Omeprazole - a description of an anti-ulcer drug

April 21, 2013

 omeprazole description
 By means of modern anti-ulcer is omeprazole. Description omeprazole reveals the mechanism of action of proton pump inhibitors (pump). Drugs of this series of actions at the cellular level, so were synthesized relatively recently - in the mid-70s of the last century.

 Omeprazole - a description of an anti-ulcer drug

What is a proton pump (or pump) and how it works

Hydrochloric acid is produced by cells in the stomach glands located in the mucosa. In each cell, "is" proton pump opening into the gastric lumen. This name received enzyme hydrogen- potassium adenosinetriphosphatase (abbreviated - H + / K + -ATPase), as it is using the energy derived from the decomposition of ATP forcibly bypassing normal ion transport channels of the cell and into the cell, transports the hydrogen ions out of the cell into the gastric lumen, taking out the potassium ions. Potassium from the cell then exits too, but not one, but with chloride ions and through the usual transport routes. Thus, in the lumen of the stomach appear hydrogen ions and chlorine, which combine to form hydrochloric acid.

 Omeprazole - a description of an anti-ulcer drug

How does Omeprazole

The first omeprazole (the original drug) was synthesized in the Swedish pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca about forty years ago, and sold under the trade name losek. Today, omeprazole produced many drug companies under their own brand names - such drugs are called generics. Many generics in its quality as the original drug loseku, but are much cheaper.

The mechanism of action of omeprazole is associated with an inhibition (suppression) of the enzyme H + / K + -ATPase (proton pump) - it loses its ability to transport the desired acid to produce the salt ions, which leads to a suppression of gastric acid secretion and reduce gastric acidity.

In addition, omeprazole inhibits the vital functions of the infectious agent responsible for the development of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers (Helicobacter pylori). This occurs due to the fact that gastric acidity drastically lowered, and in such a medium Helicobacter pylori can not exist.

When making omeprazole into tablets or capsules quickly and adequately absorbed into the blood and into the stomach tissue. Its action comes after about an hour, two hours later, the peak of the action, within days the secretion of gastric juice is suppressed by half. The drug works best if it is taken as a course of treatment - it increases efficiency and is maximized by the fourth day. After treatment the therapeutic effect lasts for 3-5 days. When you remove the drug stimulating the secretion of hydrochloric acid does not occur.

Displayed omeprazole primarily through the kidneys, a much smaller part - in the bile and feces. Before Withdrawal decomposed in the liver to neutral metabolic products (metabolites). When violations of the kidneys and liver, as well as in the elderly absorption of omeprazole can be increased, but at the same time removing it from the body slows down.

 Omeprazole - a description of an anti-ulcer drug

In some cases, appointed

Omeprazole administered in the complex treatment and prevention of relapse in many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that are accompanied by increased acidity of gastric juice.

Such diseases especially true gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Omeprazole is especially effective in detecting the infectious agent such as Helicobacter pylori. Rapid and significant increase in the stomach Ph (ie decrease in acidity) contributes to the suppression of life, and Helicobacter pylori creates an environment favorable to the action of antibiotics. Assign omeprazole well as erosive and ulcerative processes in the stomach caused by stress and certain medications (aspirin, ibuprofen Ibuprofen: anti-inflammatory drug  Ibuprofen: anti-inflammatory drug
   and others).

In inflammatory processes in the esophagus associated with throwing it acidic gastric contents, as well to omeprazole. Description of the beneficial effects of this drug when reflux esophagitis is found in the works of many domestic and foreign researchers.

Apply omeprazole as diseases of other digestive organs, which are accompanied by high acidity of gastric juice, such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome - a benign tumor A benign tumor - is not always safe  A benign tumor - is not always safe
   pancreatic tissue Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know

 Omeprazole - a description of an anti-ulcer drug

Who should not take omeprazole

Omeprazole is a non-toxic drug, it is usually well tolerated by patients, so has few contraindications. Do not take omeprazole hypersensitivity to him the body of the patient, as a child, when feeding the baby Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breast and liver dysfunction.

