- Increased blood sugar - with the need to learn to live
- Symptoms
- Consequences and Diet
- Treatment
Treatment of patients with type I diabetes
Reduce the sugar content in the blood with the help of diet in patients with type I diabetes can not be. The only treatment for such patients is insulin. Such treatment is both to prevent complications of diabetes.
Today they say that diabetes
Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
- It is not a disease but a way of life. It is assumed that a person with diabetes should know everything about him. He must constantly several times a day to control blood sugar and be able to take immediate action when a sudden increase or decrease. Just a clear view of the fact that a stable, below the threshold level, blood sugar can provide a normal life without complications. In order to educate the patients with diabetes are special schools.
The most appropriate drug for compensation of carbohydrate metabolism and its dosage to the patient chooses a doctor - a lot of insulin today is available as a long and fast acting. But after the selection of drugs and doses required strict control of blood sugar, it can only exercise the patient. Thus, the patient himself, under the supervision of a doctor monitors their condition and efficiency of treatment.
Treating high blood sugar in patients with type II diabetes
Elevated levels of blood sugar in patients with type II diabetes require a completely different treatment strategies. Insulin in this case is not applicable - in most cases it is sufficient in the patient's blood. The main recommendations for the treatment of such patients are diet and healthy lifestyle, with a maximum (in accordance with the age and state of health), physical activity, including the conduct of medical gymnastics. Another recommendation is a mandatory weight loss if the patient is obese.
All of this has a positive effect on the course of diabetes and helps to maintain a stable compensation of carbohydrate metabolism, with a marked reduction of excess body weight. Regular practice of physiotherapy contribute to the normalization of fat metabolism, improves blood circulation in the capillaries, beneficial effects on the nervous system. In most cases this is enough for the normalization of metabolism and blood sugar levels.
But sometimes still have to appoint and medication. Drug treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus type II involves the use of drugs of different groups that can help reduce blood sugar levels in a particular patient. Selection of drugs carries endocrinologist.
Today, the treatment of type II diabetes used drugs affecting the reduced absorption of carbohydrates in the gastro-intestinal tract (acarbose), biguanides (metformin), insulin sensitayzery or glitazones (pioglitazone) and agents that stimulate insulin secretion.
For drugs that stimulate insulin secretion
The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
Include: sulfonylurea drugs II generation (glibenclamide, glipizide, gliclazide, gliquidone), sulfonylurea drugs generation III (glimepiride), and also preparations - amino acid derivatives (repaglinide and nateglinide - they are regulators of blood glucose content
Glucose: The energy source
insulin secretagogues or short-acting).
Sometimes using these drugs reduce the sugar fails. Typically, this is due to impaired insulin secretion by pancreatic cells
Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
. In this case, use the combination treatment: appointment of tablet formulations for the treatment of type II diabetes in combination with the introduction of the average duration of the night, or twice a day.
Increased blood sugar - prevention
Prevention of high blood sugar is only possible with type II diabetes. Prevention of diabetes is a healthy lifestyle, moderate exercise, giving up sedentary lifestyle, diet with the maximum reduction in the diet of foods that increase blood sugar and impaired lipid metabolism - easily digestible carbohydrates and animal fat.
At the same time should monitor their weight - in the second half of his life he usually rises due to the fact that physical activity decreases, and daily calorie intake remains the same.
Pay particular attention to their health should be treated the people who have close relatives with diabetes. In addition to all the above preventive measures they should periodically visit the clinic and check blood sugar levels.
Diabetes - a disease that needs to completely change your lifestyle.
Galina Romanenko