The bitterness in the mouth - a sign, not a disease

October 29, 2009

  • The bitterness in the mouth - a sign, not a disease
  • Bitterness in the mouth for liver and biliary tract

 Bitterness in the mouth
   Bitterness in the mouth, not by the presence of substances in the oral cavity having a bitter taste, is a violation of the ability to taste. The constant presence of an unpleasant taste in the mouth is called dysgeusia.

Changes in taste happens when something breaks the normal process of taste sensations. The sense of taste - a combination of odor sensory neurons and taste - taste buds; input from the information tells the brain what you eat. Taste buds can distinguish between sweet, bitter, salty and sour taste. Some people are more sensitive to bitter tastes, because they can feel the bitter taste phenylthiocarbamide the connection that others feel unable or feel only moderately.

At birth, the human has about 10,000 taste buds, but with age, their number reduced. Therefore, adults and older people can usually tolerate more intense flavor than the children.

Most often, there is bitterness in the mouth after vomiting or due to acid reflux. However constant bitterness in the mouth usually other reasons, such as pregnancy or use of certain drugs, particularly antibiotics. The ability to taste can also be compromised due to prolonged smoking or various injuries of the mouth, nose or head.

If there was a bitter taste in my mouth for the first time you should consult a doctor to rule out a serious illness that can cause this disorder.

Let's examine some of the causes of bitterness in the mouth.

 The bitterness in the mouth - a sign, not a disease

Dental disease

Bitterness in the mouth can occur due to gum disease Gum disease - whether the body to cope without the help of a doctor?  Gum disease - whether the body to cope without the help of a doctor?
 , Tooth abscess, or gingivitis. For some people, there is increased sensitivity to certain components of dental fillings. When a bitter taste in the mouth shortly after you put the seal will have a talk with your dentist. It is possible that you will have to put the seal of a different material.

 The bitterness in the mouth - a sign, not a disease

Acid reflux

A person suffering from acid reflux disease or gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastric juice rises up through the esophagus and into the throat because of what he feels bitterness mouth during meals or after them. The most common cause of acid reflux is eating too much, eating spicy and fatty foods, and the lack of normal intervals between meals.

In addition to the bitterness of the mouth, acid reflux symptoms can be heartburn, bad breath, headaches, bloating, flatulence, nausea and pain in the throat, resulting from irritation caused by gastric juice.

 The bitterness in the mouth - a sign, not a disease

Hormonal Imbalance

Changes in hormone levels, particularly estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
 Can cause a bitter taste in the mouth. This is especially true during pregnancy, but there may be a variety of conditions associated with impaired hormone production in the body.

 The bitterness in the mouth - a sign, not a disease

Metal poisoning

Bitterness in the mouth is a symptom of lead poisoning, copper and mercury. If you are in contact with the mercury, and soon after that you have a bitter taste in your mouth, immediately seek medical attention. This metal is highly toxic and poisoning can have very serious consequences for your health.

 The bitterness in the mouth - a sign, not a disease


The bitterness in the mouth is one of the symptoms of diseases such as jaundice, diabetes, cancer, liver or kidney dysfunction.

 The bitterness in the mouth - a sign, not a disease

Poor oral hygiene

Due to the growth of microorganisms bitterness in the mouth may appear in a person who cleans your teeth often enough. As is known, this should be done not less than twice a day. Furthermore, the bacteria do not accumulate between the teeth, the need for at least twice during the flossing.

 The bitterness in the mouth - a sign, not a disease


There are a few simple ways to get rid of the bitter taste in the mouth:

  • Regularly eat citrus fruits - their juice stimulates salivation and has antimicrobial activity.
  • Several times a day, chew cinnamon or cloves Carnation: exquisite aromatherapy  Carnation: exquisite aromatherapy
   - It eliminates the bitter taste and freshens breath.
  • Avoid high-fat, salty and spicy food, and do not pass.

If these methods do not help even a little to reduce the bitterness in the mouth, consult a physician. Maybe you have a serious disease that should be cured, to get rid of this symptom.

Bitterness in the mouth may be accompanied by some endocrine and mental (taste hallucinations) disease that occurs when taking certain medicines.

For example, antibiotics can cause the death of the normal intestinal microflora and the development of pathogenic microflora, ie overgrowth, one sign of which is the appearance of bitterness in the mouth.

Short-term bitterness in the mouth can occur after stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   or after ingestion of certain products (eg pine nuts).

