Hair and summer: hot season with beautiful hair

October 31, 2010

  • Hair and summer: hot season with beautiful hair
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 summer hair
 Dry hair with split ends, faded colors, difficulty with laying - are just some of the troubles that threaten the hair in the summer. During the season the most open and daring clothes, trips and beach parties own hair are often not up to par. This can be corrected, if the time to remember that summer and winter operation - different not only for the body as a whole, but also for its individual parts.

 Hair and summer: hot season with beautiful hair

Shampoo and conditioner

In the summer it is better to prefer a mild shampoo containing highly nourishing and moisturizing agents. If you have dry hair Dry hair: how to restore hair vitality?  Dry hair: how to restore hair vitality?
 , Wash your hair less often than usual. Greasy hair in the summer, on the contrary, it is necessary to wash more frequently and without mild shampoo will not do.

If the winter you sometimes do without air conditioning in the summer to use it necessarily. It holds moisture in the hair, keeps it smooth and elastic.

 Hair and summer: hot season with beautiful hair


Since the summer of hair lacks moisture and nutrients, it is recommended to limit the use of hair dyes, relaxators (means for rectifying), lacquers and styling gels. All these means deprive the hair vitality, and if it is slow in winter, in summer accelerates the process considerably.

 Hair and summer: hot season with beautiful hair

Avoid heat styling

Put irons and curling irons to autumn - summer hair have enough exposure to high temperatures. It is also recommended to go without a hair dryer. If it does not in any way before you blow dry your hair, apply a conditioner that is not necessary to rinse.

 Hair and summer: hot season with beautiful hair

Deep conditioning

In the summer it should be at least twice a month to do a deep conditioning hair - it helps restore your hair regularly exposed to sunlight.

For deep conditioning you'll need at least half an hour of free time. Apply conditioner to the scalp and hair, put on his head a shower cap, if the house is not too hot -, wrap head with a towel. After 30-60 minutes, rinse with cool water conditioner.

 Hair and summer: hot season with beautiful hair

Protect hair

Wear hats and caps - is a reliable way to protect your hair from UV rays. We may recall that the scarves are not only in the neck, and on his head. Light elegant scarf will help you to create an image worthy of a film star, and at the same time protect their hair.

 Hair and summer: hot season with beautiful hair

Braids and ponytails

Summer - it's time to take time off from conventional packings, and to remember the hairstyles that can be done without the help of paints, gels, and ironing. Learn how to weave braids unusual and do neat ponytails - such hairstyles you can go and party and to work. Your hair a break from packing, and you refresh its image.

Gymnastics face: effective exercises

January 6, 2008

 Gymnastics face
 In some regions of the world gymnastics persons had been known for many centuries ago, but in the West it has become increasingly popular recently. When used correctly, face gymnastics gives such results that many people have tried it, give up the idea of ​​cosmetic surgery.

 Gymnastics face: effective exercises

The exercises for the muscles and the skin around the eyes

These exercises will help to reduce the wrinkles around the eyes, which appear among the first issue and strongly age.

  • Firmly close your eyes. Squeeze the pad of his thumb to the outer corners of eyes and carefully pull the eyelid skin towards temples.
  • Firmly close your eyes. Push the index finger to the eyelids under the eyebrows, and gently pull the skin up, continuing to keep your eyes closed.
  • Raise eyebrows, keeping his eyes veiled (not fully closed). Now open your eyes as wide as possible and Freeze for a few seconds, feeling the tension of the facial muscles.

 Gymnastics face: effective exercises

Exercises for neck

Neck - this is not the face, but the wrinkles on the neck affect how the surrounding perceive your face. These exercises involve not only the muscles of the neck, and face.

  • Pinch the skin under the chin with your fingers, and removal of the head back, so that you looked straight up. At the same time you should feel as stretched muscles and skin on the neck.
  • Pull his lips and tilt your head back. Pull the lips as much as possible, as if you were trying to kiss the ceiling above you.
  • Tilt your head back looking at the ceiling. Pull up the lower lip, so that the skin on his neck tightened significantly.
  • Tilt your head back, look at the ceiling. Stick out your tongue as far as possible - if you're trying to touch their chin.

Do each of these exercises 5-10 times.

 Gymnastics face: effective exercises

Lip Exercises

  • Pull his lips and try to pull them as close to the nose.
  • Keeping lips and teeth tightly clenched, try to smile as widely as possible.
  • Pull the lips forward as far as possible, in a few seconds, relax and then repeat.
  • Pull the lips forward as far as possible, and then try to touch the nose, upper lip, at the same time, removing the lower lip to the chin.

