Leukemia - it is not a sentence - Causes

September 21, 2008

  • Leukemia - it is not a sentence
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 causes leukemia

Causes of leukemia

Usually, different types of leukemia are beginning to develop in leukocytes, or white blood cells; hence the other name of this group of diseases - leukemia and leukemia Leukemia - more not a sentence  Leukemia - more not a sentence
 . The main task of WBCs - control of potentially harmful microorganisms, and normally they are formed in such quantities in which they are required by the body. In patients with leukemia bone marrow produces too many abnormal white blood cells that are not functioning as they should function leukocytes.

In many cases, the cause of leukemia is not possible. However, scientists were able to identify several factors that increase the risk of developing this disorder. Note that the majority of people who have been exposed to any of these factors do not develop leukemia.


Exposure to benzene

Prolonged exposure to certain chemicals can lead to cancer. In particular, benzene, have been linked to an increased risk of leukemia. Small amounts of benzene found in the environment, but more often exposed to this hazardous substance in volumes experienced by people working in chemical plants, including refineries. In many developed countries now have laws providing for strict security measures when dealing with dangerous substances, including benzene. Due to this occasion when developing leukemia from exposure to benzene, in these countries are becoming increasingly rare.

Moreover, benzene is present in tobacco smoke, smoking is therefore considered one of the factors that increase the risk of developing leukemia.


Diseases and genetic disorders

Different types of myelodysplastic syndromes associated with a higher risk of developing leukemia: 3 out of 10 patients with this syndrome is diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia. Myelodysplastic syndromes, like leukemia, bone marrow produces abnormal cells in the bloodstream falls too little healthy cells. Even if the patient is not diagnosed with leukemia develops, the likelihood that he is living with the disease for more than five years, more than 60%.

Down's syndrome - a genetic disorder - is also among the factors that increase the risk of leukemia.


Exposure to radiation

People who were exposed to high doses of radiation Radiation and its biological effect: gently infected!  Radiation and its biological effect: gently infected!
 For example, survivors of bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or is close to nuclear power plants, where the accident occurred significantly more likely to suffer from leukemia. According to the study, the risk of developing this disorder have 5.5 times higher than average.


Cancer Treatment

Unfortunately, a successful therapy is one type of cancer may eventually lead to the development of other malignant disorders. Chemotherapy increases the likelihood of developing other forms of cancer to a greater extent than the radiotherapy Radiotherapy in cancer treatment: irradiation aid  Radiotherapy in cancer treatment: irradiation aid
 And the combination of these treatments is the most dangerous. For leukemia most often result in chemotherapy drugs such as alkylating agents and epipodophyllotoxins. The higher the dose of medication, and the more prolonged course of treatment, the higher the risk of cancer after treatment. The most common type of cancer associated with chemotherapy Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?  Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?
 Is acute myeloid leukemia.



Age is also a factor that must be considered when assessing the risk of developing leukemia. In general, leukemia in adults occurs much more often than in children, and most often her sick elderly. The incidence begins to increase sharply after 45-49 years, and reaches a peak in the age group older than 75 years. Thus, only 10% of all cases are diagnosed in people younger than 35 years, and 38% of cases of leukemia accounts for patients older than 75 years.



Static data show that men are almost at any age ill with leukemia more often than women. If up to 45-50 years, the difference in the number of cases is small, then the age of 75 leukemia found in 30 out of 100,000 women, and 60 out of 100,000 men. Only in the age group over 85 years old diagnosed with leukemia more often in women than in men. In general, the probability of leukemia in a lifetime is 1 in 66 men and 1 to 96 for women.

Leukemia - it is not a verdict - What are the symptoms

September 21, 2008

  • Leukemia - it is not a sentence
  • Basic provisions
  • Causes
  • Kinds
  • As shown
  • Treatment

 How does leukemia

How does leukemia

In the early stages of leukemia may be asymptomatic; in chronic leukemia, this stage lasts much longer than in acute forms of the disease. Generally, chronic leukemia is slow and, in most cases it is detected during a routine medical examination before it has time to cause symptoms. Recently, researchers found that abnormal white blood cells in patients with chronic leukemia may be present in the blood for more than six years before the disease is detected. When her symptoms appear, they are initially expressed very poorly, and may from time to time to disappear, so that many people do not know about your illness, do not give them much importance.

Acute leukemia usually manifests itself quickly, rapidly deteriorating condition of the patients, and the disease is detected after they go to the doctor with complaints of severe malaise.

In leukemia patients can be very high level of leukocytes in the blood, but because it is the abnormal cells, they can not fight infections. Therefore, a common symptom of all types of leukemia are frequent infections. Low levels of red blood cells - anemia - leads to the fact that a person is constantly feels tired, but work and play, as usual. Decreased platelet count Platelets - what they are for the body?  Platelets - what they are for the body?
   in the blood causes severe bleeding in minor cuts, bruises and frequent occurrence.

Some symptoms of leukemia depend on public bodies accumulate leukemic cells - kidney, lungs, lymph nodes, brain, eye; the defeat of various organs may indicate headache, discomfort or pain in various parts of the body weight reduction.

In the later stages of acute leukemia may experience symptoms such as vomiting, confusion, loss of control over their own bodies, seizures.


Diagnosis of Leukemia

If you suspect a leukemia doctor can, first of all, ask the patient a series of questions about his personal and family history, check whether the enlarged lymph nodes in the neck Lymph nodes in the neck - can warn of disease  Lymph nodes in the neck - can warn of disease
 , In the armpits and groin, enlarged liver or spleen, there. After that is assigned to a number of diagnostic procedures.

Blood tests for leukemia can not only identify the disease, but also to determine its type. During the tests, in particular, look for certain changes in the chromosomes of cells derived from a sample of blood (and marrow) were compared cancer cells with healthy cells (this diagnostic method is called immunotipirovaniem) and determine the level of different types of white blood cells and other blood cells .

It may also be conducted following procedures:

  • Radiography of the chest - it usually is assigned if the patient complains of a persistent cough, chest pain Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
 , Shortness of breath, and coughing up blood. X-rays can help determine whether the cause of these problems, leukemia or infection;
  • Computed tomography of the head, chest and stomach - to see how the cancer had spread;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain - is assigned if the patient has symptoms such as confusion, paralysis, problems with speech and / or vision, dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
   or headaches. These symptoms may indicate that the leukemia has spread to the brain.

In addition, in diagnosing leukemia biopsy of lymph nodes and bone marrow.
