Fibroids can be diffuse or nodular. Diffuse (extending to vast areas of the uterus) fibroids are less common than node. In most cases, when people talk about uterine fibroids mean her anchor shape. Uterine fibroids - a term that is often used in ultrasound findings when described intramural, and submucous fibroids subserous nodes.
What are uterine fibroids
Uterine fibroids - a benign tumor of the middle muscular layer of the uterus in the form of one or more nodes. This is the most common form of the disease. Sometimes there are also diffuse (spread) and diffuse nodular form (on the background of diffuse fibroids are fibroids).
Fibroids may be located deep in the muscle layer of the uterus (intramural nodes) to grow deep into the muscle layer of the uterus (submucous nodes), or, on the contrary, out in the pelvic area (subserous nodes).
Nodal subserous uterine fibroids
Uterine fibroids, which is a node located under the outer serous membrane of the body, called subserous. The term "node" is rarely featured in the diagnosis of the disease, it is more characteristic of the ultrasound findings.
Fibroids under the serous membrane can be placed on a thick short or long thin stalk. The last danger as long thin legs may be twisted, resulting in necrosis of the tumor and the development of peritonitis. Fibroids broad short stalk may grow in size and compress the surrounding organs.
Subserous nodes can not disturb a woman for a long time, as long as it will cause complications.
Thus, the major components on the front wall of the uterus can compress the bladder
Urinary bladder - structure and function
and ureter, causing urinary disorders, pyelonephritis and renal dysfunction. If a large myoma node is located on the rear wall of the uterus, it can cause a compression of the rectum, the development of constipation, hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease
, Infectious and inflammatory processes in the rectal area.
Torsion feet subserous node causes severe pain and requires immediate surgical care to women.
Nodal submucosal fibroids
For this type of nodes located under the inner lining of the uterus characterized by heavy menstrual bleeding and uterine vnemenstrualnye
Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach
, Pain, and iron deficiency anemia.
Bleeding is systematic and lead to chronic blood loss, which end the development of iron deficiency anemia. Symptoms of iron deficiency anemia are paleness, weakness, drowsiness, dizziness, headache, decreased performance and quality of life, frequent fainting.
Pain in the presence of submucous nodes can be constant aching in nature and located in the lower abdomen or lower back. Before menstruation, they are usually replaced by acute paroxysmal pain.
Nodal intramural (interstitial) fibroids
Nodes in the back of the muscular layer of the uterus called intramural or interstitial. This is the most common form of uterine fibroids, it is found in half of cases women. This intramural node can increase inside the uterus or outward.
A sign of intramural nodes are menstrual disorders and pain, symptoms similar to submucous nodes. Also developing iron deficiency anemia.
What if found fibroids in the uterine wall
We need a complete examination (pelvic ultrasound, ultrasound vaginal probe, diagnostic hysteroscopy
Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterus inside
If necessary X-ray studies, CT and magnetic resonance imaging) and the treatment prescribed by the doctor.
Treating fibroids depends on the woman's age and her desire to have children, the location of the nodes, the degree of development of complications of the disease and so on.
For small subserous nodes on a wide leg may be appointed conservative hormonal therapy, after which the unit will cease to grow and even decreased in volume.
Submucous nodes required to be removed, as they give a lot of complications. Operation delete a node called myomectomy. Too large nodes (larger than 12 weeks gestation) is removed after the pre-treatment of the hormone, which helps to reduce their volume. Women older units fibroids are removed along with the uterus (hysterectomy).
In some cases, small intramural and submucous myoma nodes operations are performed embolization of uterine arteries, resulting in tumor shrinks and is no longer increasing.
Galina Romanenko