The treatment of prostatitis folk remedies - be careful

January 22, 2014

  • The treatment of prostatitis folk remedies - be careful
  • Treatments
  • Plants

 treatment of prostatitis folk remedies
 The treatment of prostatitis folk remedies is possible, but only as directed and supervised by a doctor after a pre-survey. If you do not, then the people's money will be much less effective, because you need to know exactly what and when to appoint the patient.

Prostatitis - an inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis). Causes of prostatitis, forms of the disease and the consequences may be different, so the approach to treatment of patients must also be different.

It is believed that this disease is primarily due to the penetration of the infection, but this is not always the case. In some cases, the disease can be non-infectious in nature. There are also acute and chronic forms of the disease.

Folk remedies treatment of prostatitis may be a great help for patients, but only when they do not appoint "the ceiling", and based on the data of diagnostic tests, as well as knowledge and experience in the treatment of urological diseases.

How to cure prostatitis folk remedies? Fully cured only acute prostatitis Acute prostatitis - the culprit bacteria  Acute prostatitis - the culprit bacteria
 , Chronic prostatitis Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs  Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs
 Like most chronic diseases, it is difficult to eliminate: the impact of various factors, he returns again and again.

How to treat prostatitis folk remedies? The use of folk remedies can be combined with medication (often exactly treat acute inflammation), but you can only use folk remedies - such treatment a doctor can prescribe or during remission to prevent relapse of the disease, or as a treatment for mild forms of the disease.


Apitherapy prostatitis

Apitherapy bees or treatment of prostatitis is considered to be very effective, but apitherapy is no longer a purely traditional treatments - it involved a specially trained doctors. Treatment of prostatitis bee stings conducted at special points located, both in the regions close to the prostate gland (in the crotch area, under the buttocks, on the lumbosacral spine) and remotely.

As a result of bee venom improves blood circulation in the prostate gland: eat the arteries dilate and constrict the veins. This reduces congestion and swelling of the prostate tissue - a major cause of chronic inflammation. Improvement of blood circulation leads also to the fact that activated immune system and immune cells to smoothly penetrate inflammation by destroying pathogens. Correct and timely appointed course of apitherapy can significantly improve the condition of the patient prostatitis.


Treatment of prostatitis bee products

Treatment of prostatitis can be carried out not only to bee stings, and bee products - honey, royal jelly, propolis, Podmore.

Honey contains many biologically active substances, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulant, improves metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   action. Therefore, it is often used to treat many diseases. Honey from prostatitis is widely used in folk medicine. It can take a teaspoon three times a day for a long time, and can be combined with other biologically active substances. For example, you can mix equal parts honey, Cahors (qualitative) and crushed leaves of aloe Aloe - its amazing healing properties  Aloe - its amazing healing properties
   (they need to disrupt, rinse, dry and leave for days in a dark place, then grind in a blender or mince). All mix well, cover and put in a week in a cool place. The mixture is filtered, drained and take a teaspoon three times a day for half an hour before meals.

Royal Jelly with prostatitis often prescribed. Royal jelly - this is the secret of the maxillary and pharyngeal glands of worker bees, which is used to feed larvae and the uterus. It is a biologically active substance with a complex structure, has a multifaceted effect on the human body. Royal jelly has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulant, improves blood circulation and function of the neurohormonal systems activity. It also has adaptogenic effect - increases the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors, stress and infections.

When washing the prostate urethra and bladder using a solution of royal jelly with honey (1:20). The same solution can be used for enemas, throwing him 10 times with boiled water. You can also take the royal jelly teaspoon three times a day for half an hour before a meal - milk as long as you need to keep in your mouth.

Treatment of prostatitis propolis. Propolis or bee glue - it sticky resinous substance collected by bees from various plants. Propolis is also often used to treat prostatitis. It has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, Treatment of prostatitis Propolis helps reduce prostate, restores the flow of urine. In addition, the composition of propolis includes caffeic acid, prevents the development of prostate cancer.

From propolis can be prepared propolisnoe oil: 30 grams of propolis nastrogat thinly, pour a glass of warm vegetable oil, hold water bath for 20 minutes, remove the Pop-up on the surface impurities. Warm oil to moisten the cloth to attach to the lumbar region, wrap and leave overnight. The procedures are done daily at night for 10 days.

Treatment of prostatitis Podmore bees .  Bee Podmore - a dead bee .  The main active ingredient Podmore - chitin-melanin complex .  Chitin has excellent cleansing properties, remove the body of toxic metabolic products produced in inflammatory processes .  The structure also includes Podmore bee venom, amino acids, micro and macro .  Podmore has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and regenerating effect .  Treatment of prostatitis bee Podmore included in folk remedies for prostatitis .  It can be carried out using the broth: tablespoon Podmore pour two cups of boiling water, bring to a boil and simmer for an hour, then cool, strain, wring out and bring boiled water to the original level .  Taking bee Podmore prostatitis need a tablespoon twice a day for three to four weeks .  Podmore from prostatitis often prescribed along with other bee products .

