Psoriasis Treatment folk remedies - is not necessary to conduct experiments - Herbs

December 24, 2013

  • Psoriasis Treatment folk remedies - is not necessary to conduct experiments
  • Herbs
  • Methods
  • Application oils
  • Nontraditional methods
  • Various options

 Traditional recipes psoriasis herbs

Traditional recipes psoriasis herbs

Traditional healers often spend treatment of psoriasis Advances in the treatment of psoriasis  Advances in the treatment of psoriasis
   herbs. Herbs from psoriasis - a celandine Celandine - a means-tested over the centuries  Celandine - a means-tested over the centuries
 , Succession, nettle, chicory, golden mustache and others.



Celandine psoriasis is very widely used in our country. Treatment of psoriasis celandine carried out using various drugs that can be prepared at home. Thus, the dry grass celandine can grind, mix with lard at the rate of 1: 4 used as applications on the affected skin.

Chistotel psoriasis may be used as a bath. For the preparation of therapeutic baths take equal parts of dried minced raw celandine herbs, flowers, calendula and horsetail. Glass collection pour liter of boiling water, bring to a boil, boil for 10 minutes on low heat, cool, strain and pour into a bath full of water.

Inside psoriasis apply serum infused with celandine. Prepare it as follows: a glass of celandine herbs wrapped in gauze and placed in a five-liter glass jar, press down the stone and pour 3 liters of whey Whey: the benefits and harms of waste  Whey: the benefits and harms of waste
 . There also add a cup of sugar, tablespoon of sour cream and leave in a warm place for 2 weeks. After serum ferment, it is filtered and stored in a refrigerator. Take the morning for half an hour before meals for a third cup. It is believed that the serum removes toxins, which helps to improve the patient's condition psoriasis.

Ointment of celandine. 1 tablespoon dry celandine herbs rubbed thoroughly mixed with 5 tablespoons of lard and grease with psoriatic skin.



Nettles in psoriasis is also widely used in folk medicine. Infusions of nettle used as exterior and interior.

The infusion of nettle for internal use. A tablespoon of dry powdered herb nettle pour half a liter of boiled water, in a thermos for two to three hours, filter and take-thirds cup 3 times a day. Infusion helps cleanse the skin.

Broth nettle for outdoor use. 5 tablespoons of dry powdered roots nettle pour a liter of hot water, bring to a boil, boil for five minutes, cooled, filtered, made up to the initial level of boiled water and put in an application on the affected areas of skin several times a day. Such applications are well relieve swelling, itching and inflammation of the skin.



A series of psoriasis is used at all stages of the disease, including an exacerbation of the process (in the stage of progression). Treatment of psoriasis may be carried out in succession a series of oral broth, and of employing various external agents of this herb.

A decoction of the herb series for ingestion. Half a tablespoon of chopped herbs pour a glass of a succession of hot boiled water and heated in a water bath for half an hour, then cooled, filtered, made up to the initial level of boiled water and take a quarter cup 3 times a day. This broth beneficial effect on metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   and blood circulation in the skin, which helps to reduce inflammation.

Ointment of succession. 5 tablespoons dry rubbed in the dust of grass combined with an equal volume of 70% alcohol, insist three days, then 10 tablespoons of the mixture of lanolin and vaseline. The ointment applied to the affected areas of the body 1 time per day.


Bay leaf

Bay Leaf in psoriasis is considered one of the most effective means. Broth bay leaf for psoriasis: 17 dry laurel leaves of medium size pour 2 cups hot boiled water, boiling water, bring to a boil, boil for 10 minutes, cool, strain, top up to the initial level and take half a cup 4 times a day for a week.



Chicory in psoriasis are mainly used as an external agent. From decoctions and infusions of chicory root makes applications that help reduce inflammation and itching. Infusion of chicory roots: 2 teaspoons chopped chicory root pour a glass of boiled water, for an hour, filtered and used for applications.

