One was at a party for fun and have measured all the sugar. Prior to this, drinking brandy, ate cake, etc. In-law (31god) sugar was in the region of 12, my mother (65 years) 9, my daughter (23) 5.5 I (41 year) 7.8. How to define. one norm? Going to donate blood will not force anyone, especially worried about the son-in-12 is a lot, even after the cake and cognac. And my daughter is too low. What should be sugar after the banquet?
Good day. gentlemen (comrades). Can anyone explain please a misunderstanding - held tolerance test - showed 7 in the morning, and after 2 glasses of water with glucose - 6, 9 is still set whether diabetes mellitus before either, but I think about seven - it's just my "native" Sugar and I live with it comfortably - 2 years passed again analysis - also showed a 7.2 - who can respond - thanks in advance I am 42 years old increase 178- broad shoulders and the power does not hurt - the weight of 120, in his youth He engaged in thorough physical attack. Artistic Active- and still I have a 6th class - the working pressure 130-159 na30- 40, thanks in advance waiting for an answer from a knowledgeable person and not from an amateur! thank!
The sweet it is necessary to limit yourself, the daily rate in the presence of sugar in the blood intake of sugar-containing products should be minimized. It will be a good prevention of deterioration of the condition of the patient. But many can not bring himself to abandon his usual food, we have become so accustomed to affordable chocolates and cakes that were previously rare.
With the passage of the medical commission, I have found elevated levels of blood sugar (8, 5 mmol / l). I bought a device for determining the level of sugar and spent measurements during the day, the readings were different from the 4, 0 to 8, 7 mmol / l. I feel good, no other symptoms of diabetes do not watch. Should I get tested, or continue to live as usual, not paying attention to these changes?
Boris, even if you have diabetes, it is not necessary that you should feel the once all its manifestations. Very often people live and not know that they have a problem with sugar, because it does not pass the examination. In the early stages of diabetes can not as manifest itself not absolute. But this does not mean that it will not backfire in the future, as the damage to the body, he in any case, cause if you do not stick to a diet. So check necessarily stand on your account to an endocrinologist. Incidentally sugar must be measured immediately after meals, and where in an hour or two. Immediately after eating of course sugar is high at any person.
By the above, add an interesting observation: the level of sugar in the blood with age shift upward, ie, The older the patient is - the higher the probability of hyperglycemia. In addition to the symptoms listed, add the violation of skin and mucous membranes, occurrence of acetone in the urine, increasing the level of glycated hemoglobin.
My child is 5 years 22 days ago, I have been made an injection of prednisolone. Weighing 22 kg.-45 mg. Rose \ s week after injection 7.1. The child began to lose weight, a lot of drinking and pissing. Fasting sugar in the normal range, and in the evening, especially after food has been gradually increasing. Today, 6.7. I'm in shock. I do not eat, do not sleep! How will it all end only God knows. Somebody calm me.
I am my mother's daughter from childhood with diabetes, I would say that an injection of prednisolone and a rise in blood sugar pure coincidence, unrelated on your site do not panic in any case, many people sdiabetom live to a ripe old age, but to examine the child at or to consult an endocrinologist at the moment there is a need for you. Stay healthy!
Oksana, my dear, run immediately to the endocrinologist, maybe even do without insulin. And your child has symptoms of diabetes, though sugar is not very high. I write to you from my bitter experience, as previously we did not know, and were with a baby in intensive care with sugar 27. And now my son is 3 years pricks insulin, now he is 15 years old. I wish you no ill.
Oksana your child has all the signs of diabetes. Calms you particularly nothing. Unless of course you soothe that with good quality treatment and diet your child can live a full life for many years. I have a daughter familiar with the birth of a diabetic. She is already 25 years old girl, working, studying, preparing for motherhood. By the way diabetes is rarely transmitted from mother to child if the mother is on a diet, and kept the sugar under control. So, what you observed and treated by an endocrinologist.
Diabetes does not appear due to the fact that a person uses a lot of sugar. Diabet- this is not the correct operation of the pancreas, not the body's ability to produce insulin as required. So far it is not clear precisely because of what factors developed the disease. I know exactly for sure that in this disease Sugar increases at the slightest stress, and not only when on a diet do not sit.
Among friends here and there I find out that put a terrible diagnosis. It seems that people with diabetes has increased. Probably the wrong food, that provoke themselves unnecessary illness. Here I have now 5, 1 - is of course still the norm blood sugar, but it is time to think and reconsider their way of life.
