Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know

August 6, 2009

 Diabetes and Pancreas
 Pancreas - is an elongated organ located in the abdomen between the stomach and the spine. It consists of the glandular tissue and ductal system. The main pancreatic duct extends along its entire length - it outputs pancreatic juice into the duodenum.

The pancreas has both endocrine and exocrine glands. That portion of the gland which performs endocrine functions, consists of about one million cluster of cells called the islets of Langerhans. These islets are composed of four cell types. Alpha cells produce glyukanon (and increase the level of glucose in the blood), beta-cells are responsible for the secretion of insulin (reduced blood glucose), gamma-cells produce somatostatin which regulates the activity of alpha- and beta-cells and PP-cells secrete pancreatic polypeptide .

As part of the exocrine pancreas helps the digestive system. It secretes pancreatic fluid, which contains digestive enzymes necessary for digestion of food.

 Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know

Pancreatic diseases

  • Diabetes first type. This violation of the immune system destroys cells in the pancreas responsible for insulin production. To control the level of glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
 To a patient in need lifelong insulin injections.
  • Type II diabetes. The pancreas loses its ability to properly produce and secrete insulin. Develops insulin resistance Insulin resistance - as it is dangerous for the body?  Insulin resistance - as it is dangerous for the body?
 Which leads to an increase in blood glucose levels.
  • Cystic fibrosis - a genetic disorder that affects many systems and organs, including the pancreas.
  • Pancreas cancer. The pancreas consists of different types of cells, and all of them may begin to develop tumors of various types. In most cases, cancer cells begin to develop in forming shell main pancreatic duct. Pancreatic cancer is rare and the symptoms usually observed at the later stages.
  • Pancreatitis - inflammation and damage to the pancreas by the impact of digestive enzymes that she generates.
  • Islet cell tumor formed by abnormal propagation of islet cells. The tumor may be either malignant or benign. These tumors often leads to increased levels of hormones of the pancreas.
  • Increasing the pancreas is not always pathological, but in some cases require treatment.

Diabetes is today - an incurable disease in which the blood is too high amount of glucose (sugar). Diabetes is the result of the fact that the body is not able to properly metabolize glucose, or because of a lack of the hormone insulin or because the body's resistance to its action. Full name "diabetes mellitus" comes from a Greek word that means "flowing", "going through something", and from the Latin «mellitus» - «Honey" or "Sweet". The fact that an excess of sugar in this disease is determined not only in blood, but is also found in the urine, resulting in diabetes XVII century was known as "write bad."

Diabetes was discovered more than 3, 5 th. Years ago. More than ¾ of patients suffer from a so-called type 2 diabetes type. Formerly known as the disease insulin dependent diabetes mellitus Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 . The rest of the diabetes type 1 - insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

 Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know

What is the difference?

In diabetes type 1 in the body stops insulin production. Typically, the disease occurs in childhood or young age. As treatment prescribed diet and insulin injections.

In diabetes type 2 insulin is produced in insufficient quantities, or insulin-producing is not digested properly. This disease occurs in old age, and typically occurs after 40 years.

 Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know

How is the level of blood sugar

In humans there is a transformation of glucose originating from the meal into energy for cells. Glucose in finished form contained in sweets - for example, in sweets or cakes - or is the result of digestion of foods containing starch - potatoes, pasta and bread. Also, the glucose produced by the liver.

In a healthy human insulin produced by cells of the pancreas gradually regulates blood glucose levels. Postprandial blood glucose level increases dramatically, while at the same time, insulin production begins. When the level of glucose in the blood drops - for example, by exercise - insulin also declines.

Another hormone produced by the pancreas is glucagon. It is, if necessary, to the liver, and thus there is a realization of glucose reserves, which in turn increases the level of glucose in the blood.

Insulin is produced and stored in the pancreas organ lobular, 15 cm long, is placed transversely in the retroperitoneum. It is often described as the two bodies in one, after it was discovered that the addition of insulin The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
   The pancreas secretes enzymes that are essential for digestion.

Among those lipase, which promotes the absorption of fats, and amylase, which promotes the absorption of carbohydrates. Also, the pancreas produces sodium bicarbonate to neutralize the excess acidity in the stomach, which is able to damage the structure of the intestinal wall.

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  • diabetes

The seven major risk factors for type 2 diabetes degree

January 27, 2008

 the development of diabetes 2 degrees
   There are many risk factors for developing diabetes 2 degrees. Several factors are associated with a genetic predisposition to this disease, so we can not influence them, but the other is still possible to avoid and prevent the development of diabetes 2 degrees. So, what are the factors and how can we avoid them?

 The seven major risk factors for type 2 diabetes degree


The main factor for developing diabetes 2 degrees - overweight and obesity. Excess weight means increased resistance to insulin The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
 Because fat impairs the body's use of insulin. According to a study conducted by American scientists, the number of obese children in the US has tripled compared to 1980. Accordingly, increased the number of children diagnosed with diabetes 2 degrees.

 The seven major risk factors for type 2 diabetes degree

Sedentary lifestyle

The report of the Surgeon General of the US Physical Activity and Health (USA, 1996) states that "a sedentary lifestyle is extremely harmful to health and is guilty of the growing problem of obesity." Passive way of life is often accompanied by obesity and leads to the development of diabetes 2 degrees. The muscle cells are large insulin receptors than fat cells, so regular exercise can reduce insulin resistance. An active lifestyle also helps to reduce blood sugar levels Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
 As it improves the efficiency of insulin.

 The seven major risk factors for type 2 diabetes degree


Approximately 90% of patients with type 2 diabetes are obese degree. Malnutrition ultimately leads to obesity. Excessive intake of fat and simple carbohydrates and insufficient intake of protein and fiber to a large extent contribute to the development of diabetes. Nutrition may prevent the development of diabetes 2 degrees and facilitates its treatment.

 The seven major risk factors for type 2 diabetes degree

Genetic predisposition

According to doctors, increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes susceptible people in the family have already been cases of this disease. However, a genetic predisposition to diabetes Five signs of predisposition to diabetes  Five signs of predisposition to diabetes
   2 degree does not mean you can not escape the disease. A decisive role in the development of diabetes plays a lifestyle.

 The seven major risk factors for type 2 diabetes degree

Advanced age

It is sad but true: the older we get, the more at risk of developing diabetes 2 degrees. With age, a predisposition to diabetes increases even slim and thin people, who all his life watching their weight. According to scientists, this is because the pancreas is getting old with us, and already unable to properly "pump" insulin. Furthermore, the aging organism cells increases their resistance to insulin.

 The seven major risk factors for type 2 diabetes degree

Hypertension and high cholesterol in the blood

Hypertension and high blood cholesterol levels - the key risk factors for the development of many major diseases including diabetes 2 degrees. As a result of high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels not only destroys the blood vessels, but also the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 That in combination with obesity, fatty food and neglect of sporting activities gives a bleak picture. Metabolic syndrome increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

 The seven major risk factors for type 2 diabetes degree

Transferred gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is diagnosed in approximately 4% of all pregnant women. It begins with the fact that placental hormones increases insulin resistance in the mother. Many women during pregnancy have had gestational diabetes develop diabetes later 2 degrees. Furthermore, in this case, the children are also at increased risk of developing diabetes in the future.

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  • diabetes
