Preparations for the recovery of the intestinal microflora - to strike a balance - Probiotics
November 30, 2014
- Preparations for the recovery of the intestinal microflora - to balance
- Probiotics

Preparations for the recovery of the intestinal microflora: probiotics
Most often, to restore intestinal microflora used drugs, which include certain probiotics.

Lactobacilli - a kind of lactic acid bacteria. In total there are more than fifty different species of lactobacilli. They live in the digestive tract, urinary organs and genitals. Some of lactobacilli, which can be part of preparations for the treatment of dysbiosis: Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. acidophilus DDS-1, Lactobacillus blugaricus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Lactobacillus plantarium, Lactobacillus reuteri. Very popular probiotic such as laktobaterin active substance Lactobacillus acidophilus are.
Experts who study the properties of lactobacilli, believe that it is too early to draw final conclusions about their effectiveness and safety. However, some of their useful properties found quite compelling evidence. So, lactobacilli successfully used in the treatment of diarrhea, food poisoning, antibiotic therapy and intestinal diseases; they can also alleviate the symptoms of certain skin diseases
Skin diseases - what to do when violated the basic functions of the skin
Including acne and eczema
Eczema - is difficult to treat
As well as prevent the development of respiratory tract infections.
Here is an overview of several studies in which drugs have been studied with lactobacilli:
- Supplementation with Lactobacillus GG was given to children who receive antibiotics has caused severe diarrhea. Most of the subjects became less frequent episodes of diarrhea, or completely stopped;
- Hospitalized adults who were given large doses of antibiotics
Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
, Assigned to supplementation with Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus bulgarius twice a day. A week later, the frequency of episodes of diarrhea decreased significantly;
- Children aged 1 to 6 years attending kindergarten were given milk containing Lactobacillus GG. They are much less likely to fall ill lung infections than children who did not take lactobacillus;
- Lactobacillus GG, on average, by 47% reduced likelihood of developing so-called traveler's diarrhea. These data were obtained from the study, which involved 245 people who rode in fourteen different regions of the planet.

Currently, there are about thirty different types of bifidobacteria. They form the majority of healthy microflora of the large intestine, but dysbiosis their population drastically reduced. Bifidobacteria appear in the human intestine in a few days after birth, and it occurs most rapidly in children who are breastfed.
On the labels of products containing bifidobacteria, you can find such names as Bifodbacterium bifidum, Bifodbacterium lactis, Bifodbacterium longum, Bifodbacterium breve, Bifodbacterium infantis, Bifodbacterium thermophilum, Bifodbacterium pseudolongum, or bifidumbakterin
Bifidumbacterin - restores normal intestinal microflora
. Studies have shown that bifidobacteria help to restore the intestinal flora, as well as facilitate some of the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and normalize blood lipids.

Saccharomyces boulardii
Saccharomyces boulardii - that, at the moment, the only fungal microorganism (from the group of the yeast), which is used as a probiotic. It is used to treat dysbiosis caused by taking antibiotics, as well as traveler's diarrhea. Also, there is evidence that the probiotic may be useful in treating acne and is capable of facilitating the side effects of drugs used to combat Helicobacter pylori.
Currently, there are not only the preparations containing probiotics are of a single type, but also combined preparations which include several kinds of bacteria and, sometimes, additional ingredients that enhance the effectiveness of treatment.
Hepatitis C - "the tender murderer" - Diagnostics
March 17, 2014
- Hepatitis C - "the tender murderer"
- Signs
- Diagnostics
- Treatment
- Forum

Diagnosis of hepatitis C
Biochemistry of blood for hepatitis C can not only detect the presence of virus in the blood, but with a fairly high probability to determine how effective the treatment is, and how well the patient's liver.

Assay for Hepatitis C
The diagnostic process begins with an analysis of antibody
Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity
to hepatitis C - if the result is positive, the more likely the patient is infected (but possible false positive analysis on hepatitis
Analysis of Hepatitis - will help in time to identify and begin to treat serious diseases
C, and sometimes, to make an accurate diagnosis, antibody testing should be done several times). If you suspect that you have found a false positive hepatitis C - for example, if you do not engage in sexual relations with strangers, do not take drugs, and you do not do a blood transfusion - to make a new blood test in a few weeks.
Very important is the analysis, which measures the viral load in hepatitis C identifies the number of viral particles per a certain volume of blood. This figure does not allow to predict whether a patient will develop liver cirrhosis or liver failure, and when that happens, but when the viral load is known, can be at least roughly estimate how efficient it will be for the person or another form of treatment.
As a rule, the less the viral load, the greater the likelihood that the treatment will give a good result.
In the course of therapy may be analyzed regularly viral load, to assess the effectiveness of treatment.

Assay for HCV genotypes
Currently there are several genotypes of HCV, numbered in order of their discovery. Furthermore, each of the genotypes have several subtypes. It is important to determine which genotype is called viral hepatitis
Viral hepatitis - Army disease
Since an individual patient, as this depends on the method and duration of treatment. In 60-75% of cases, the cause of hepatitis C genotype 1 virus becomes; Other genotypes are much rarer.

A blood test for liver enzymes
Since hepatitis C affects the liver, doctors regularly conduct special tests to assess the condition of the body. The easiest way to do this - to analyze liver enzymes. When the virus damages the liver cells, increased levels of some enzymes, and doctors can, if necessary, make adjustments in the course of therapy, which takes the patient or advise lifestyle changes.

A liver biopsy in hepatitis C
Unfortunately, the analysis of liver enzymes is not always possible to obtain complete information on the functioning of the liver. In order to more accurately assess what damage it caused the virus, it is necessary to do a biopsy. During this procedure using special instruments are thin fence fragment of liver tissue, and then it is sent to the laboratory. A biopsy is performed under local anesthesia, and the whole procedure takes only 15-20 minutes; the patient can go home after a couple of hours, and the results of the biopsy will be announced a few weeks later.

Alcohol and hepatitis C
Recent studies indicate that patients with hepatitis C, apparently, there is no safe doses of alcohol. Although those who drink often and a lot of liver damage are most serious, even moderate alcohol consumption for hepatitis C is risky. In one study, researchers surveyed 800 people who identified hepatitis
Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
C. Respondents who drank alcohol, were divided into those who drink a lot (2 or more doses of alcohol per day), moderate (1-2 doses per day), and small (less than one dose per day). Then the respondents offered to get tested, and the results were quite predictable:
- 47% percent of those infected with hepatitis C who drank a lot, have severe liver problems;
- Liver damage was especially severe than most people drank;
- Even very moderate alcohol consumption is no guarantee of a healthy liver - at malopyuschy people also sometimes detected by the human liver.
Thus, scientists have concluded that each carrier of hepatitis C, affording occasional drink alcohol misses the risk of developing liver disease that patients with this diagnosis may grow faster than the generally healthy individuals.
In addition, according to the results of preliminary studies, alcohol can reduce the effectiveness of some new therapies for hepatitis C. To participate in clinical trials of new drugs for hepatitis C in general are only allowed people who for some time refrain from drinking alcohol. Further studies are needed to get a clearer picture of how alcohol affects the health of people with hepatitis C, but the currently available data can already serve as a positive incentive for many to give up alcohol.