid of blackheads 30 tips on how to get rid of blackheads  30 tips on how to get rid of blackheads
   kamedonov and for a long time.

 Baziron - a gel that will get rid of blackheads and comedones

How does the gel on the skin baziron

Gel baziron (active ingredient - benzoyl peroxide) has antimicrobial action and shelled dissolves dead skin cells. In addition, it improves the oxygen supply to tissues and inhibits sebum production.

All these qualities are needed for the treatment of acne Acne treatment: how to get rid of blackheads  Acne treatment: how to get rid of blackheads
 Which occurs when an excess in the body of male hormones. Under the influence of hormones sebaceous glands begin to secrete large amounts of sebum with the chemical composition, which promotes an increase in its viscosity. Simultaneously, the process of separating from the skin of dead cells. Dead cells mixed with sticky sebum, clog pores. Then they cover the dust and dirt, causing the grease tube take the form of black dots. Inside clogged sebaceous glands begin to multiply rapidly pyogenic bacteria, which leads to the formation of ulcers on the skin or acne (acne).

Gel baziron prescribed for a long period of time not less than three months. If used correctly and in accordance with the instructions, then a month later will be seen a positive effect: the skin is drier, the amount of sebum is reduced, the majority of acne disappear. Decrease the number of blackheads (comedones). Three months later, the skin will improve even more. If you treat Baziron courses prescribed by a doctor, not your own, then it really does get rid of acne.

Baziron gel, which was created specifically for the treatment of the skin, suddenly found another use: it was observed that it promotes faster healing of venous ulcers of the lower limbs, which often occur with varicose veins Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?  Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?
 . As is known, sores are formed when there is insufficient blood supply to the tissues, ie, with shortfall tissue cells of nutrients and oxygen. Baziron Gel improves the oxygen supply, which promotes the healing of venous ulcers.

 Baziron - a gel that will get rid of blackheads and comedones

This gel can be assigned baziron

Better baziron if prescribed by a doctor, as he will be able to choose the desired concentration of the gel. In addition, baziron is not suitable for all skin types face. Appointed gel Baziron at pustular rash on the face and body of any origin. But it has the best effect is in the treatment of acne vulgaris, as the impact on all parts of the formation of the disease.

If venous ulcers it is also used, but much less so for the treatment of these diseases, there are other equally effective drugs.

Baziron not use in case of hypersensitivity of the skin to its components, pregnancy, breast-feeding Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
   child and at the age of 12 years. These limitations relate to the fact that baziron though slightly, but is absorbed into the blood and excreted in the milk. Even a small amount of Baziron able to have a negative impact on the fetus and the child's body. Do not use the gel at baziron wounds and abrasions on the skin at the site of the alleged effects.

 Baziron - a gel that will get rid of blackheads and comedones

Can baziron have some negative effects on the skin?

Yes, it can, if its use is not prescribed by a doctor and to violate the instructions. For example, it can cause increased dryness and flaking of the skin, which will go to redness and swelling - this irritation can occur when a thin skin or vulnerable as a result of improper use of the gel. Or not to continue treatment gel - it decides the doctor.

Allergic reactions, as well as on any drug, are also possible. They appear as a different skin rash, including in the form of urticaria. There are cases and contact allergic dermatitis, edema when bubbles appear reddened skin with transparent content, which then wither in the form of brown. In this case, the gel baziron to cancel. The application site Baziron men possible discoloration of hair.

 Baziron - a gel that will get rid of blackheads and comedones

Apply the gel correctly baziron

In accordance with the instructions to the drug your skin before applying Baziron should be thoroughly cleaned. But you can not use the funds dries, including alcohol-based lotions - it can enhance skin dryness and irritation. It is best to wash with soap that does not dry the skin. After that, the gel is applied to the skin dot - only places where acne and comedones. Make it one to three times per day.

Baziron effect of the application will have to wait at least a month, but he is persistent.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • baziron

Hyperpigmentation: Causes and Treatment

November 28, 2010

  • Hyperpigmentation: Causes and Treatment
  • Factors of manifestations

 causes of hyperpigmentation treatment
 Hyperpigmentation - is a common condition in which some areas of the skin becomes darker. Hyperpigmentation usually harmless and occurs in all races. It is caused by excessive production of melanin, the dark pigment of the skin

Hyperpigmentation can be spread over large areas of the skin, or may be localized to certain areas, such as on the face or hands and. The most common types of hyperpigmentation are lentigo (also often referred to as age spots) and melasma. With timely and proper treatment with hyperpigmentation can be reduced and controlled.

