Preparations of dysbiosis will help to restore the normal microflora, but only if they are assigned correctly. Self-medication is fraught with dysbacteriosis its protracted merger and infectious and inflammatory processes. Available in several groups of drugs for the treatment of dysbiosis.
Preparations for the treatment of dysbiosis - Main
Dysbacteriosis - is an imbalance between the normal (utility) and conditionally pathogenic (capable of causing inflammation under certain conditions) microflora inhabiting all cavities in the human body, with a message to the outside.
Useful microflora helps human life, opportunistic does not help, but sometimes interfere this process. To restore the ability to live a normal microflora is required to suppress the proliferation of opportunistic, to create conditions for the life of a normal microflora and settle in either chamber of the colony of beneficial bacteria. In addition, to sustain beneficial microflora need a strong immune system and normal metabolism.
Therefore, for the treatment of dysbiosis, the following group of drugs: anti-infectives, prebiotics, probiotics, immunostimulants, vitamins and minerals.
Medicines dysbiosis promoting suppress pathogenic microflora
This group of drugs include antibacterial agents for internal and topical application. Assign them is not always, but only when expressed manifestations of dysbiosis. If intestinal dysbiosis is usually prescribed antibacterial agents that act only within the intestine without being absorbed into the blood and without causing systemic effects.
One such drug is Enterofuril
Enterofuril - help with the intestinal infection
At dysbacteriosis he actively suppresses opportunistic pathogens without causing adverse effects on growth and development of normal microflora. Capsules (tablets) of dysbacteriosis Enterofuril act mainly locally in the intestine without being absorbed into the bloodstream. It penetrates into bacteria cells, causing them to breach the biochemical processes that lead to the death of these cells.
In the treatment of vaginal dysbiosis vaginal tablets are used by dysbiosis vagina - Clione-D terzhinan, Polizhinaks and others.
These are preparations of intestinal dysbiosis, creating conditions for the life of a normal microflora. Most often, the role of prebiotics perform medicines based on lactulose. In many pharmaceutical companies, such tools are available from dysbiosis as Duphalac, portalak, Normase. Under the influence of drugs in this group there is a change of microflora of the large intestine (increase in the number of lactic acid bacteria), which leads to increased acidity in the lumen of the colon and stimulate peristalsis.
Along with this increased volume and softening of stools. As a result, the drug has a laxative effect without affecting directly to the mucosa and the smooth muscles of the colon. Under the action of the drug migration occurs ammonia from the blood into the intestine, reduce the formation of nitrogen containing toxic substances in its initial part and, respectively, their absorption into blood.
These are preparations of intestinal dysbiosis, which contain beneficial bacteria colonies. By probiotics are bifidumbakterin
Bifidumbacterin - restores normal intestinal microflora
, Bifidumbakterin fort bififor, Probifor, laktobakterin, Atsipol
Atsipol - normalizes the intestinal microflora
, Colibacterin bifikol and others.
For example, very often administered probiotic such as Linex, at a dysbacteriosis it helps restore normal intestinal microflora. The structure lineksa includes three types of beneficial bacteria: bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and lactic streptococci that are resistant to antibiotics. Lactobacilli and lactic streptococci facilitate proper splitting the small intestine the main ingredients of food (proteins, fats and carbohydrates). Food ingredients, which are not absorbed into the small intestine, and went into a thick, helping to break down bifidobacteria. The latter also helps digest protein in the intestines of infants.
All these bacteria synthesize lactic acid which creates an unfavorable environment for the development of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms. Lactic acid environment is favorable for the intestinal absorption of iron, calcium and vitamin D.
Capsules (tablets) of dysbacteriosis after antibiotics also incorporate probiotics. Typically, they can be used, for both adults and children. However produced and the capsule (tablet) of dysbacteriosis adult, which can be used only after children 7 years. This, for example, baktisuptil, which consists of bacteria that produce a broad spectrum antibacterial action, inhibiting the development of pathogenic and conditional - pathogenic bacteria.
For the treatment of vaginal suppositories of dysbiosis available
Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation
by dysbiosis (eg atsilakt).
Drugs for preventing dysbiosis - are the same pre- and probiotics.
Galina Romanenko