Diabetes and food - according to the plan
November 1st, 2006
- Diabetes and food - according to the plan
- Treatment
Dining with diabetes - is, in fact, a normal healthy diet
Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating
, Not only used for the prevention and treatment. In fact, this food is suitable to everyone who cares about their health.
Patients who are diagnosed with diabetes or Pre-Diabetes, usually obtained from a physician recommendations as to how to control blood sugar levels with the help of power.
When a person consumes excessive amounts of calories, fat and carbohydrates, blood sugar
Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
inevitably rises. This can lead to insulin resistance and diabetes. Subsequently, in the absence of control of blood sugar and insulin levels in a patient can develop hyperglycaemia, which sometimes results in serious chronic complications such as damage to the nervous tissue, kidney and heart.
Another object of diets for diabetes than control glucose levels in blood is the weight loss and maintenance of a healthy weight. Most people with diabetes reduce the weight of even a few kilograms significantly stabilizes blood sugar levels and improve overall health.
The diet for diabetes
The diabetic diet food quality is much more important than its quantity. The basis of the diet is recommended to make the following products:
- Useful carbohydrates, which are rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and dairy products with low fat content.
- Foods rich in dietary fiber. Dietary fiber reduces the risk of heart disease and help control blood sugar. Vegetables, fruits, bran, legumes contain especially a lot of dietary fiber.
- Fish. In diabetes, it is recommended to eat fish at least twice a week - it can be an excellent replacement for fatty meats. For example, cod, tuna and halibut contain much less saturated fat and cholesterol than meat and poultry. Salmon, mackerel and herring are rich in omega-3, which reduces the level of triglycerides in the blood. However, avoid fried fish; it is best to bake it in foil and cook on the grill.
- Useful fats. Products containing monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats - such as avocados, almonds
Use almond: Fertility symbol of peace
, Pecans, walnuts, olives and canola, olive and peanut oil - helps reduce cholesterol levels. However, they should consume moderate because, like all fatty foods, they are high in calories.
What kind of products should be avoided
- Saturated fats. They are especially numerous in fatty dairy products and delicatessen. When diabetes is not more than 7% of daily calorie intake should fall on saturated fats.
- Trans-fats, which are contained in the baking (or rather, in the margarine used for its preparation) and various high-calorie, fat snacks (e.g., potato chips) to be entirely excluded from the diet.
- Cholesterol. The sources of cholesterol are fatty dairy products, egg yolks, shellfish, liver. It is recommended to use no more than 200 milligrams of cholesterol per day.
- Sodium. In diabetes should restrict sodium intake to 2000 mg per day or less.
Following certain rules of nutrition in diabetes is one of the best ways to control blood sugar levels
Blood sugar - a very important indicator
and prevent various complications of diabetes. To prevent deterioration, the patient should follow such a plan nutrition throughout life.
Wood mushrooms - not only tasty, but also useful
January 27, 2008
- Wood mushrooms - not only tasty, but also useful
- Interesting facts
Wood mushrooms are also known by other names - mushrooms mu er, which translated from Chinese literally means "wood ears". Wood mushrooms - edible mushrooms is especially popular in Asia: for centuries in Japan, China, Korea, wood ears occupied and continue to occupy a worthy place in the kitchen of these Asian countries.
Useful properties of wood fungi
Ingredient in many Asian dishes, wood mushrooms are a great addition to meat dishes, salads, seafood, in the first place, not at the expense of the rich or the rich taste and texture due. Moreover - in ancient China wood ears as excellent drug and used to treat a variety of diseases: the Chinese claim that the wood mushrooms make breath fresh, improve blood circulation, improve health.
It is interesting that the Chinese really were right: medical research confirmed that the wood mushrooms contain some chemicals that slow the formation of blood clots.
It is thanks to such property wood fungi they can serve as an essential tool for the prevention of various diseases of the blood vessels, coronary heart disease, heart attack, which increases the risk of blood clots. Furthermore, wood mushrooms contain special substances - immunomodulating agents, which help regulate the immune system.
Wood mushrooms contain a surprising variety of nutrients: in these, are vitamins C and B, a huge amount of micronutrients, it is absolutely necessary to maintain the operation of all systems of the body - such as calcium, phosphorus, iron. In the wood mushrooms contain an even greater amount of minerals than in beef and pork, and the amount of vitamin B3 in mushrooms th er several times higher than the vitamin content in fresh vegetables. Due to higher content of nutrients wood mushrooms useful to use in case of anemia caused by iron deficiency (iron is involved in the formation of red blood cells), high blood pressure
Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
, Increased risk of thrombosis
Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke
. In addition, regular consumption of tree fungi helps to lower cholesterol
How quickly reduce cholesterol eleven tips
in the blood and strengthening the immune system.
Wood mushrooms in cooking
Wood mushrooms can be seen as a kind of seasoning to a variety of dishes: wood ears equally well combined with dishes of meat and seafood, a variety of soups, salads, serve as a good addition to sauces. Add wood mushrooms in the dish at the last turn - under the influence of moisture and steam wood ears swell, lose their original, crisp texture. Wood mushrooms have little or no flavor - especially appreciated was their interesting dense texture in the finished dish wood ears retain their crunch. The smell of wood fungi is weak and is more like that in the light fragrance of fresh earth or smoke than a full-fledged "mushroom" smell.
It is best to add to the nearly finished dish dried wood mushrooms without macerating them or else simply pre-scalding hot water.
Dried mushrooms can be stored in a cool dry place almost indefinitely, but the mushrooms soaked in water can be stored no more than two or three days in the refrigerator. Soaked wood mushrooms, absorbing moisture and gradually increase in volume, are of particular softness - under the influence of moisture wood ears can grow five to seven times.
Wood mushrooms can be added as an ingredient in food, and its main ingredient - for example, mushrooms can be prepared in a simple and delicious salad, adding pickled in vinegar and chopped wood mushrooms a little sesame oil, garlic
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Finely chopped and roasted green and red peppers. In the southern regions of China especially popular seafood dishes with the addition of wood mushrooms - such as salads with shrimp or crab meat with wood ears. In addition, the wood mushrooms go well with any meat - from boiled chicken to fried beef or pork.