 Gymnastics face: effective exercises

Exercises for the cheeks

  • Keeping his lips tightly closed, retract the cheek, holding their internal side of teeth. Also, try this exercise with the left and right cheek in turn.
  • Type in the mouth air. Assemble it on the upper lip (skin above the lip should be significantly inflated), move his left, and then for the right cheek - that is, in turn inflate the cheeks.

Article Tags:
  • Gymnastics face

Anatomy of wrinkles: everything you need to know about skin aging

March 13, 2011

 Today, more than ever women's attitudes to aging is changing before our eyes: modern women know that the aging process Aging Skin: The three most common problems and their solutions  Aging Skin: The three most common problems and their solutions
   with the help of properly selected cosmetics and skin care products, you can significantly slow, long time to keep a young and healthy skin. However, the youth of the skin - this is not only a beautiful and healthy appearance: the appearance of the first signs of aging depends on the status of all layers of the skin.

 Anatomy of wrinkles: everything you need to know about skin aging

Four areas of aging

With age, changes occur simultaneously on the four main layers of the skin - the so-called "areas of aging."

 Anatomy of wrinkles: everything you need to know about skin aging

The epidermis

The top layer of skin, the epidermis with age becomes dry and dull. By the age of 30 years, the skin becomes drier because the sebaceous glands produce less secretion - a natural "lubrication" of the epidermis. During menopause the sebaceous glands slows down even more and dryness, as well as an increased sensitivity of the skin, has become one of the main problems faced by the majority of women in menopause.

The epidermis contains pigment-producing cells - melanocytes, responsible for skin color. Over the years, due to the cumulative effect of the sun melanocytes become more active, and they produced an excess of melanin leads to the formation of age spots. A build-up from the skin cells of the epidermis horny special - corneocytes - leads to the fact that the skin becomes dull, painful and lifeless.


  • Bleaching of the skin as needed (modern anti-aging cosmetics can get rid of age spots and freckles).
  • Cosmetics with potent ingrendientami (retinoids, alpha hydroxy acids and beta).
  • Regular exfoliation (chemical peels and microdermabrasion creams for the skin).
  • Moisturize. The closer to the age of the woman menopause, the lower protective secretion produce sebaceous gland, resulting in skin barrier disappears and moisture evaporates more easily from the skin.
  • Sunscreen lotion or cream - daily protection of the skin from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation, which accelerates the aging process.

 Anatomy of wrinkles: everything you need to know about skin aging

The dermis

The dermis is located capillaries that provide blood flow to the skin. Here are nerve endings, sweat glands, hair follicles - as well as the collagen and elastin fibers, which provide skin elasticity and strength.

Like the epidermis, dermis with age undergoes certain changes: collagen and elastin fibers begin to break down, resulting in a loss of skin elasticity - as a result the skin becomes loose, starts to sag. Produces collagen and elastin connective tissue cells - fibroblasts - become less active, and the skin is not able to maintain or restore the natural elasticity of the damaged areas.

The deleterious effect on the dermis layer and has an ultraviolet damaging cellular DNA - this leads to a number of problems with skin The most common skin problems and their solutions  The most common skin problems and their solutions
 Including the appearance of facial skin vascular "stars", the skin becomes thinner, longer suffers from bruises.


  • Antioxidants neutralize free radical damage to the skin, stimulating the activity of fibroblasts and allows to maintain the structure of the dermis.
  • Non-ablative laser rejuvenation of the skin, stimulating the production of collagen.
  • Anti-aging cosmetics with amino acids and peptides Peptides: The new panacea?  Peptides: The new panacea?
 , Restores the protective barrier of the skin and stimulates collagen production.
  • Medical cosmetics with vitamin A derivatives Vitamin A: An important element of the health and beauty  Vitamin A: An important element of the health and beauty
   - For example, retinol.

 Anatomy of wrinkles: everything you need to know about skin aging

Subcutaneous fat layer

Beneath the dermis is a layer of subcutaneous fat, which with age becomes much thinner. As a result, thinning of the subcutaneous fat layer of the skin itself becomes thinner, leading to increased fragility, the appearance of dark circles under the eyes, vascular "stars." Fat accumulates along the jaw, leading to the appearance of sagging chin or cheeks, "double" chin.

 Anatomy of wrinkles: everything you need to know about skin aging

The muscle layer

Under a layer of subcutaneous fat is muscle layer. Deep wrinkles on the face - the result of excessive muscle work, for example, because of the constant smiling, or, conversely, frown. Constant tension of the facial muscles leads to the formation in time of deep facial wrinkles - especially if the skin is suffering from the negative impact of the additional ultraviolet radiation.

Article Tags:
  • Wrinkles
