11 means for the normalization of metabolism, whose effectiveness is scientifically proven

May 8, 2013

 normalization of metabolism
 Every time we drink or eat, you can thank your metabolism because it converts contained in beverages and food calories we need energy. Weight, gender, age - these and other factors affect the rate of metabolism. The sooner they are implemented, the more calories we burn. There are a few ways to normalize slow metabolism Slow metabolism: how slimming complicate his task  Slow metabolism: how slimming complicate his task

 11 means for the normalization of metabolism, whose effectiveness is scientifically proven

  • Sleep. The fact that you have closed your eyes at work - is not the only "dark side" of sleep deprivation. According to research, there is a connection between sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   and metabolism; turns out, sleep deprivation can significantly slow down your metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
  • Drink green tea. This drink is not only rich in antioxidants Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits  Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits
 , It also contains substances that speed up metabolism. In addition, he nekalorien, and you can safely drink a cup (or two) of green tea a day.
  • Train harder. Slow and steady wins - on going - it's not about training. Here you need to move faster to activate the burning of calories and speed metabolism, which, if you like to be popoteete will run at full speed for a few hours after you put in the dumbbell to the side.
  • Do not skip breakfast. It's time to give up the habit a few extra minutes of sleep instead of breakfast or chew anything on the way to work. A full breakfast is needed to metabolism working properly throughout the day. If you have no appetite, eat, for example, a small cup of yogurt with nuts or seeds.
  • Add iron. Not in the diet (which by itself), and in their training. Lifting weights is not just for building muscle, but also to raise metabolism.
  • More water. Water accelerates metabolism and promotes burning of calories, and thus itself, as is known, contains no calories.
  • More spices. Actively use seasonings - especially red and cayenne pepper. They contain capsaicin - the substance, which not only gives the dish a burning taste, but also stimulates the metabolism.
  • Cardio workout. Several times a week, take the bike and drive through 5-10 km. 45 minutes did not improve cycling metabolic rate for the next 12 hours.
  • Choose foods wisely. Some of the food itself increases the amount of calories expended. These products include, for example, tuna and grapefruit. Any protein foods also helps to speed up metabolism, so often eat eggs, meat and dairy products.
  • Drink coffee. Caffeine is contained in coffee is rapidly absorbed into the blood, increases the heart rate and increases metabolic rate, and it remains quite high for approximately three hours.
  • Laugh. Laughter increases the consumption of calories, so the more you laugh, the more calories you spend. In addition, it improves mood, and good psychological state has a beneficial effect on all the processes occurring in the body, including metabolism.

Article Tags:
  • metabolism

Hyperthyroidism thyroid cancer - symptoms of high content of thyroid hormones in the blood

February 22, 2013

 hyperthyroidism, thyroid symptoms
 Hyperthyroidism - it is not a disease but a symptom of various diseases of the thyroid gland, accompanied by increased secretion of its hormones (thyroid hormone). Therefore, the main manifestations of these diseases are similar. In order to establish an accurate diagnosis and adequate treatment requires a full examination of the patient.

 Hyperthyroidism thyroid cancer - symptoms of high content of thyroid hormones in the blood

Which diseases can develop hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is most often develops on the background of diffuse toxic goiter, autoimmune thyroiditis, multinodular goiter, whose nodes contain cells, intensely producing thyroid hormones. Hyperthyroidism is also often develops in toxic thyroid adenoma - a benign tumor, the cells that actively synthesize and secrete thyroid hormones.

 Hyperthyroidism thyroid cancer - symptoms of high content of thyroid hormones in the blood

Features of action of thyroid hormones on the human body

The main thyroid hormones are thyroxine Thyroxine - the main thyroid hormone  Thyroxine - the main thyroid hormone
   (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which are synthesized in cells from the prostate of inorganic iodine supplied in the diet, and tyrosine. What matters is the content in the blood of the pituitary thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), the level of which is reduced in hyperthyroidism always.

Under the action of thyroid hormone accelerates all types of metabolism: protein metabolism is accelerated with a predominance of decay processes of protein (muscles lose protein, this results in the loss of working capacity) and the accumulation of toxic products in the blood produced by the decay of protein. Accelerated metabolism of fat - this leads to a reduction in blood cholesterol. Thyroid hormones also affect carbohydrate metabolism, increasing glycogen breakdown and reducing its holdings in the liver (strategic reserves of energy - from liver glycogen with a lack of energy produced glucose).

All this leads to the revitalization of the work of all other organs and systems. First of all this stimulation effect on the state of the cardiovascular system: the body's cells require more oxygen and heart has often reduced in order to bring the tissues necessary amount. With overvoltage operate and all other organs. All of these characteristics are reflected in the metabolic state of the patient.

 Hyperthyroidism thyroid cancer - symptoms of high content of thyroid hormones in the blood

What are the symptoms of hyperthyroidism

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism usually appear and grow gradually. Initially, the patient becomes irritable, sometimes aggressive, but the mood at the same time is very changeable and aggressiveness often gives way to tears or laughter. Increases anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 , Suspiciousness, appear unreasonable fears, disrupted the process of falling asleep and night of sleep in general.

These symptoms are joining tremor (shaking), sweating, constant low-grade fever (low-grade fever - the patient hardly suffers heat). The appetite of patients with hyperthyroidism increased, but due to the rapid metabolism they lose weight. In some diseases, patients on the background of hyperthyroidism may gain weight - it arises from the fact that fat cells lose their sensitivity to thyroid hormones.

Very characteristic symptom appears on the part of the cardiovascular system. First of all, it is a constant tachycardia Tachycardia - the body to the limit?  Tachycardia - the body to the limit?
   (including the rest), do not remove the receiving cardiac glycosides, if not appointed by the drugs that inhibit the secretion of thyroid hormones. Almost always there is an abnormal heart rhythm, until the atrial fibrillation - very frequent irregular heartbeat. Under the influence of hormones having seizures spasms of the coronary arteries (the vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle) - this gives rise to attacks of angina - severe short-term pain in the heart.

With long flowing hyperthyroidism appear characteristic changes of view. In the eyes of a feverish gleam appears, flashing becoming rare, eye slit wide open, eyeballs bulge (exophthalmos), appear. tearing, decreased visual acuity.

 Hyperthyroidism thyroid cancer - symptoms of high content of thyroid hormones in the blood

Hyperthyroid crisis

If the patient is not treated, it can eventually develop hyperthyroid crisis - a serious condition that requires emergency care. Often these crises occur against a background of increased neuropsychiatric loads and stresses.

It begins with a sudden crisis of strong excitation of the patient, which in some cases is accompanied by delusions Brad - not only crazy  Brad - not only crazy
   and hallucinations. At the same time, you may receive a shiver throughout the body, severe weakness (sudden blood pressure drops), mental retardation. The temperature rises (the signs of inflammation is not detected) is amplified tachycardia start vomiting and diarrhea, urine odor appears acetone. Disturbed liver function (jaundice), and adrenal glands.

Hyperthyroid crisis can result in coma and death of the patient from cardiovascular disease (often from pulmonary edema), acute liver or adrenal insufficiency.

Hyperthyroidism - it is not a disease but only a sign of elevated blood level of thyroid hormones. What disease caused hyperthyroidism to be seen during examination of the patient.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • hyperthyroidism, thyroid
