Blood tests: a mirror of health - Types

February 10, 2011

  • Blood tests: a mirror of health
  • Kinds

Types of blood tests

Blood can be studied to identify a particular disease in the organism.

Blood consists of a liquid portion (plasma) and the cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets). Plasma is water with dissolved different substances (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, hormones and certain other biologically active substances).

Blood test - this is an important diagnostic research, which allows to identify a particular disease and to trace its course, including under the influence of treatment. Conducted various blood tests - complete blood count, biochemical analysis, blood test for hormones, tumor markers (substances that produce cancer cells), the determination of the immune status of the organism (immunogram), diagnosis of infectious diseases and so on.

 Forms | Blood Test: a mirror of health

General blood analysis

More often than not carried out a general analysis of blood, which examines the state of the blood cells, the number, shape and appearance of which may vary for different diseases. Complete blood count includes:

  • counting the total number of red blood cells and reticulocytes (young red blood cells) - revealed anemia and bone marrow's ability to produce red blood cells;
  • determining the amount of hemoglobin (contained in erythrocytes and incorporates iron) - reduced hemoglobin indicates iron deficiency;
  • Counting the total number of platelets - they determine blood clotting; a large number of platelets - a tendency to form blood clots, decreased - to bleeding;
  • counting the total number of white blood cells; leukocytes - a defense, they protect the body from bacteria and viruses; their number is increasing at various infections and inflammatory processes;
  • leukocyte count; leukocytes are different, so an increase in eosinophils speaks of allergic process and neutrophils - about inflammatory;
  • determining sedimentation rate leucocytes (ESR); this figure increases in inflammatory and infectious processes.

 Forms | Blood Test: a mirror of health

Blood chemistry

Biochemical analysis of blood - the study of the chemical composition of the blood. It determines the presence of certain substances and their number, and the data obtained are judged on the state of internal organs and systems.

Using biochemical analysis can determine the amount of glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
 Proteins, amino acids, nitrogenous compounds (decomposition products of proteins), pigments, lipids (fats), enzymes, vitamins and salts.

Biochemical analysis of blood can detect abnormalities in the liver, the kidneys, the circulatory system. A feature of biochemical blood analysis is that the individual performance of biochemical blood tests may be higher or lower than the generally accepted norms, because they depend on many factors (age, gender, ethnicity).

 Forms | Blood Test: a mirror of health

A blood test for hormones and immunogram

A blood test for hormones reveals a variety of disorders of the endocrine glands. Reducing or increasing the secretion of the glands can detect malfunction of the hypothalamus (part of the brain responsible for the endocrine system and coordinating the work of the endocrine and nervous systems), the pituitary gland (the main endocrine gland located in the brain), thyroid The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
 , Parathyroid and the reproductive glands.

Immunogram reveals various immune disorders Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
   and gives an indication of immune status (safety) system of the human body as a whole. It is very important for the treatment of various allergic diseases, chronic inflammatory diseases and some long flowing infections. The state of the immune system The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
   It depends on the development of tumors.

 Forms | Blood Test: a mirror of health

Rules blood tests

Experts have developed a number of recommendations that must be followed to obtain reliable results of blood tests. For some blood tests, there are separate recommendations, but in general for all blood tests should adhere to the following rules:

  • blood test pass in the morning, on an empty stomach (the night before and did not recommend taking a large amount of food);
  • all received drugs need to cancel or adapt their reception to the attending physician;
  • excluded the reception of alcoholic beverages in a few days (at least two days) before the study;
  • you can not smoke at least one hour prior to the study;
  • on the eve of the study should not be a high physical and mental stress;
  • before taking the analysis need to rest (sit quietly) about 15 minutes;
  • you can not donate blood for analysis immediately after physiotherapy or any medical procedures.

Blood test - this is a very informative study, but it can be broken easily if not properly conduct the study. Therefore, the patient must always adhere to the doctor's recommendations on this matter.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • blood test

High hemoglobin - good or bad? - Pregnant

October 5, 2008

  • High hemoglobin - good or bad?
  • Function in the body
  • Polycythemia
  • Pregnant
  • Men

 high hemoglobin during pregnancy

High hemoglobin during pregnancy

According to the, Swedish research scientists, women who in early pregnancy increased hemoglobin levels are at risk of stillbirth. Perhaps this discovery is a possible explanation of the tragedy, which often has no explanation.

The study, which involved 1400 women, found that women with high levels of hemoglobin in the early stages of pregnancy, the risk of stillbirth is doubled - the fetus is born dead after five months of pregnancy.

The reason for the high level of hemoglobin - the protein that carries oxygen and provides a pigment of red blood cells - could be smoking, which is also associated with stillbirth. However, as a result of this study it was not proved the existence of a clear link between smoking and hemoglobin Hemoglobin: worse - low or high?  Hemoglobin: worse - low or high?
 . Also, there is no data about what caused the increase in patients hemoglobin levels.

Problems with the placenta and birth defects occupy a leading place among the causes of stillbirths in the United States, which is estimated at 250,000 cases annually. But more than 80,000 such cases occur for unknown reasons. Scientists suggest that careful monitoring of pregnant women with a high level of hemoglobin will help prevent some of the deaths. This study emphasizes the importance of visits to the doctor during the childbearing.

For the measurement of hemoglobin levels during each prenatal visit to the doctor blood test Blood tests: a mirror of health  Blood tests: a mirror of health
 . On average, in the early stages of pregnancy hemoglobin level should be around 13.3 g / dl. The values ​​associated with increased risk - 14.6 g / dL and above - were recorded in the tenth week of pregnancy. It is believed that high levels of hemoglobin at a later date does not increase the risk of stillbirth.

Blood with a high content of hemoglobin becomes more viscous and the blood flow in the tiny blood vessels difficult. As a result, it may stop blood flow to the placenta and the developing fetus. Although in order to explain how high levels of hemoglobin leads to stillbirth, you need to conduct additional studies.

The reason is extremely high hemoglobin levels can be a rare heart defect Heart defects - time heals?  Heart defects - time heals?
   mother. But those values ​​in the study were considered as high, can also be represented as the upper limit of normal, do not pose a potential hazard.

Anemia - too low hemoglobin levels - a potentially dangerous and much more common complication during pregnancy. Women are often advised to take supplements containing iron that prevent the development of anemia Anemia - when you do not have enough blood  Anemia - when you do not have enough blood
 . According to Nancy Green, the amount of iron, which is usually recommended for women during pregnancy, can cause an excessive increase in hemoglobin. In addition, the research results do not mean that pregnant women should not take iron in the prenatal period.