Psoriasis Treatment folk remedies - is not necessary to conduct experiments - Alternative

December 24, 2013

  • Psoriasis Treatment folk remedies - is not necessary to conduct experiments
  • Herbs
  • Methods
  • Application oils
  • Nontraditional methods
  • Various options

 Alternative treatment of psoriasis

Alternative treatment of psoriasis

For non-traditional methods of treatment of psoriasis are hirudotherapy, homeopathy, treatment of color and so on. All of these techniques are now part of the official medicine.

Leech therapy is used in psoriasis for a long time. It was found that leeches secrete saliva that gets into the blood and improves blood circulation, normalize metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 It regulates immune processes. In addition, today the leech put on certain points on the human body related to individual sections of the skin, which increases the effectiveness of treatment with leeches psoriasis.

Homeopathy for psoriasis. Today produced sufficiently effective homeopathic remedies, homeopathy, and it allows to compete successfully with allopathy (the use of traditional medicines) in the treatment of psoriasis. Psoriasis Treatment Homeopathy Homeopathy - the placebo effect in the service of medicine?  Homeopathy - the placebo effect in the service of medicine?
   carried out strictly individually: the patient is chosen homeopathic medicine and the dose.

For the treatment of psoriasis are various homeopathic remedies. For example, with severe burning and itching of the skin is recommended to appoint Atsidum formitsikum, for the treatment of psoriasis of the scalp - Arsenicum album, elderly patients - Arsenicum yodatum, when a psoriatic plaque on the limbs and trunk - Petroleum, with the defeat of the joints - Manganum.

Psoriasis Treatment method of color therapy. Color therapy - a treatment of color. For the treatment of psoriasis is recommended to use green, blue, blue and purple colors in clothing and interiors surrounding the patient. Green has a calming effect, stabilizes mood, blue - help to part with unpleasant memories, blue - helps get rid of the itch, restores the metabolism and respiration of the skin, helps to protect the skin from aging, purple - regulates immune processes, helping to smooth out conflicts, increases the body's ability adapt to environmental conditions.


Physical therapy treatments for psoriasis

For physiotherapy treatments for psoriasis include mud treatment Mud - a pleasant and useful procedure  Mud - a pleasant and useful procedure
 , Clay, sea salt and so on.

Treatment of psoriasis mud is widely used in official and folk medicine. Natural Saki, Sivashskaya, Tambukansky and other dirt successfully treat all forms of psoriasis.

Natural therapeutic mud is cooled, it is formed over many years in vivo with the geological and biological processes. It includes pieces of land, organic and inorganic compounds. Dirt has thermal and chemical effects on the human body. This leads to the appearance of medical effects - anti-inflammatory, resolving, analgesic, improves blood circulation and metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 . Mud applications are assigned only in remission.

Treatment of psoriasis with clay. Clay treatment based on the fact that the clay has a very strong absorbent properties, it absorbs the toxic products of metabolism, decay and fermentation products formed during digestive disorders and so on. This leads to the normalization of cellular metabolism electrical balance of cells. For the treatment of psoriasis can be applied any clay from the depths of the earth. But most of all for the treatment of psoriasis suit blue clay.

Prepared clay as follows: pieces of clay dried, and then broken down and transformed into a powder, it is filled with water and left in this state for a few hours. The result is a homogeneous mass that resembles clay. The clay is applied to the fabric layer to a thickness of 3 cm and a width exceeding the width of the affected area of ​​the skin, and applied to the skin. Top insulated wrap and leave for three hours. After you finish wrap is removed, the skin is wiped with a damp cloth or wash.

Psoriasis treatment blue clay is carried out by the same rules.

Sea salt psoriasis. Sea salt psoriasis, used in large quantities and only in diluted form, for example in the form of a bath 1 kg of sea salt is diluted in two liters of warm water, and after the salt has dissolved, the solution was poured into a bath with warm water. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes, then rinse the body in the shower and towel.

The therapeutic effect can be seen immediately: skin becomes soft, soften psoriatic plaques, reduces redness and swelling. Take a bath with sea salt twice a week.