Vermoxum - Description: an effective anthelmintic drug

November 11, 2011

 Vermoxum - Description
 Worm infestation at all times is the most common disease. Our time is no exception, especially common diseases such as ascariasis, and enterobiasis trichuriasis - all of them are caused by roundworms and treated Vermoxum. Sensitive to Vermoxum and tape worms Worms - how dangerous they are?  Worms - how dangerous they are?

 Vermoxum - Description: an effective anthelmintic drug

How does on worms Vermoxum

Vermoxum affects metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   worms. First of all, it inhibits the ability to properly metabolize glucose (source of energy) and get out of her material energy - ATP. As a result of disturbed protein metabolism, is not synthesized by the cells of helminth tubulin required and the cells are destroyed, resulting in the death of worms and self-removal from the body through the intestines.

Despite the fact that the main action in the intestine Vermoxum performed, and then it is excreted in the feces of the drug yet absorbed into the blood, binds to plasma proteins, and it is accumulated selectively in the liver, adipose tissue and helminth larvae formed cysts. Then this part Vermoxum decomposed in the liver to metabolites (products of metabolism) and excreted by the kidneys.

The active ingredient is Vermoxum mebendazole, which is also available under the names vermakar, Vero mebendazole, vormin, mebeks, mebendazole, mebendazole, Vero telmoks. Firm Gedeon Richter Vermoxum available in tablets of 100 mg, and as a 2% suspension.

 Vermoxum - Description: an effective anthelmintic drug

At any parasitic infestations will Vermoxum and how to take

Appointed Vermoxum mainly in parasitic infestations caused by helminths round worms and tape, with the greatest sensitivity to exhibit pinworms roundworms (they cause enterobiasis) and whipworm (trichuriasis). In addition, Vermoxum active against round helminths (nematodes) - ascarids (ascariasis), hookworm (hookworm), ugritsy intestinal (strongyloidiasis), Trichinella (trichinosis). Sensitivity to it and some tapeworms (cestodes), such as pork tapeworm (taeniasis calls), Echinococcus (hydatid disease causing). Vermoxum treated as mixed helminth infections caused by nematodes and cestodosis.

When enterobioze Vermoxum taken in one dose prescribed by your doctor. If possible re-infection pinworms, the Vermoxum appointed again in two weeks or a month at the same dose. It is desirable to simultaneously treat all family members.

When ascariasis, trihotsefaleze, ankilostomidoze, teniasis, strongiloidoze and mixed helminthiasis treatment is carried out within three days, Vermoxum thus take twice a day. A longer course of treatment (10 days) is held with trichinosis and echinococcosis - Vermoxum thus taken under the special scheme. After receiving Vermoxum not need to take a laxative.

Vermoxum incompatible with alcohol, it can not be taken during the day after the treatment. It also reduces the need for insulin The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
   patients with diabetes mellitus.

Immediately after the treatment, and one week held laboratory control cure.

 Vermoxum - Description: an effective anthelmintic drug

Contraindications for use Vermoxum

Admission Vermoxum not suitable for high sensitivity to the patient's body, with such bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease (with her in the gut and form ulcers) - If the gut much of worms, they may stray into balls and break the damaged intestinal wall .

Contraindications Vermoxum and liver failure - reduced liver function Vermoxum fraught with accumulation in the blood (Vermoxum decomposed in the liver to metabolites). Official contraindications for receiving Vermoxum renal impairment is not, but we can assume that in this case, it will accumulate in the body have been excreted in urine. Therefore, when his kidney function should be used with caution.

Do not appoint Vermoxum during pregnancy, breast- Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   chest and under the age of two years - Vermoxum crosses the placenta and enters the fetus (possibly negative impact on its development) and excreted in the mother's milk (side effects of this drug does not allow its use in the treatment of small children).

 Vermoxum - Description: an effective anthelmintic drug

Unpleasant consequences of receiving Vermoxum

Sometimes it happens, it is caused by side effects Vermoxum and may manifest as dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, temporary liver dysfunction (sometimes can occur even icteric staining of the skin and sclera).

Prolonged use may cause changes Vermoxum peripheral blood, it is reduced white blood cell count (this leads to disruption of the body's defenses and vulnerable to infections) with an increase in the number of one type of white blood cells - eosinophils, which contributes to the allergic disposition of the body. It reduces the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood (anemia).

Furthermore, Vermoxum may cause changes in the urine (blood appears, and other elements, which should not be contained in the standard), allergic reactions and hair loss.

Galina Romanenko

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  • Vermoxum
