Psychological causes of infertility - a manifestation of stress

September 11, 2012

 Psychological causes of infertility
 No one doubts the fact that sterile marriage is a severe stressful situation for couples. It is difficult to argue that this situation is the primary - if the lack of children led to the psycho-emotional disorders, or disorders caused these changes in the reproductive system. Clear answer to this question is difficult, therefore, is still the psychological causes of infertility The causes of infertility - heredity and lifestyle  The causes of infertility - heredity and lifestyle
   They are the subject of clinical trials.

 Psychological causes of infertility - a manifestation of stress

The social significance of human relations

Of great importance in the evaluation of reproductive disorders are details:

  • a professional activity
  • the relation of it to work
  • assessment of their social status
  • Most importantly, how relations with family, relatives and friends

The relationship between human beings have a very significant impact on the reproductive function of both women and men. Expressed functional abnormalities in the reproductive system can occur under the influence of social impacts, not always clearly perceived by the patients themselves. In clinical studies conducted in recent years, it has been found that individuals with mentally unstable, insecure, weak character under psychological influence of family members, friends or others at work, have abnormalities in the reproductive system. Disorders affecting the ovulation process Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   women steroidogenesis and spermatogenesis in male sexual gonads, leading to infertility.

 Psychological causes of infertility - a manifestation of stress

The consequences of the impact of a stressful situation

Stressful situations may have the most adverse impact on human reproductive function .  Examples of such disorders can be called cessation of the menstrual cycle (amenorrhea) in women or complete loss of potency, for example, men in wartime .  Clinically proven in such an extreme situation suddenly completely stop menstruation, and male potency disappears and is broken or stops completely spermatogenesis .  Abnormalities in the reproductive system are very complex .  Along with the changes in the central governing links appear heavy and sometimes irreversible changes directly into the sexual gonads .  During a stressful situation in the ovary can be lost all follicles are at different stages of their development .  The most resistant to pathological effects are primary follicles, but they die at long influence of stress factors .  Similar changes in the ovaries in male gonads death occurs in germ cells of male gonads, which are at different stages of development .  This leads to severe oligospermia or azoospermia .  After normalization of the external conditions of the process of spermatogenesis and folliculogenesis are able to recover on their own .

Psychological stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   It can cause behavioral disorders. One of the best examples of such violations include psychosexual disorder. About 30% of persons who are in a barren marriage, have varying degrees of severity in sexual behavior disorders. In men, erectile dysfunction is manifested Erection - what hinders and what helps a man to be a man  Erection - what hinders and what helps a man to be a man
   and ejaculation, which is revealed in the survey process. The appearance of potency disorders depends on how psychologically wife reacts to the news that her husband has disorders of spermatogenesis. This is a temporary violation of potency, potency is recovered in a few months, spontaneously or on the background of a course of psychotherapy.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • infertility

Candles from thrush with nystatin - available to everyone

November 18, 2012

 candles from thrush with nystatin
 With the development of any inflammatory disease, doctors usually prescribe antibiotics. But it should be taken into account that not only antibiotics inhibit the growth and proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms but also detrimental effect on normal microflora in the intestines, and particularly of the female genitalia. Moreover, antibacterial drugs reduce the body's defenses. All of these factors predispose to the occurrence of thrush. For the treatment of thrush, which is caused by yeast fungi genus Candida, now developed a variety of antifungal drugs such as systemic and topical. Until recently, the widely used candles from yeast Candles from yeast: topical treatment of fungal  Candles from yeast: topical treatment of fungal
   nystatin. But the drug has lost its relevance due to its low efficiency. However, the advantage of the drug is its low cost and availability.

 Candles from thrush with nystatin - available to everyone

How do candles with nystatin

Nystatin is available in tablets for oral administration, ointments and suppositories (rectal and vaginal). In one vaginal suppository contained 250,000 and 500,000 units. Available vaginal suppositories Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation  Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation
   nystatin in a package of ten.

Nystatin is a polyene antifungal antibiotic and has a pronounced effect on the yeasts, particularly Candida. Nystatin fungicidal action, that is, it is harmful for the fungi. Death is caused by inserting the fungi drug molecules in the cell membrane, which leads to the formation of multiple channels through which freely and uncontrollably penetrate electrolytes. Because of this increased intracellular osmolarity, leading to shock and destruction of the fungus.

 Candles from thrush with nystatin - available to everyone

When shown the appointment of

Nystatin suppositories can be administered in many situations. First of all, suppositories Nystatin appointed during the development of the urogenital candidiasis, but only after the identification of yeasts of Candida in the vaginal contents. Moreover, candles are appointed and nystatin as a prophylactic measure. For example, before surgery (including on the eve of abortion and diagnostic curettage), before delivery women at high risk for developing postpartum septic complications, as well as complex, during treatment with antibiotics, especially exhausted and debilitated patients. Even suppositories Nystatin is often appointed on the eve of small gynecological surgeries and procedures (introduction of an intrauterine device, moxibustion cervical erosion Moxibustion cervical erosion - only after a thorough examination  Moxibustion cervical erosion - only after a thorough examination
 , Removal anogenital warts).

 Candles from thrush with nystatin - available to everyone

How we treat

Before you enter a suppository, a woman should make the toilet of external genitals. If appointed, along with candles douching vaginal suppository administration of the need to conduct after the commission of the manipulation. In the horizontal position, lying on his back, it should be as far as possible to introduce a candle with nystatin in the vagina (preferably in the posterior fornix). If the patient is unable to carry out this procedure on their own, it can apply to the gynecological office to the midwife.

To improve the effect of treatment, treatment of thrush with nystatin candles combined with topical treatment of external genital organs nystatin ointment and ingestion of tablets with nystatin (250,000 units). The duration of treatment was fourteen days. Thus suppositories administered nystatin must be twice a day. Procedure, it is desirable to make the evening before going to bed Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 As in a horizontal position the drug is better absorbed. After the treatment the woman must retake the analysis of vaginal contents. If healing does not come, the doctor prescribes a second course of therapy through Nystatin-week period of time, or selects another antifungal medication.

Prerequisite treating urogenital candidiasis is considered readjustment regular sexual partner. He was, in this case the place prescribed ointment nystatin. During the treatment should refrain from sexual activity (before the negative tests Pap test for mushrooms), or condoms to protect themselves.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • Candles from yeast