Lentigo - is usually dark, skin unevenly dyed. They usually appear on the skin areas that are frequently exposed to sunlight.

Melasma like age spots, but it is caused by hormonal changes and may appear there, which rarely get sunlight. Melasma is often associated with pregnancy or taking certain medications.

 Hyperpigmentation: Causes and Treatment

What is melanin

This substance is produced by melanocytes of the basal layer of the epidermis. Melanin - a class of pigments responsible for the color of the skin, eyes and hair. Distribution and types of melanin are present in the body, genetically determined - as well as the color of the skin, eyes and hair. Under the influence of sunlight melanin acts as a natural sunscreen Sunscreen is not just for the beach  Sunscreen is not just for the beach
 . It converts ultraviolet light into energy, reducing the number of free radicals that can damage cells. Excessive or uneven distribution of melanin can be caused by the sun, hormones or drugs.

 Hyperpigmentation: Causes and Treatment


When the body begins the aging process, a process performed within the cells, slowing down, and the skin's ability to restore and upgrade declining. Skin damage or injury from burns (including solar), and blisters may cause temporary loss of skin pigment. When the layers of the skin are restored, melanocytes distributed in them are not so evenly. Once again begins production of melanin, the uneven distribution of melanocytes leads to the appearance of lentigines.

 Hyperpigmentation: Causes and Treatment


Hormones (including synthetic) and drugs can increase the production of melanin. Melasma is often called hyperpigmentation caused by pregnancy. However, this type of hyperpigmentation may also be associated with taking contraceptive pills, or for the treatment of thyroid Thyroid medication - what methods are available?  Thyroid medication - what methods are available?
 . Hormonal changes affect the hormones that stimulate melanocytes, thus causing hyperpigmentation. Melasma usually is temporary and goes, when the hormonal balance is restored.

 Hyperpigmentation: Causes and Treatment

The treatment of hyperpigmentation

Although hyperpigmentation in most cases, the need for its treatment may be due to cosmetic reasons. There are many different agents for the treatment of hyperpigmentation.

 Hyperpigmentation: Causes and Treatment

Glycolic acid

Glycolic acid is better than other alpha oksikilot suitable for treating hyperpigmentation due to its small, water-soluble molecules which are relatively easy to penetrate the epidermis. Glycolic acid is obtained from sugar cane; it helps exfoliate dead skin cells and stimulates the synthesis of collagen, which helps to restore and rejuvenate the skin. Furthermore, glycolic acid, contributes to a better wetting of the skin and improving its taste.

The high concentration of glycolic acid can cause burns and irritation, so it should be used with caution.

 Hyperpigmentation: Causes and Treatment


Resulting from the bearberry Arbutin - a non-phenolic alternative to hydroquinone. Arbutin is used to treat excessively active melanocytes that cause hyperpigmentation. Arbutin has a double effect: it inhibits the activity of melanocytes and melanin promotes cleavage within the epidermis. With regular use of alpha-Arbutin spots hyperpigmentation will fade and become virtually invisible.

 Hyperpigmentation: Causes and Treatment


Retinol is the one most used for the treatment of hyperpigmentation forms of vitamin A Vitamin A: An important element of the health and beauty  Vitamin A: An important element of the health and beauty
 That is necessary for proper operation of the cellular. It stimulates the regeneration of the skin, promotes its hydration and recovery. Retinol penetrates the skin through the sebaceous glands, providing a mild antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect by stimulating the production of new cells in the deeper layers of the skin. Furthermore, retinol enhances collagen synthesis and reduces melanin.

 Hyperpigmentation: Causes and Treatment

Other treatments

For the treatment of hyperpigmentation can also use laser therapy. First, however, you should test it on a small area of ​​skin to make sure that the laser does not aggravate the symptoms.

There are various prescription creams against hyperpigmentation; their composition usually consists of hydroquinone or tretinoin and hydrocortisone Hydrocortisone - a drug that could save the life of the patient  Hydrocortisone - a drug that could save the life of the patient
 . These drugs are effective, but in some cases, cause severe skin irritation.