But omeprazole has a number of side effects, take into account possible effects on the patient's doctor can only. With extreme caution, and only on the testimony of omeprazole are encouraged to nominate during pregnancy, impaired renal function and in the elderly.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • omeprazole

Regidron - indications: help with dehydration

December 9, 2012

 rehydron readings
 Regidron applies in the case when the body loses large amounts of fluid. Together with the liquid lost salt and fluid and salts ensure the normal functioning of cells of all organs and tissues. That is why it is so dangerous all the conditions associated with the loss of fluid.

 Regidron - indications: help with dehydration

What is dehydration and its symptoms

Dehydration or exsicosis - a decrease in the total water content in the body when its loss exceeds intake, and education. It can lead exsicosis as excessive excretion of water and the lack of it enters the body.

Tepyat water body can through the intestine (diarrhea, laxative effect, and so on), stomach (vomiting), kidneys (excessive urination at insipidus and diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 , Quires diuretics and so on) the skin (sweating), lightweight (in terms of dry air), blood loss, or upon expiration of the wound content with extensive burns and wounds.

When performing physical work with the greatest loss of water and then observed under conditions of hyperthermia. When climbing the highest mountains of the increased loss of water contributes to increased perspiration due to physical exercise and its rapid evaporation due to the dryness of the air. The reason exsicosis may also be loss of body water during prolonged carbohydrate-free diet and water fasting.

Exsicosis - is threatening condition in which a deeply disturbed many physiological functions. Together with the liquid output and sodium, which leads to condensation and increased blood viscosity, a decrease in blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
   and a sharp increase in the risk of collapse. Peripheral blood vessels thus narrowed, resulting in renal dysfunction and the development of acidosis - offset the acid-base balance of the body to the side of excessive acidity. But especially plagued the brain - there are disorders of the nervous system - convulsions and coma.

Fluid is output from both the intercellular space (it is lost together with sodium), and from the cells (this results in a loss of potassium - hypokalemia). The main symptoms of fluid loss is weight loss, thirst, loss of appetite, nausea, severe dry skin and mucous membranes, hoarseness, palpitations. Increasing weakness, a headache, muscle weakness, disturbed attention and coordination of movements. Then sink your eyeballs, sharpened features, weaker eyesight and hearing, difficult swallowing, circulatory failure increases, the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels due to blood clots. There are mental disorders up to the development of psychosis and seizures that can result in coma.

 Regidron - indications: help with dehydration

How to help a person with dehydration

You can help yourself to a man only at the initial degree of dehydration, when a severe dry skin and mucous membranes. In severe dehydration adequate assistance can be provided only in a hospital. But you should know that if the dehydration occurred against the backdrop of an intestinal infection, a remedy it will be a little - such a patient requires complex treatment with antibiotics.

For removal of dehydration in the home will suit the drug rehydron which comes in powder form in sachets. The powder composition comprises mineral substances which reduce the water-salt, acid-base balance in the body and energy - sodium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium citrate and glucose anhydride Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source

The contents of the sachet diluted liter of boiled water and drink very little, since the loss of fluids (especially if it is against the background of an intestinal infection) accompanied by nausea and vomiting. To keep the gastrointestinal tract solution rehydron better to take it in small sips every few minutes. Children provide a solution for teaspoonful.

As a result, potash recover water and salt exchange in the cells, and the sodium chloride - in the intercellular space. The balance between potassium and sodium, contribute to the normalization of the osmotic pressure in the tissue. Acidosis compensated sodium citrate - it is slightly alkalify body. Finally, glucose anhydride is a source of energy necessary for the implementation of all the recovery processes.

Regidron - a drug that can be taken at the start dewatering (including giving children) before the arrival of the doctor. But consult a doctor if it is necessary to clarify the cause of dehydration, adjust the daily dose of the solution rehydron Regidron - will help restore the water-salt balance  Regidron - will help restore the water-salt balance
   and, if necessary, appoint a complex treatment.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • rehydron
