Endometrioid ovarian cyst - current gynecological problems

August 16, 2012

 endometrioid ovarian cyst
 The problem of endometriosis Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences  Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences
   a woman may encounter in any age. According to some disease affects 10 to 50% of women in reproductive age. One of the varieties of endometriosis is endometrioid ovarian cyst Ovarian cysts - normal or dangerous?  Ovarian cysts - normal or dangerous?
   (outer genital endometriosis). The urgency of this problem is determined by the relatively low efficiency of the treatment and its high cost, as well as psycho-suffering patients.

 Endometrioid ovarian cyst - current gynecological problems

What distinguishes endometrial cysts from other entities

Endometrioid ovarian cyst origin has distinct staging. According to the existing classification is divided into four stages of development of pathological process. Each stage is not only the size of the cyst, and lesion adjacent organs (rectum, sigmoid colon, bladder). In the initial stages of ovarian cysts is determined as a small spot formation on the surface of the ovary. On the fourth and final stage endometrioid cyst formation is represented by a large 6 cm or more, while at the same time can affect both ovaries. The pathological process affects neighboring organs, causing the development of extensive adhesions.

If the cyst is small, it can not manifest itself in clinical symptoms. A woman can find out if she had endometrial cysts, when it reaches a large size and the process affects neighboring organs. The most characteristic symptom is the presence of pain. The pain is in the nature of constant pelvic pain and has a clear interconnection with the menstrual cycle. Strengthening disease manifestations observed before the start of the next menstruation.

Carrying out an objective examination of the woman in the chair helps the physician in the diagnosis. Endometrioid cyst is defined as a circular, painful tumor formation of small size. The cyst has tugoelastichnuyu consistency and limited mobility. The woman should be assessed in the dynamics of several times during the cycle. Dimensions cysts condition will vary depending on the day of the cycle.

 Endometrioid ovarian cyst - current gynecological problems

The efficiency of complex treatment

Modern approach to the treatment of endometriosis, ovarian cysts is a combination of hormonal and surgical treatments. Hormone therapy is a preparatory stage before the operation and achieves positive results in the postoperative period. Because hormones Hormonal treatments - not only contraceptives  Hormonal treatments - not only contraceptives
   We recommend the following:

  • birth control pills or low-dose COCs from the group. It should prescribe presented the latest generation of hormones, which include "marvelon", "Femoden" "Ioannina", "Janine" and others. The results of these studies confirm the high efficiency "Janine", which comprises as hormonal component dienogest. Appointed by the funds for contraceptive scheme (this mode is three weeks and receive a week's break) for a few months before the planned operation. Young women and girls in the presence of cysts in the early stages can recommend this type of therapy as an independent method.
  • The patient is assigned pills for six months with the obligatory dynamic control of the state of endometrial cysts for hormone therapy used progestogens. Didrogesteron (marketed under the trade name Duphaston) is assigned to 30 mg daily to the drug of choice is a group of GnRH agonists. Drugs in this group (buserelin, goserelin, triptorelin) differ development of serious side effects with their use, so the patient should be informed of the possible risk.
  • Group antigonadotropiny (gestrinone, danazol) is particularly indicated for the purpose in the postoperative period to prevent recurrence of ovarian cysts. They should be appointed for a term of up to six months.

Surgical treatment is to remove endometrial cysts. It is recommended a radical excision of the pathological formation that gives the best results when compared with the use of different types of energy for coagulation of the cyst (laser or electric coagulation). Radical treatment should be the treatment of choice for premenopausal women age Premenopausal women - one step in a woman's life  Premenopausal women - one step in a woman's life
   and menopause. At a young age it is very important for a woman to keep the ovarian tissue to avoid damaging the ovarian follicular reserve and to give an opportunity to restore reproductive function. In this situation, you must carefully refers to the capsule of the cyst, so the technology should be gentle and organosberegajushchih.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • endometrioid ovarian cyst

Flucostat - contraindications: incompatibility dangerous

August 11, 2011

 Flucostat (fluconazole) - a modern, effective antifungal agent. Today he is best known as a treatment for thrush - advertising that thrush runs from a single oral fljukostat known to all. But advertising is silent about the fact that the reception fljukostat some people may be contraindicated.


