Linseed oil for the face - makes the skin young and healthy

May 29, 2014

  • Linseed oil for the face - makes the skin young and healthy
  • For eyebrows and eyelashes

 linseed oil for face
 Linseed oil for the face is traditionally used in folk medicine to give the skin freshness, removing dryness and flaking. You can use flaxseed oil for treatment of acne Acne treatment: how to get rid of blackheads  Acne treatment: how to get rid of blackheads
   - It is suitable for the recovery of the normal state of any type of skin, as it is involved in cellular metabolism.


Linseed oil for the skin

Flaxseed oil has long been used to make the face of youth and freshness. E: st information that a face mask with linseed oil applied even Cleopatra. Features of action of linseed oil on the skin is that it has a positive effect on any type of skin, as activates metabolic processes.

Contained in linseed oil omega-3 fatty acids rapidly enter cells of the epithelium by activating metabolic processes in them and being an additional source of energy. Additional energy is the synthesis of its own proteins and construction of new young and healthy skin cells. Skin refreshed, younger, small wrinkles are smoothed out.

The positive impact on oily skin Oily facial skin - a problem both sexes  Oily facial skin - a problem both sexes
   is the biologically active substances produced in the process of the exchange of the linseed oil have properties include hormones. They restore a moderate sebum secretion and normal chemical composition, that is, eliminate the main causes of acne Acne: facial trouble  Acne: facial trouble
 . Linseed oil for beauty can and should be used for acne.

Unfortunately, linseed oil in cosmetics frequently used in the home as rapidly oxidized in air loses its beneficial properties and even become toxic due to the presence of a large number of free radicals which destroy cells. Because of this property, linseed oil seldom is used in the cosmetic industry. Nevertheless, some companies produce cosmetic products based on linseed oil, for example, the Novosibirsk company "Gentle flax" produces eponymous cosmetic line for skin care.

At home, all cosmetic mask based on linseed oil is better prepared immediately before use.


Linseed oil wrinkles

There are several recipes for masks on the basis of linseed oil for wrinkles. Of course, it is impossible to hope that all the wrinkles smoothed. However, small, newly arisen wrinkles may disappear. In any case, even if the lines remain, the skin will get a fresh and youthful appearance.

Masks with linseed oil-wrinkle (the skin around the eyes do not overlap)

  • take a dessert spoon of flaxseed oil, liquid honey and a raw egg yolk, all mixed, good rub and rub on clean face for 20 minutes; then rinse thoroughly with a soft mask (can be boiled or rain) water without soap; Mask is applied twice a week for three months;
  • take a teaspoon of flaxseed, walnut, olive and corn oils; all mixed, slightly warmed and put on clean face for 20 minutes; then remnants of the mask can be removed with a paper towel soaked skin; Mask is applied twice a week for three months;
  • take a tablespoon of thick oily cream home, add a teaspoon of flaxseed oil and 2-3 mashed berries strawberries; mix well and put on clean face for 20 minutes; then rinse thoroughly with a soft mask (can be boiled or rain) water without soap; Mask is applied twice a week for three months.


Linseed oil acne

In order to cope with acne, flaxseed oil Linseed oil - the healing properties of a beautiful flower  Linseed oil - the healing properties of a beautiful flower
   should be used, not only externally, but also inside, as the acne (pimples) usually develops on the background of hormonal changes. Under the influence of hormones increases the secretion of sebum and changes its chemical composition sebum becomes viscous, mixing with surface shelled skin cells, it clogs the pores of the skin, forming unsightly black dots (comedones). Inside clogged sebaceous ducts actively propagates pathogenic flora, causing the appearance of the skin rash pustular.

Inside flaxseed oil take 1-2 tablespoons. It can be added to salads, cereals, stewed vegetables, as well as any other food.

Masks with linseed oil for oily, acne-prone skin (the skin around the eyes do not overlap)

  • take a tablespoon of rice flour (rice can be ground in a coffee grinder or crush in a mortar), mixed with an equal amount of lemon juice and a dessert spoon of flaxseed oil, all carefully grind and rub on clean face, gently rubbing the skin and using a mask as a light scrub ; leave the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse using special cleanser for oily skin; Mask is applied every other day, a course of treatment to 8-10 procedures;
  • Hercules oat flakes grind in a coffee grinder, take a tablespoon of flour, mixed with beaten into a foam protein of eggs and dessert spoon of flaxseed oil; All carefully grind and rub on clean face, gently rubbing the skin and using a mask as a light scrub; leave the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse using special cleanser for oily skin; Mask is applied every other day, a course of treatment to 8-10 procedures;
  • take a tablespoon of low fat cottage cheese, add a teaspoon of honey and flax seed oil and apply on clean face for 20 minutes, then rinse the mask with a soft (can be boiled or rain) water without soap; Mask is applied twice a week for three months.

