Eating disorders: overeating

September 9, 2007

  • Eating disorders: overeating
  • Causes and methods of struggle

 eating disorders overeating
 Almost everyone sooner or later confronted with over-eating - such as a holiday, when the second portion of the festive meals simply can not refuse. But if the phenomenon of overeating turns into a permanent, uncontrollable habit, it is customary to talk about gluttony - a form of eating disorder.

Those suffering from binge eating people using food trying to deal with stress and negative emotions, but uncontrolled binge eating only makes them feel worse. Gluttony - far more common eating disorder than bulimia and anorexia Anorexia nervosa - symptoms and effects on the body  Anorexia nervosa - symptoms and effects on the body
 But, on the other hand, is much better to treat.

 Eating disorders: overeating

What is gluttony

Overeating as an eating disorder - a compulsive overeating, uncontrolled drinking large amounts of food and failure to stop. Symptoms usually appear binge eating in young people and adults (more often - women), often after prolonged follow a strict diet. The duration of one "episode" of overeating is about two hours, but in some cases the uncontrolled consumption of food may continue throughout the day. Those suffering from binge eating people eat even when not hungry and continue to eat food even after the onset of satiety.

Signs of binge eating as a disease:

  • Frequent, regular "attacks" binge eating
  • The feeling of guilt, depression after binge
  • Unlike bulimia, binge eating is not accompanied by attempts to "compensate" overeating vomiting

People suffering from binge eating, have to constantly deal with feelings of guilt, self-loathing, depression due to lack of self-control and fear of obesity - if they wanted to stop eating, they usually are not able to cope with gluttony.

The feeling of satisfaction, peace of mind, caused by eating food, people suffering from binge eating, experiencing in a very short time - for every "attack" binge eating followed by bouts of despair, self-loathing. Overeating, being one of the most common eating disorders are very often leads to a dramatic increase in overweight and obesity, which in turn can exacerbate the symptoms of binge eating. The result is a vicious circle: people suffering from binge eating to feel better, then feel even worse than before, and again turning to food for comfort short.

 Eating disorders: overeating

Signs and symptoms

People suffering from binge eating, often try to hide from others his unhealthy obsession with eating and they prefer to eat alone. It is often accompanied by obesity gluttony, although not all people suffering from overweight, faced with gluttony as a disease.

Behavioral symptoms of binge eating:

  • Failure to stop the use of food or to control the quality / quantity of food
  • Uncontrollable desire to quickly eat large amounts of food
  • People suffering from binge eating, continue to eat even after the onset of satiety
  • Overeating leads to an attempt to hide from others addicted to eating, the habit of eating alone, hiding food
  • Those suffering from binge eating, people often eat food all day long, without a clear diet

Emotional symptoms of binge eating:

  • Stress, tension, which can be eliminated only by eating food
  • Lack of feeling of satisfaction, saturation regardless of the amount of consumption of food
  • The feeling of guilt, self-loathing, depression, caused by overeating
  • Desperate attempts to control weight and eating habits
  • The effect of "autopilot" - a person suffering from overeating during each attack as "switched off", not realizing that he eats and in what quantities

 Eating disorders: overeating

The consequences of overeating

Gluttony, like any other eating disorder leads to problems of physical, emotional, social. People suffering from binge eating, often face serious health problems, constant stress, insomnia. Depression, anxiety disorders, alcohol abuse as a means to relieve stress caused by overeating - frequent consequences of overeating. But the most common consequence of binge eating is considered obese.

Over time, almost always uncontrolled binge eating leading to obesity. Obesity, in turn, causes a variety of serious complications, including:

  • Type II diabetes
  • High blood pressure, high blood cholesterol levels
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Apnea (dyspnea)
  • Some types of cancer

 Eating disorders: overeating


Gluttony - quite a serious eating disorder, and in some cases impossible to independently control overeating. It recognizes the symptoms of binge eating, a very important time to seek medical help: help control seizures gluttony therapies Methods of therapy - correction of behavior through science  Methods of therapy - correction of behavior through science
   and some drugs.

Effective treatment of binge eating - is, first of all, do not suppress its symptoms and eliminate the cause of constant overeating, emotional of a "catalyst", which provokes bouts of overeating. The key to successful treatment - struggle with stress, depression, anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
   and other negative emotions, is always accompanied by an eating disorder.

Drug treatment of binge eating involves the following treatment options:

  • Receiving drugs that suppress the appetite - to control the duration and frequency of binge eating episodes used the drug sibutramine Sibutramine - effective but not safe  Sibutramine - effective but not safe
 Suppressing appetite and stimulating weight loss. Side effects of sibutramine are serious enough: a sharp rise in blood pressure and increased heart rate, convulsions, bleeding.
  • Topiramate - a drug belonging to the class of anticonvulsants, may help control binge eating episodes and encourage weight loss. The major side effects of topiramate - tiredness, dizziness, tingling or burning sensation in the limbs.
  • Antidepressants - studies have shown that antidepressants may help with gluttony (in particular, to eliminate the negative emotions after a bout of binge eating). The effectiveness of antidepressants in the treatment of binge eating, however, is questionable, since after stopping the signs of the disorder is often returned.