5.1 You have a good sugar rate, with an absolute for a healthy person! )))
I have during pregnancy showed the level of glucose, a little different from the norm of sugar in the blood plasma, so the gynecologist immediately sounded the alarm, sent for consultation to the endocrinologist, has forced many times to retake the tests. I thought that I had gestational diabetes. Nothing and confirmed, but I have to run.
Once in the morning sugar it exceeded the permissible norm. From that day my pregnancy turned into a nightmare, although tests over and over again in order. The rate of the index of blood sugar is for pregnant women to be slightly lower than for the common man, I learned from an endocrinologist. I went every week handed over a blood on empty stomach, drinking glucose and donate blood again and so on until the last day of pregnancy.
And in this article I did not have the information, that's what the rate of blood sugar in children. For me it is now overdue. I would like to analyze the blood of their own children. And doctors do not find, and often say things are quite different. But in general, useful information, the rules for adults threw his notebook, when suddenly something useful.
Natalia and I now wondered how it is going you are going to independently analyze the presence of sugar in the blood of their child? No, if your home lab, you all know, certainly yes, but if not, the interest remains relevant. I think that the doctor knowingly finishing university to control the rate of blood sugar. Leave it to them.
The rate of blood sugar during the day should be different from the same rules of the evening? Or something I did not understand? Why, then, hand over analyzes often on an empty stomach in the morning. I have the analysis and figures are fine, but a friend managed to develop diabetes in the initial stages. In thirty years. Now limits itself around and incredibly frustrated. I urge her that this life is not over.
Diabetes my mother 15 years already, thank God, are relatively mild, so the cost tablets. Of course, it restricts your diet, and what to do, we must also beware. Periodically he goes to the doctor, and before that always gives blood sugar. And what blood sugar normal, if mom 60 years? The doctor says that sugar 5.9 for her - this increase.
At the girlfriend diabetes since childhood, the rate of blood sugar in diabetes is very high. Significantly higher than that of a healthy person. And to support - is insulin, regular tablets, planned treatment. Uzhas.Prichem caused such a state is not excessive eating sweets, as many think, but rather a state of shock in his personal life, simply put stress!
Now in connection with the New Year's feast people overeat and the rate of blood sugar after a meal everyone will be significantly exceeded. It obzhiratelstvo not what good does not, people eat as if before this month really did not eat. It is necessary to cancel a long weekend, and that the number 3 all went to work, and booze and eating to satiety.
I have always wondered what the rate of sugar in the blood of women and how it differs from the norm for men. When I became pregnant, regularly gave blood sugar. Usually analyzes need to take in the morning on an empty stomach. Luckily I had all the tests were normal. But my girlfriend sugar is too high, is now undergoing tests.
Normal blood sugar readings depends on many factors. Do not panic if your analysis is not correct. Maybe you're just too nervous before taking blood or have had a great physical activity. Even little things can change the parameters of blood sugar. So even going to be tested should be in a good mood.
I also have a reduced level of sugar in the blood, but the doctor said it's okay. Maybe it's because I'm skinny? All the same, it's better it will be less than the greater. Several times handed over the analysis on the rate of sugar in the blood, always the same result, though, and handed over the analysis on an empty stomach and after a light breakfast.
Unfortunately sugar lowering also has a name is hypoglycemia. We'll even in gym class at the institute passed. There may be symptoms such as dizziness, weakness. When the doctor said that is normal, it is possible that the sugar is normal, but at the lower boundary. How to determine the meter rate of sugar in the blood, you think you know, in any case, there are instructions. Get a meter, will not be superfluous. I have and I checked periodically.
Larissa, the rate of blood sugar readings should be neither higher nor lower, and within the permitted, any deviation talking about health problems. Unfortunately you can not just eating and taking a couple of chocolates cause blood sugar to normal when it is low and vice versa at a high level for a couple of days, abandoning the sweet lower it.
I never thought about diabetes while being pregnant, I have not found a slight rise in blood sugar. The diagnosis was made-gestational diabetes. Indicating the normal fasting blood sugar is from 3 5 to 5 mM. Pregnant indicators are desirable even below 5 Molly. Every day four times pricked their fingers and checking blood sugar glyukometrom.K Fortunately gestational diabetes is not a death sentence, he goes immediately after birth in 50% of cases. I passed. I have even been prescribed insulin injections, but I tried to lower sugar diet compliance. Honestly, it is very difficult to give up your usual meals. Faced with this problem personally, I learned that diabetes is not always a high level of blood sugar, it jumps from a low level to a very high and very often the attacks occur because of a sharp reduction of sugar. For this reason, people with diabetes always carry a piece of sugar or candy.
