Calorie fruit: bananas and have calories

May 7, 2009

  • Calorie fruit: bananas and have calories
  • Fruit composition

 Calorie Fruit
 Fruit - the most useful representatives of low-calorie food. Calorie fruit is so small, and the nutritional value is so high that sometimes fruits are the basis of a variety of diets that promote rapid weight loss. Of course, different types of fruit contained different amounts of calories, but in general, due to the absence of fat, calorie fruit minimal. Because fruits contain a lot of necessary for human health vitamins, minerals and fiber, fruits - a great way to add to the diet of essential nutrients, eliminating the need to count calories.

Calorie - a unit of energy that the body gets, splitting food. Dense foods provide the body with more energy than low-calorie products, but a lot of calories - this is not always a good thing: an excess of energy that the body can not spend, it is stored as fat (hence the overweight). Since the low-calorie fruits and at the same time extremely useful, they can (or even should) replace high-calorie foods (and, first of all, tasty but fatty snacks) to maintain normal weight.

 Calorie fruit: bananas and have calories

What determines the calorie fruits

Calorie fruit varies and depends primarily on the content of sugars and liquid. For example, dried fruits contain more calories than fresh fruit, as during drying fruits lose moisture and become concentrated source of energy - for comparison, the same amount of calories contained in a quarter cup of raisins and a glass of grapes. Calorie-frozen and canned fruits may also be different depending on whether the preparation is added to the syrup or sugar. In general, the low calorie - only fresh fruit, and the more liquid they contain, the lower calorie fruits. For example, bananas calorie containing starch is significantly greater than calorie melon or watermelon, which consist mainly of liquid. If one calorie banana Bananas: the benefits and harms health  Bananas: the benefits and harms health
   medium size is around five hundred calories in an apple that contains a lot more fluid, just seventy-two calories. To find out what fruits the most amount of calories, it is not necessary to look into the table calorie fruits - calorie sweet and "dense" fruit (an excellent example - bananas), as a rule, most of all.

 Calorie fruit: bananas and have calories

We consider the calories

Calorie fruit is dependent on many factors - it's fresh fruit (fresh fruits lower in calories compared with dried fruits), and method of use (if sprinkled with chopped fruit with sugar or water them with syrup, then naturally calorie fruit will be larger), and the ratio of liquid and Glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source

One hundred grams of fresh fruit contains the following number of calories:

  • Apples with peel - fifty-two calories (compared to the energy value of a hundred grams of dried apples of two hundred forty-three calories)
  • Apricots - Forty-eight calories
  • Bananas - eighty-nine calories
  • Grapefruit - thirty-two calories
  • Grapes - fifty-seven calories
  • Kiwi - sixty one calorie
  • Lemons - twenty-nine calories
  • Lychee - sixty-six calories
  • Mango - sixty calories
  • Nectarines - sixty-three calories (conventional peaches Peaches: benefits and harms of sun fruits  Peaches: benefits and harms of sun fruits
 , Much less sweet and contains only thirty-nine calories)
  • Oranges - forty seven calories
  • Pears - fifty eight calories
  • Pineapples - fifty calories
  • Plums - forty-six calories
  • Mandarins - Fifty-three calories
  • Papaya - forty-three calories

 Calorie fruit: bananas and have calories

Calorie and health benefits

Calorie fruit is most often insignificant, but their health benefits are enormous. Fruits contain not only the set required to maintain normal health vitamins (particularly vitamins A and C) and minerals (potassium, iron), and cellulose are absolutely required for normal digestion. Thus, in order to appreciate the full benefits of fruits, it is not necessary to use them in large numbers - for example, in one kiwi contained even more Vitamin C than necessary adult per day. However, due to low calorie fruit can be used with virtually no restrictions, without fearing for their weight.

Nutrition for immunity - vitamin set

September 18, 2014

  • Nutrition for immunity - vitamin set
  • Products

 food for immunity
 Why is it important to strengthen the power of immunity? The ability of the human body to interact with the outside world and still be healthy, to a great extent dependent on the functioning of the immune system. It is responsible for combating pathogens penetrating from the outside, and it also destroys cancer cells. It is known that the immune system does not always successfully cope with both these objectives, and the reason for this may be, at least in part, an unhealthy diet.


