- The most useful products: a feast instead of pharmacy
- Vegetables and fruits
Without exception, all products, even bars "Mars" has nutritional value. But some products are so beneficial to your health, that they even called "superfoods". Consumption superfoods helps to reduce and maintain weight, because they give a feeling of satiety without increasing caloric intake. In addition, superfoods provide the body with all the necessary nutrients and does not contain anything "bad" and harmful. Superfoods slow down the aging process and contribute to the prevention of various diseases, including hypertension and diabetes.
1. Apples
Did you know that in today's world have counted more than 7,500 varieties of apples? Apples - an excellent source of antioxidants, especially vitamin C, necessary for healthy skin and gums. One apple contains a quarter of the daily requirement for vitamin C. Apples are also rich in soluble fiber (pectin), which helps to lower cholesterol levels in the blood and maintain the health of the digestive system, and carbohydrates with a low glycemic index.
Carbohydrates with a low GI digested slowly, and after digestion in the intestine, they enter the bloodstream in the form of glucose, which leads to a gradual increase in blood sugar
Blood sugar - a very important indicator
. These useful carbohydrates can help control weight, and improve long-term control of blood sugar levels
Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
2. Baked Beans
Modest baked beans - it's just a storage room of protein, fiber, iron and calcium. In addition, baked beans, as well as apples, rich in carbohydrates with a low index glikemiicheskim. Baked beans contained in insoluble fiber is not digested and passes into the colon, where bacterial action is converted to a fatty acid with a short chain, the power required for the inner shell colon carcinogens and protect against.
3. Broccoli
Just two broccoli florets - raw or cooked - contain the same amount of nutrients as a whole serving of vegetables.
Not only does broccoli contain antioxidants, including vitamin C, it is also an excellent source of folic acid. Increased consumption of folic acid - one of the main means of preventing heart disease.
4. Olive oil
Several studies have shown that olive oil contained in monounsaturated fats are good for the heart. Olive oil lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol, and increases the "good" cholesterol. Olive oil is also rich in antioxidants - precisely because of this property, it is widely used in Mediterranean cuisine.
5. Bread whole wheat
Baked whole wheat products have a low glycemic index and can help prevent heart disease, reduce hunger and help with weight control. Furthermore, they are rich in fiber, stimulating intestinal function, and contain essential fatty acids.
Studies show that eating four slices of bread from soy and flaxseed provide the body's need phytoestrogens that facilitate "hot flashes" in women of menopausal age.
6. Tuna
Any fish - a source of quality protein, vitamins and minerals, but oily fish, such as tuna also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce the likelihood of blood clots and reduce inflammation.
Scientists have proven that eating oily fish dramatically lowers the risk of heart attack, even in the elderly. Omega-3 fatty acids also help prevent depression and protect against senile dementia.
7. Tea
Tea - a drink of millions of people, has a number of useful properties. Contained in it caffeine stimulates mental activity, uplifting and increases motivation. Both black and green tea - an excellent source of catechins, organic substances from the group of flavonoids that have potent antioxidant properties. Studies show that catechins protect against damage to the arterial wall, thereby preventing cardiovascular disease and thrombus formation.
8. Yogurt
Yogurt - is easily assimilated source of calcium. It can also replace milk for those who can not digest lactose. Yogurt has long been credited with a number of useful properties, many of which are associated with improved function of the colon and relieve gastrointestinal disorders.
9. Bananas
The notion that bananas get fat - not more than a myth. Indeed, banana
Bananas: the benefits and harms health
bit high-calorie other fruits, and is therefore ideally suited for a snack before, during, and after exercise.
All fruits and vegetables contain plant chemicals known as antioxidants. Antioxidants protect cells from the harmful effects of free radicals, which can cause heart disease and cancer. Bananas are also rich in potassium, which helps lower blood pressure, and vitamin B6, essential for healthy skin and hair.
10. Brazil Nuts
All nuts are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Recent studies show that eating a handful of nuts four times a week helps reduce the risk of heart disease. Brazil Nuts - one of the few plant sources of selenium, which protects the body against cancer, depression
Depression - a little more than a bad mood
and Alzheimer's disease.