Skinoren - an effective acne treatment

November 11th, 2010

  • Skinoren - an effective acne treatment
  • How does

 The active ingredient is skinorena azelaic acid - a substance that is often used to treat acne Acne Treatment - squeeze is not recommended  Acne Treatment - squeeze is not recommended
 . Azelaic acid reduces the number of cells of keratin on the skin surface, which block the pores. This helps to open the pores and sebaceous glands, which could result in less comedones and pimples.

Azelaic acid also kills bacteria that are associated with the development of acne - Propionebacterium acnes. This is a common type of bacteria that feeds on sebum produced by the sebaceous glands. Waste and fatty acids they produce irritating sebaceous glands, which leads to inflammation and acne.

Azelaic acid reduces the number of these bacteria by reducing their food source, as well as preventing their reproduction. Due to the number of bacteria control inflammation in the sebaceous glands are stabilized, and the skin condition improves.

Skinoren should be applied to the acne affected skin twice a day (morning and evening), previously thoroughly clean the skin. People with sensitive skin Sensitive skin: causes and care  Sensitive skin: causes and care
   in the first week of use the cream once a day (in the evening); in the absence of a negative reaction can start using the cream twice a day.

It is important to use the cream regularly. For most people, the improvement becomes noticeable after about four weeks of using the cream. According to the manufacturer, for best results, Skinoren should be used for several months, but not more than six months.

 Skinoren - an effective acne treatment


  • This medication is only for external use.
  • Avoid contact with eyes, mouth and nose.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after each use skinorena.
  • When skin irritation, use less medication or temporarily discontinue use. If irritation persists for a few days, consult your doctor.

 Skinoren - an effective acne treatment


Skinoren Do not use if you are allergic to any of its components. If you have previously had an allergic reaction to these substances, inform your doctor. If signs of allergic reaction Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
   while using skinorena need to see a specialist.

 Skinoren - an effective acne treatment

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Safety of this drug for use during pregnancy has not been proved. Its use during pregnancy is permitted only when necessary and with the approval of a physician.

For breast-feeding women and their children skinoren generally safe, but do not put it on his chest, potentially harmful substances do not accidentally hit the body of the child.

 Skinoren - an effective acne treatment

Side effects

Skinorena side effects may include:

  • Irritation of the skin, which are signs of redness, peeling, itching or burning;
  • The abnormal response of the skin to light, usually manifested by a rash (photosensitivity).

Sunburn: severe blow to the body

March 29, 2012

  • Sunburn: severe blow to the body
  • When to see a doctor

 In moderate doses, tanning improves the color and condition of the skin, promotes the production of vitamin D. However, the result of excessive sunlight exposure can be sunburn. Sunburn is possible and when irradiated skin artificial rays, similar to the sun, so for example, an unsuccessful campaign in the solarium Solarium: harm or benefit?  Solarium: harm or benefit?
   It can cause sunburn.

Every once in your life "exceeded dose of sunburn," burn, that is getting a sunburn. Its cause may be any long-term exposure to the sun: a hike to the beach, fishing, working in the garden, even an ordinary walk on a sunny day.


The effects of sunburn

Sunburn in itself, with all the painful feelings - not lethal (in most cases). However, the effects of sunburn, especially repeat - this is a serious threat to health.

According to the Skin Cancer Research Foundation Skin cancer - a full recovery possible  Skin cancer - a full recovery possible
 , A pair of blistering sunburn in childhood or adolescence - it increased twice the risk of disease in adulthood melanoma. Melanoma - a malignant tumor Malignant tumor: cells are mad  Malignant tumor: cells are mad
 That develops from pigment cells. The most dangerous type of skin cancer. The risk of melanoma is also doubled if the person in my entire life (at any age) received from five sunburns.

In fact, a sunburn - it burns caused by ultraviolet radiation (UV). The main symptom - is redness, tenderness to touch the burnt areas. Usually the symptoms of sunburn appear after thirty minutes.

Ultraviolet radiation is divided into several types, differing from each other along the length of the light wave. Through the dense layers of the atmosphere reach us only ultraviolet rays A and B. Irradiation in tanning - similar to the sun's rays, and also happens to UV-A and UV-B rays.

Dangerous for human skin appearance UV is an ultraviolet-B (UV-B). Excessive exposure to UV-B causes the risk of human cancer.

However, with UV-B, UV-A (UV-A) is not harmless. UV rays cause sunburn and skin photoaging (premature wrinkles).

The normal dose of ultraviolet light brings only benefits. A shortfall of ultraviolet radiation has a negative impact on the human body.

As soon as the UV dose higher than normal, the person may cause health problems. The most common of them - is getting a painful sunburn.


Risk Groups

People are exposed to a greater risk of falling into a place with a high level of solar radiation, which travels to the south of the country close to the equator, or the highlands.

The risk of sunburn depends on the individual qualities of the person: the color of skin, eyes, hair, age, previous skin disease, and prior sunburn.

  • People with light skin and hair more than others at risk of being subjected to sunburn. And as a consequence sick with something more serious.
  • Children under six years old, and adults over the age of sixty more than others are sensitive to solar radiation.
  • Recently transferred sunburn, any skin disease - increased risk of scalding from even a short stay in the sun.


The symptoms of sunburn

Sunburns may be minor, moderate and severe.

Medium and minor burns are characterized by redness, soreness when touched. The skin may begin to blush a few hours after an overdose of ultraviolet pain occur within 12-24 hours. After a few days the skin starts to peel off, and a sunburn away without leaving obvious traces.

Serious sunburn complicated by severe burning of skin, blisters, a strong dehydration, disruption of water and electrolyte imbalance and possible infection.

If you do not take measures to eliminate sunburn, and continue to receive a dose of solar radiation, a person can get sunstroke with very serious consequences, including death.

Other symptoms of sunburn include:

  • Chills.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Symptoms of the common cold.
  • The appearance of blisters. Blisters can be a little, just as crisp and well-defined, red water bubbles.

Light blisters go, leaving no trace. Blisters in a more serious form of deeper and can be a source of infection, so they must be to be especially careful.

Approximately 4-7 days after severe sunburn skin starts to peel off. This is a sign of recovery of burn. To facilitate this process can easily moisturizers. At this stage, it is important to ensure that the wound did not get infected.

A side effect of "perezagara" may be a skin rash. This is especially common in children.

One of the individual forms of the organism's reaction to the increased level of solar radiation is the so-called allergic to the sun or solar dermatitis. This type of allergy is sometimes difficult course of sunburn. Expressed as an allergy to the sun in the skin rash that occurs after some time in the sun (from thirty minutes to several hours). It is a normal allergy symptoms, and it is removed as well as in other types of allergies: the isolation of the source of the allergic reaction (ie, sunlight), the adoption of antihistamines on the recommendation of a doctor, drink plenty of fluids to remove toxins from the body.

Protection of allergy - this is a common UV protection. Taking the necessary measures to prevent sunburn, these same forms of allergy protection against the sun Allergy to the sun - skin problems  Allergy to the sun - skin problems