Hair treatment - recipes from grandmothers to modern procedures

December 26, 2012

  • Hair treatment - recipes from grandmothers to modern procedures
  • Facilities

 conditioning treatment
 Exquisite hair hide defects in face and figure, give confidence and will to succeed. But to make a beautiful hair from the hair of poor quality it is impossible. That is why stylists often recommend clients to a procedure such as the treatment of hair, head of hair to return to its former beauty with the help of masks, ointments and other means.

 Hair treatment - recipes from grandmothers to modern procedures

Does hair treatment

Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of good hair. Adverse external factors, coloring, perming, frequent styling with tongs or heated rollers, unbalanced diet, diet, bathing in the sea or chlorinated water - these and many other factors contribute to the fact that hair is over-dry, lose their luster and volume, become "unruly" , split at the tips, break and fall out. In this case, the hair should be treated.

Universal agent for the treatment of hair there. Special care is dependent on the specific hair problems. Thus, hair loss remedies do not help with dandruff Dandruff: where it comes from, and what to do  Dandruff: where it comes from, and what to do
 And means for split ends is useless to rub into the scalp for better hair growth.

 Hair treatment - recipes from grandmothers to modern procedures

Problem: Hair Loss

In a normal person loses about one hundred hair a day. However, few people take the trouble to counts: on the grounds that the comb is too much hair, many women conclude that baldness is not far off. Meanwhile, there are simple ways to check whether the hair loss problem is relevant in this particular case. First, you must carefully consider the fallen hairs: if no spike at one end there is a small pear-shaped thickening - bulbs - so hair does not fall, but simply break down. If the boss is there, it is necessary to conduct another test: a good pull a strand of hair on the temple or back of the head. If, after such manipulation in the hand is five or more hair - it is an occasion to sound the alarm.

Often, hair loss can help a doctor-triholog: the problem may be related to common diseases. Accordingly, it may be necessary to undergo treatment of these diseases, after which the hair loss stopped. If any health problems there, but the hair is still falling out, will help special means for hair loss. Almost every pharmaceutical company produces vitamins, beneficial effect on the hair is. Such vitamin complexes usually contain, vitamin B, zinc, magnesium, silicon, iodine, iron and other minerals. In addition, it is rational to eat: strict diets often provoke hair loss.

If your hair is falling out, take care of them should be especially careful: wash water is not too hot, to give up blow-drying and heat styling, prefer wooden brushes and combs metal. Reduce hair loss and help to accelerate the growth of new special masks. For example, a very effective mask of castor oil, which is applied to the entire surface of the hair and rub into the scalp, then the head should be put on warming cap. This mask should be kept on the hair at least one hour, and then apply shampoo directly to the oil, lather and rinse with warm water. If wet hair before applying shampoo to wash your hair will be difficult. It is enough to do such a mask once a week to three months later became less hair fall out and grow better.

That hair grow better, and should work to improve the blood circulation of the scalp. For example, a good effect is rubbing alcohol infusion of hot peppers that causes a rush of blood to the hair follicles. To avoid drying out the hair after rubbing infusion into the hair roots is recommended to rub extra virgin olive oil. Very good stimulates hair growth and aloe juice Aloe - its amazing healing properties  Aloe - its amazing healing properties
 , Which is sold in pharmacies. A small amount of aloe juice can be rubbed into the hair roots, or add a mask based on egg yolk and honey. Well strengthens hair and makes them fluffy yeast mask - fresh yeast is diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream and rub into the hair roots. Half an hour later the mask wash off with shampoo. It is believed that after the yeast mask rich in vitamins B, literally hair grow "by leaps and bounds."

 Hair treatment - recipes from grandmothers to modern procedures

The problem: weak, brittle, lifeless hair

Brittle and lifeless hair shows, as a rule, that they are too dry. Treatment begins with circumcision Circumcision - religion against science  Circumcision - religion against science
   posechennyh tips - splice them back, it is usually impossible. After that, it is desirable to abandon the traumatic procedures: heat styling, coloring, perm, but use special shampoos and conditioners for dry hair Dry hair: how to restore hair vitality?  Dry hair: how to restore hair vitality?
 And mask. The mask of castor oil is effective in this case. In addition, care-dried hair can use olive oil mixed with a small amount of lemon juice. This mixture is rubbed into the hair from root to tip and left for half an hour, then wash off with shampoo.

Well established in the care dried hair mask from egg yolk. On a couple of egg yolks should take three tablespoons of burdock oil, three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of brandy. The mixture is rubbed into the hair, special attention should be paid to overdried ends. After half an hour you can wash off the mask - hair acquire vitality and amazing shine. Making a mask is recommended once a week. A similar composition and "mayonnaise" mask. Since mayonnaise industrial production is usually packed with preservatives and artificial additives, it is best to prepare the mayonnaise for this mask on their own, mixing the egg yolks, olive oil and lemon juice. After such a mask your hair will look healthier and more beautiful.