Importance of Nutrition for immunity

The lack of certain nutrients may lead to frequent infectious diseases in excessively slow recovery of damaged tissues, and development of complications even at relatively benign diseases.

As is well known, comes from food vitamins and minerals necessary for normal functioning of all systems of the body without exception. A person can live a long time, eating junk food, while he will be missed by a variety of nutrients that will soon be reflected in the state of immunity. The person will get sick more often, and quality of life will inevitably decline.

Of all the barriers that stand between the internal organs and the outside world, one of the most important is the digestive tract. In a sense, it functions as the inner skin also protecting us from potentially dangerous substances, only its surface is 150 times greater than the surface area of ​​leather. In addition, it contains about 60% of the immune cells, which have in the body. To some this may seem surprising and strange, but when you consider the hard work that fulfills the gastrointestinal tract, it is perfectly normal. Each day it is in contact with a large number of different molecules and microorganisms than any of our bodies. Moreover, unlike the skin and lungs, it must not only eliminate any pathogens, but also engage in the processing of nutrients.

Foods that we eat, can both support the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and to destroy its fabric.

For example, the alcohol causes irritation of gastric mucosa, and some drugs, such as aspirin and ibuprofen Ibuprofen: anti-inflammatory drug  Ibuprofen: anti-inflammatory drug
 , Long-term use can damage the mucous membrane. To the gastrointestinal tract continued to cope with their protective functions, it is necessary to take measures to maintain the health of its tissues, in particular, to eat right. For example, it is very important for the digestive tract is vitamin A, which protects the mucosa from damages. Essential fatty acids contained in many kinds of fish, and monounsaturated fats, the sources of which are, for example, vegetable oils, seeds and nuts, are also required to cells of the gastrointestinal tract were healthy. Finally, for digestive health and the immune system is needed dietary fiber, which helps rid the body of toxins and stimulates the metabolism.


What to eat?

Eating certain foods, you will be able to strengthen the immune system and to transfer disease-free even during periods when people around are beginning to mass sick colds and flu. For maximum effect, they must include in the diet not only in the season of colds and eat regularly.

  • Unpasteurized organic milk

This milk contains a lot of useful bacteria, improves the immune defense, and even relieves the symptoms of allergies. It is a rich source of various vitamins - especially vitamin A Vitamin A: An important element of the health and beauty  Vitamin A: An important element of the health and beauty
 And zinc, a number of enzymes and mineral fats, necessary for normal functioning of the immune system. According to reports, the organic unpasteurized milk, unlike pasteurized milk is not associated with the development of disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications  Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
 , Diarrhea, stomach cramps, and various skin rashes. Find the milk is on sale, you can not everywhere, but if you succeed, be sure to include it in their menu. If you happen to have relatives or friends who live in the village and do keep a cow, you may be able to buy milk from them. However, a large part of the people is extremely difficult to regularly buy unpasteurized milk, and instead they can use whey protein.

Serum called liquid that is formed in the manufacture of cheese. Whey prepared from the dried serum - it is a powder with a high concentration of high quality protein and other nutrients. It is often used by people involved in bodybuilding, but in a small amount of whey protein can include in your diet all. Among other components, it consists of beta-glucans and immunoglobulins that strengthen the immune system and support the natural process of elimination of toxins from the body.

  • Fermented products

If you are serious about strengthening your immune system, be sure to include in your meal plan fermented foods. One of the most useful among them is the yogurt. He learned to produce in ancient times, and even then a lot of people were aware of its beneficial properties. It is now established that it contains a large number of beneficial bacteria that help balance the intestinal microflora - a kind of "inner ecosystem" of the body and strengthen the immune system. In addition to yogurt, it is recommended to eat natto, miso, tempeh, sauerkraut, yogurt (yogurt is recommended to choose a minimum sugar content and without dyes or flavors).

  • Raw organic eggs and chicken meat

The idea of ​​eating raw eggs for the soul is not everything. However, in this form it is particularly rich sources of many nutrients, especially - high protein and fat. The probability that organic eggs contaminated with salmonella Salmonella: unknown facts  Salmonella: unknown facts
 It is extremely small, so they can be eaten raw without fear. If you absolutely do not like raw eggs, eat them cooked boiled. Chicken meat can be eaten steamed, boiled, or baked form - it contains valuable protein that is essential for maintaining the immune system.