Treatment of anemia folk remedies - that is the most effective

July 30th, 2014

 anemia folk remedies
 The condition is associated with reduced levels of red blood cells, known as anemia, or anemia. With the purpose of treatment appointed Antianemic drugs that help to improve the condition and normalization of the blood test. Treatment of anemia folk remedies is also an effective method of treatment, always be mindful of the need for medical monitoring during treatment.


What kind of juice can be recommended for therapeutic purposes

Patients suffering from anemia, you need every day to drink juices that you need to be prepared immediately prior to use, that is fresh. Useful juice are as follows:

  • pomegranate juice
  • Apple juice
  • carrot juice
  • lemon juice

To prepare the therapeutic composition should take juices listed in equal amounts, but the proportion of pomegranate juice has to be twice (two parts should take this juice). In one portion 150 ml juice required. To improve the taste, but also for therapeutic purposes is recommended to add one part honey.

Amazing property has pomegranate juice. Useful substances that are part of it, are stored and easily digested. If we compare the biological activity of the juice as compared with other fruit and berry juices, it is significantly higher than many known juices. Patients with anemia should drink pomegranate juice, as it contributes to the hemoglobin, improve the general condition. Pure drinking pomegranate juice is not recommended and should be diluted with boiled water or other juices. There may be an adverse effect on tooth enamel, so it is best to drink pomegranate juice using straw.

Useful in anemia is the juice of the nettle. Because plants can be prepared not only fresh juice, and add nettle soups or various vegetable salads. The presence of the nettle medicinal properties is due to the content of ascorbic acid and carotene in large quantities. Useful properties of nettle most pronounced if the plant is harvested in early spring. During this period it is recommended to use nettles not only for the treatment of anemia, as well as for the prevention of a pathological condition.


Which vegetables should be consumed

In order to increase hemoglobin occurred and normalization of the blood test is necessary to replenish the body's need of nutrients. Eliminate the deficit of nutrients help to fruit and vegetables. Mixtures of different vegetables can be found in the recipes of traditional medicine that are recommended for use in patients with anemia.

The most valuable vegetables are beets, carrots, and black radish.

Vegetables need to peel, grate (preferably on a small grater). From vegetables prepared juice, which is in equal amounts placed in a cauldron. In the cauldron of vegetable juice should simmer for about three hours, this will suit the oven or stove. In the finished form of the resulting mixture should be applied to the patients three times a day for one spoon at a time.

To internalize the carrot, it must be remembered that this requires fats. In this regard, if the patient eats a carrot or purified in the form of salads, then you need to add a small amount of vegetable oil or sour cream, yogurt. Without fat does not occur splitting of vitamin A, which is found in carrots, and it does not go into the body. If you eat just carrots cleaned, its useful properties will be available only in fiber. Thanks fats most manifest healing properties of the product, so for the treatment of anemia recommended vegetable salad of carrots with the addition of fat.


A balanced diet with anemia

An important condition for carrying out medical activities is the organization of the diet, which should ensure that the necessary amount of iron in the body. It promotes the absorption of iron, ascorbic acid, so the recipes of traditional medicine in the treatment of anemia include fruits that have a high content of ascorbic acid. The diet should be present animal protein, essential vitamins, and the amount of fat recommended limit.

A large amount of ascorbic acid contained in black currants, rose hips, strawberries. It is proved that the content of ascorbic acid, rosehips surpasses many fruits, including citrus. From wild rose decoction can be prepared for what berries poured into a thermos. In some recipes recommended to prepare a broth in a water bath, so each patient choose the most appropriate option for him cooking.

Very useful are the berries, as they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. In the first place on the content of iron is raspberry, this berry called a record. Patients with anemia need to eat raspberries daily for at least two or three weeks. The hemoglobin level rises gradually, so to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment can be just a few weeks.

Traditional medicine is considered an effective therapeutic agents strawberry, gooseberry, fennel Dill: benefits and harms of fragrant spices  Dill: benefits and harms of fragrant spices
 , Onion, garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
 , Buckwheat.

These products should be included in patients with anemia in the diet. The diet should be more fresh fruits and vegetables to the food was highly fortified, balanced in vitamins and minerals.

Good to eat fresh salad of dandelion, plantain Psyllium - helps the kidneys and stomach  Psyllium - helps the kidneys and stomach
 , Nettle, burdock, horsetail. Combine fresh plants can be with vegetables (carrots, beets, radishes Benefits and harms of radish: what you need to know about this vegetable  Benefits and harms of radish: what you need to know about this vegetable
 , Cabbage, etc.), as well as fruit, such as apples. The salads need to add fresh herbs and spices. Anemia can be treated successfully with folk remedies. If the patient has contraindications for the use of antianemic drugs, you can use one of the popular recipes.

Marina Solovyov

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  • anemia
