Beautiful teeth - often visit the dentist - Natural White

December 28, 2012

  • Beautiful teeth - often visit the dentist
  • Natural White
  • Nursing

 Naturally Whiter Teeth

Naturally Whiter Teeth

It's no secret that many special whitening toothpastes can not be removed from the teeth a nasty film as advertising promises. Professional whitening procedure that is performed dentist is quite effective, but it has a lot of nuances. For example, it entails such unpleasant effects such as increased tooth sensitivity Tooth Sensitivity - sudden pain  Tooth Sensitivity - sudden pain
   to changes in temperature. In addition, this procedure will have to be repeated regularly to maintain the result. If you do not trust to the newfangled "wonder drug" and contained these chemicals to achieve the desired result can also be using national funds.

For example, tooth whitening is recommended galenic (made herbal powder). To make it, you will need: tormentil powder - 2 parts powder Ahearn - two pieces of birch bark and powder - 1 piece. All the necessary ingredients can be found in herbal pharmacies. Mix the ingredients in the proportions, dilute a little warm water to make a thick creamy consistency and use the cooked mixture as toothpaste. Within an hour after brushing a paste can be eaten.

For those who do not want to make too much effort to whiten teeth Teeth whitening - which option is right for you?  Teeth whitening - which option is right for you?
 We can offer the following means.

Bake eggplant (cut in small circles) in the oven or sauté in the frying pan to the charring. Dip your fingers into the black powder and spend them in the teeth for 3 minutes - the longer, the better. This unattractive in appearance powder not only whitens teeth and strengthens them perfectly. It is desirable then for an hour did not take by mouth. Do not worry that your finger will be stained - eggplant "black" is easily washed off with plain water. Of course, the preparation of this tool requires some time, so it's best to cook it with a stock several times.

Everyone knows about the bleaching properties of lemon juice and baking soda. Use a simple recipe: once a week, try brushing your teeth How to brush your teeth: interesting facts  How to brush your teeth: interesting facts
   lemon juice. To get rid of yellow teeth, you will also need 1-2 drops of lemon juice and some salt - these ingredients should be added to toothpaste or powder. Remember, lemon juice and soda should not be used more than once a week.

 Natural White | Beautiful teeth - often visit the dentist

Gymnastics for teeth

Even in ancient times the wise Chinese have learned to cure a variety of diseases the most simple and effective means. They also know how to deal with caries More about caries - take care of your teeth until it's too late  More about caries - take care of your teeth until it's too late
 . Simple Chinese preventive measures against this unfortunate disease is not less effective than advertised popular means.

In the morning when brushing your teeth, dial into the mouth of cold boiled water and rinse your mouth for three minutes, and then slowly swallow it in three sips. This procedure strengthens the teeth and improves salivation.

After the meal, the mouth should be washed necessarily - this simple rule is known not only Chinese, but also to any European. Rinsing the mouth is not only useful for the teeth, it is perfectly strengthens the muscles of the lips and cheeks.

 Natural White | Beautiful teeth - often visit the dentist

Friendly advice

Every day we kiss, teeth and take an active part in this process. Make them attractive! Strive for inner harmony and beauty. Do not delay a visit to the dentist, do not be lazy to take advantage of people's recipes for effective means to strengthen and whiten teeth - it depends on the charm and confidence of your smile. Most use the time-tested folk remedies dental care.

How to get rid of the smell of garlic breath? - At home,

February 19, 2013

  • How to get rid of the smell of garlic breath?
  • At home

 how to get rid of garlic smell from the mouth at home

How to get rid of garlic smell from the mouth at home

Healthy and nutritious ingredient, garlic makes better the taste of many dishes, giving them an exceptional taste and aroma - whether toasted baguette with garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
   or garlic sauce with pasta, meat, fish. Because of its taste and aroma, as well as an absolute benefit to human health, garlic is one of the key ingredients in many national cuisines. However, garlic has one major drawback: contained in garlic sulfur compounds react with bacteria in the mouth of man, give rise to bad breath. However, to get rid of garlic smell from the mouth can be with just a few simple steps, even at home.

 At home | How to get rid of the smell of garlic breath?

  • Every time eating dishes containing garlic, eat after a few leaves of fresh parsley Parsley Health and Beauty  Parsley Health and Beauty
 . Parsley not only kills bacteria in the oral cavity, but also protects the teeth and gums, thus preventing the appearance of halitosis.
  • Some herbs - such as peppermint, coriander, green mint, tarragon, eucalyptus and rosemary - effectively eliminate the bad breath as well as parsley. After meals with enough garlic to chew mint leaves for a few minutes, and the breath away.
  • One of the most effective ways to get rid of bad breath - chew on fresh grains of cardamom. A strong taste and smell of cardamom kills bacteria - the source of odor.
  • Fenugreek seeds in the form of infusion effectively eliminate the halitosis. Prepare an infusion of a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds and half a liter of cold water for 15 minutes brewing mixture to simmer.

Good hygiene - the best way to prevent halitosis. Daily brushing your teeth a good brushing and flossing for 2-3 minutes, do not forget to clean the surface of the tongue - it will help to get rid of an accumulation of bacteria that cause bad breath.

Fresh lemonade - is another effective way to get rid of bacteria. Make sure the lemonade made from fresh lemons. If you prefer to drink freshly squeezed juices-store, buy lemonade only quality brands: cheap drinks contain very little lemon juice and lots of sugar.

Instead, you can use lemon soda after eating put the lemon peel in his mouth and chew a few minutes.

To reduce the activity of the sulfur compounds react with the bacteria in the oral cavity, mouth rinse solutions regularly natural oils - including tea tree oil Tea tree oil  Tea tree oil
 , Peppermint oil Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness  Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
   or lemon tree. This will help to quickly solve the problem of bad breath.

Daily consumption of yogurt, as the study showed, effectively reduces the level of hydrogen sulfide in the mouth, which stimulates the appearance of bad breath after eating food with garlic.

Article Tags:
  • Breath