This acceptance is contraindicated fljukostat

Flucostat really effective anti-fungal agent, but any effective remedy has significant side effects and, hence, contraindications. So use fljukostat Flucostat - do not take without medical supervision  Flucostat - do not take without medical supervision
   for self in any case it is not recommended in the first place, because without laboratory control cure will be no confidence in the recovery, and secondly, he can give a lot of complications.

Flucostat contraindicated, especially during pregnancy and nursing Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breast, as it may cause changes in the development of the growing fetus. Fljukostat is especially dangerous in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy when there is a bookmark tissues. Sometimes still have to take risks, but the risks must be justified, for example, in severe generalized fungal diseases, with the defeat of many internal organs and systems. In such a case, before a doctor is the question: how dangerous fungal infection and whether it threatens the woman's life. If so, fljukostat could be way out.

During breastfeeding a child of such a risk has not: on the treatment of breast feeding is always possible to abort. This is necessary because fljukostat excreted in breast milk and can have toxic effects on the infant.

Children up to three years fljukostat not used because of its toxicity. Especially harmful this drug addiction at a child in convulsions. In addition, it can cause severe changes in the child in the blood, which will lead to a sharp decrease in immunity and bleeding. Severe complications can be the part of the digestive system - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, toxic to liver cells. The child may be violated as a function of the kidneys and severe allergic reactions occur.

Since fljukostat has a toxic effect on the liver cells, it does not recommend the use of alcohol abuse (it is known that alcohol acts on the cells of the liver as a poison) - this double whammy liver simply will not survive. Just any dangerous drugs having the ability to have a toxic effect on the liver cells. It is not necessary to apply fljukostat just after suffering acute hepatitis Acute hepatitis - always seriously  Acute hepatitis - always seriously
   or in chronic hepatitis Chronic hepatitis - a diagnosis for life  Chronic hepatitis - a diagnosis for life
 As well as in all diseases of the liver, accompanied by a decrease in its function (eg cirrhosis of the liver). Sometimes fljukostat has a toxic effect on the liver healthy, and not always it depends on the dosage and duration of treatment. Therefore, the treatment fljukostat liver function should be checked.

Contraindications fljukostat are severe kidney disease and the violation of their function - kidney tissue alive reacts to any toxic effects. In such cases, when absolutely necessary fljukostat appointed individually adjusted doses.

With great care should take this drug, patients with various disorders of heart rhythm, as he is able to break the cardiac conduction of impulses that can cause bouts of atrial fibrillation and other cardiac disorders. Such violations are possible in many heart diseases. To understand the indications and contraindications for receiving fljukostat doctor can only.

Finally, fljukostat should not be taken if you are sensitive to his patients.


Fljukostat Compatibility with other drugs

Flucostat often interacts with other drugs and this is another reason why it can not be used for self-treatment. The doctor is required to correct the reception of all necessary at the moment for the patient medications and their dosages.

Dangerous fljukostat co-administration with certain types of anticoagulants (drugs that lower the rolling capacity of the blood), such as warfarin and sinkumar. The fact that fljukostat promotes reduction in blood platelets, which also reduces the rolling capacity of the blood, and can lead to various types of bleeding.

Danger also fljukostat combination with the immunomodulator cyclosporine, which, firstly, as do fljukostat reduces the number of platelets in the blood (the threat of bleeding), and secondly, under the influence fljukostat blood concentration of cyclosporine may increase, endangering overdose.

When receiving fljukostat and theophylline should be afraid of an overdose while the latter, which is dangerous for patients.

Incompatible fljukostat and with a number of medicines, be aware of this incompatibility can be a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • fljukostat