Proper nutrition for hemorrhoids - the guarantee of health of the intestine

November 16, 2014

 proper nutrition for hemorrhoids
 It is no secret that a healthy and balanced human nutrition depends on the correct operation of its internal organs and systems, especially the digestive system. Especially important to follow a proper diet Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
   hemorrhoids people suffering from this disease, because it brings a lot of inconvenience in daily life.


The delicate problem

Hemorrhoids - a disease which is not to say in society. Many even embarrassed to see a doctor, and as a result do not know how to change their lives to the disease has receded. In order to determine what type of nutritional therapy will suit a particular person, you need to understand the reasons which caused his hemorrhoids, taking into account his individual characteristics. Before you start to follow a certain diet, you should consult a specialist doctor or nutritionist who will give the necessary recommendations on what should be the diet for hemorrhoids Diet hemorrhoids - the right rhythm Power  Diet hemorrhoids - the right rhythm Power

Such a diet menu is made individually, taking into account the general recommendations.

There are universal guidelines for use in the diet of certain products that may improve or vice versa worsen the patient's condition hemorrhoids. Thus, for example, is not recommended for hemorrhoids abused products containing a part of the animal protein, it refers to meat, fish, eggs. Such food can provoke constipation. But also do not sit on a strict diet, which may violate the evacuation function of the intestine.

Food that should all refrain hemorrhoids - is too salty, spicy or fatty, which is the root cause of the disease. The same applies to alcohol. In the period of treatment, and after it is better to completely abandon them.


Diet for constipation and hemorrhoids

The main task in the preparation of a balanced diet for hemorrhoids and constipation is to achieve timely and daily bowel movement, without damaging the walls and causing stress, which further exacerbates the problem is hemorrhoids. With frequent constipation bowel movements each accompanied by a traumatization of the walls of the rectum, internal hemorrhoids, and helps to provoke new ones. This laxative agents provide only a temporary effect. What needs to change in your diet to get rid of constipation?

In the treatment and prevention of constipation should develop a rational supply rate, to determine the quantity and quality of food consumed. To do this, you need to include in the diet of more cereals, which are not only struggling with the emergence of constipation, but also contribute to the normalization of intestinal microflora. The content of coarse grains in the fiber ensures adsorption of harmful substances and bile acids from the intestine. Cereals promote intestinal motility and daily soft stools.

Here is a list of products for human consumption in the treatment of hemorrhoids and constipation:

  • Of fruits prefer apples, oranges, bananas, fresh apricots and dried fruits;
  • From vegetables to eat more carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, zucchini and cauliflower;
  • Vegetable oils;
  • Low-fat meat products, better choose chicken and fish;
  • From dairy products - fermented baked milk, yogurt, sour milk, yoghurt. They all contain beneficial bacteria for the intestine;
  • Mineral table water.

It should refrain from whole milk, fatty meats and fish, beans and spices.


Meals during exacerbation of hemorrhoids

In acute hemorrhoids should follow a diet that eliminates unpleasant symptoms, and significantly reduce the acute period of the disease. It is important that employed in menu products promoted:

  • Softening the contents of the rectum. That is, do not eat foods that have the effect of fixing - it is rice, semolina, chocolate products, black tea and coffee. Good drink compote of dried fruits and non-carbonated table water;
  • Lowering the level of education of gases. They can occur due to the use of radish, radish Benefits and harms of radish: what you need to know about this vegetable  Benefits and harms of radish: what you need to know about this vegetable
 , Whole milk, black bread, gassy drinks. Excessive flatulence stimulates the bowel wall to be in good shape;
  • Normalization of intestinal motility. To do this, use more bran, fruits and vegetables that contain fiber, contributing to the promotion of food bolus. Also on intestinal motility are beneficial to dairy products;
  • Elimination of irritable bowel and hemorrhoids. Irritate the intestinal wall can be smoked, salty and spicy foods, alcoholic drinks also.

Aggravation of hemorrhoids possibly in conjunction not only with constipation, and diarrhea, which is even more dangerous, as there is a rush of blood to the hemorrhoidal nodes because of the frequent urge to defecate.

Maintain the water balance in the body is also important in the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids.

Every day you should drink at least one and a half liters of clean water, among other things, and drink liquids (juices, soups). Drinking water should be half an hour before a meal, or one hour after it, because the water moving faster through the intestine drags with food particles not yet digested, which can injure the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

For people suffering from hemorrhoids for a long time due to frequent loss of blood, even minor, can arise a problem of lack of iron in the body, and as a result - anemia. To prevent anemia you need to include in the diet of beans, liver and foods containing vitamin C, iron that is better absorbed. It is useful for the prevention of hemorrhoids, and indeed for the whole body exercise Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
 , With this occupation, at least five to seven minutes a day. Compliance with these simple recommendations will help overcome the illness and feel great.

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  • hemorrhoids