Passed with her husband on the analysis of the blood sugar level, figures were 5.1 and the doctor said that already exceeded the rate of sugar in the blood. We sat on a diet completely excluded sweet pastries and less two weeks blood sugar dropped to 4.9. We try to adhere to proper nutrition, because it is better to prevent disease than to treat.
This analysis should be approached very seriously. I once drank a few sips of water and pills on the pressure that is taken daily in the morning, and the rate of sugar in the blood has been high, the good doctor got attentive, asked good that ate and drank in the morning, and forced to hand over once again the analysis that second time were normal.
Normally, blood sugar is lower than normal in people who do not consume sweet, but it's considered bad. Therefore we can not limit yourself completely from the sweet and the sugar level can go down below the norm. I think that if every day not to exceed the dose of sweet, the problems with sugar will not be enough in the day twice to drink sweet tea or coffee.
I have no doubt that soon will introduce new standards in blood sugar, because many people have it upgraded and cheaper just to raise standards and to fend off some people with this problem, one has it all just beginning. No normal prevention of this disease is not conducted to promote healthy lifestyle, on the other hand constantly talking sweet advertising that children are stuffed in early childhood.
Each person must not only know the rules of indicators of blood sugar, but also to check at this rate. It is necessary to take care of your body in advance. With such a way of life which are modern people, not long before diabetes. Fast food, all kinds of sweets, alcohol and cigarettes to the good yet nobody was adjusted.
Upon delivery of analyzes on blood sugar have any restrictions? For example, on alcohol. The rate of sugar in the blood after drinking somehow changed, if I understand correctly, and is likely to jump up. How much time must pass in order to then make the correct measurement of blood sugar levels? And I recorded for analysis, and for two days before it was my birthday.
I do not even realize that the rate of sugar in the blood of a person depends on so many factors. But I wonder, what are the rules for children? And whether there was any - any statistics of childhood diseases from diabetes, because children - big sweet tooth? How to recognize the disease in their early stages?
Many people do not even know the rules of the blood sugar level, where the line between healthy and is already beginning to hurt the person. Very low awareness among the young population, it is closer to the old people almost know by heart all the rules when it's too late simple change of lifestyle and diet to monitor their health. From his youth it is necessary to monitor their health to old age not to stay in the hospital corridors.
In some parts of the population level of the rate of sugar in the blood exceeds the limit, but they continue to consume too much sugar, and not a simple sugar and its substitute, as it is much cheaper than sugar beet them. Many juices and sweets, are likely to have in their composition sweeteners and you eat them and think that the natural juice drink or eat harmless sweetness. So sugar is not so bad, there are doubts as to the quality, if fully used in the production of sugar, the cost will be expensive and not affordable for many.
Healthy person the normal blood sugar levels to adjust easily. If it increased, it is necessary simply to abandon harmful products, including sugar in large quantities, and a low level of blood sugar is possible only with malnutrition, which is rare. So constant warning doctors about blood sugar consider superfluous.
If the norms of blood sugar at the time of analysis were high, then do not just upset, ask your doctor to re-appoint a blood donation. Sometimes it happens that a person on the emotions and at this point there is a sharp rise of blood sugar, but after a couple of days, sugar comes back to normal. So do not be lazy to retake the analysis rather than just hang up his nose.
I agree that the rate of indicators of blood sugar depends on the person's age. Each age has its own norm. However, the article had learned a lot novogo.Dazhe not think that is so hard to identify diabetes, and as many times as necessary to carry out research for the reliability of the results. It is my norm, but the border seems to me high, although it is not worried.
Inna, you are mistaken, the blood sugar level does not depend on age. But diabetes is not difficult to identify, unless it takes place. It is easy to identify, even for the analysis of urine, because when the blood sugar is higher than normal, it always appears in the urine. But even then there are other symptoms in the first place is the rapid weight loss.
I, thank God, the rate of blood sugar index is always within the permissible limits. But it's all the same does not mean that we should not not monitor the amount of sweets that we consume every day! Girlfriend launched this situation and get diabetes at the age of 43 years. Very unpleasant! Therefore, I try not to miss medical check-ups to keep the situation under control.
In my analysis is always lower allowable rate of sugar in the blood. Usually the doctor talking about it, but it did not appoint additional. Tell me, is this normal? Maybe I should somehow artificially constantly improve the level of sugar in the blood? I need to constantly monitor this? I have a good state of health.
About what rules the blood sugar even a question if these rules come up higher. Now everything is directed to the fact that people have increased blood sugar, all this makes secret society in order to reduce the human population on earth. To avoid this, mere mortals can not be, because the products they buy in shops, even in the villages are very popular products that increase blood sugar. Useless to resist, so quietly eat more sweet and starchy foods.