How to increase hemoglobin - follow the diet

January 3, 2010

 How to increase hemoglobin

Normally, the low level of hemoglobin is associated with anemia, caused by iron deficiency. Hemoglobin - this iron-rich protein, which is present in the red blood cells of vertebrates. The main function of hemoglobin is to transport oxygen from the lungs to other tissues.

Oxygen is an important source of energy for the chemical reactions which occur in living cells. Hemoglobin also conveys back to the lungs carbon dioxide - a byproduct of chemical reactions. Since hemoglobin is essential for human health and the proper operation of all its internal organs, it is important to maintain its normal levels in the blood. Low hemoglobin level cause a breakdown, and, in some cases, serious health problems.

 How to increase hemoglobin - follow the diet

The normal level of hemoglobin

Normal hemoglobin levels for men is considered to be from 13.5 to 16.5 g / dL of blood, for women - from 12.1 to 15.1 g / dL. The rate for children - between 11 and 16 g / dl for pregnant women - from 11 to 12 g / dL. The synthesis of hemoglobin frequently violates iron deficiency. Much less hemoglobin level is lowered due to violations related to the bone marrow, chemotherapy Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?  Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?
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 , Sickle cell anemia, and so forth. When a critically low hemoglobin level may need a blood transfusion, but fortunately, in most cases, the problem can be managed more simply.

The first step is to find out the cause of decrease in hemoglobin levels. If it is caused by a serious illness, hemoglobin levels may be increased only after the course of treatment. If the hemoglobin is lowered due to the deficiency of iron and other nutrients, it is necessary to make some changes in your diet.

 How to increase hemoglobin - follow the diet


It is thought that iron is best absorbed from food of animal origin, such as liver, red meat, chicken, turkey, pork, fish, shellfish. Eggs voschi dark, greens, dried fruits, nuts and legumes are also rich sources of iron.

Beetroot is one of the best ways to increase the level of hemoglobin. To normalize the hemoglobin level, it is necessary for two to three weeks of daily eat one serving of salad of beets and / or drinking beet juice. The salads can add any vegetables and fruits; Red beets can be a garnish to various dishes. But beware - when consuming large amounts of red beets can cause severe diarrhea.

To increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, should limit consumption of products that can impair the absorption of iron. These products include tea, coffee, foods rich in fiber and calcium, chocolate, caffeinated beverages, as well as medicaments containing phosphates and antacids.

Vitamin C enhances iron absorption, however it recommended to eat as much as possible and other acidic citrus fruits (especially in their much ascorbic acid) and, if necessary, to take nutritional supplements Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
   Vitamin C supplementation with iron may also be useful, however, because food is digested much better. Further, such additives can cause constipation and, at immoderate use an excess of iron in the body that are harmful and potentially dangerous to humans.

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   for seven to eight hours also contributes to the level of hemoglobin. Smoking and alcohol abuse contributes to the destruction of hemoglobin, so to normalize its level, should get rid of bad habits.

 How to increase hemoglobin - follow the diet

Complex protein compound

Hemoglobin - a protein complex containing compound in the structure iron atoms. It is due to iron red blood cells, which include hemoglobin are red. The hemoglobin in the human body performs an essential function associated with the transport of oxygen from the lungs to the cells and carbon dioxide from the cells to the lungs.

This is due to the fact that hemoglobin is capable of forming unstable chemical compounds with these gases, which by simple diffusion principle "perekochёvyvayut" from one medium to another, i.e. from a region of higher concentration to a lower concentration.

However, there are substances which are capable of forming with hemoglobin is much more stable compounds, with break this relationship very seriously. For example, human toxicity, carbon monoxide, connecting with the free hemoglobin, forming the so-called carboxyhemoglobin, chemical resistance is several tens of times higher, which makes it impossible to use it for the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide. As a result, a person begin to grow rapidly signs of oxygen deficiency.

 How to increase hemoglobin - follow the diet

Reasons for decrease in hemoglobin

In order for the red blood cells stably and efficiently perform their respiratory function, they must have enough hemoglobin. It turns out that this figure is part of the detailed analysis of the blood and has its normative values. So, a normal hemoglobin level for males is 130-160 grams per liter of blood. For women, the figure was 120-140 grams per liter of blood. In addition, the rate of hemoglobin for pregnant women is allowed up to 110 grams.

With what may be due to a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood? First of all, with the development of anemic conditions, as well as the presence of overt or hidden bleeding. For example, in women as a result of natural biological processes of every month there is a loss of a certain amount of blood. Perhaps this is why regulatory limits for these values ​​are somewhat lower than for men. Simultaneously, the normal hemoglobin level does not mean that no anemia. There are varieties of anemia in which hemoglobin is still normal or slightly above normal values ​​(these are called the anemia normochromic or hyperchromic). That is why the presence or absence of anemia can only speak only when assessing the level of hemoglobin in combination with counting the number of red blood cells.

In addition to the direct loss of hemoglobin with red blood cells cause of his low level can be unhealthy diet (inadequate intake of meat and iron-containing products), as well as violation of the processes of absorption in the gastrointestinal disease or parasitic infestation. But whatever the reason, the lack of hemoglobin in the blood leads to severe weakness, fatigue, decreased vitality, deterioration of intellectual functions. These patients are usually pale, unsociable, need a long rest to recuperate.

To return to human life activity need to restore the level of hemoglobin in the blood .  For this purpose, you must first find out the cause of his downfall, and this is only a medical prerogative, but in any case one of the mechanisms of normalization of this index is a sufficient supply of construction material outside .  A basic building material for hemoglobin - this iron .  It is therefore necessary to use a sufficient amount of meat (preferably beef), fish liver .  It is impossible to overlook and vegetable products, especially pomegranate, carrots, apples, greens .  Although contained in plant foods is absorbed less iron, but it is a real storehouse of vitamins C, group B, necessary to improve the absorption of trace elements .  Therefore, the most appropriate would be the joint use of plant and animal products .  Also, a lot of iron in sprouted wheat .  But among the drugs recommended by pharmacy hematogen, Ferrum Lek, a complex of multivitamin supplements along with trace elements .  However, the most accurate and effective scheme for the restoration of hemoglobin level can pick up only with a doctor .

Zhiguli Andrew

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  • hemoglobin
