Plants and herbs that lower blood sugar - to the origins of nature

October 16, 2013

 Plants and herbs lowering blood sugar
 Blood sugar levels can be reduced not only by drugs. Nature has created a pharmacy that will help people with diabetes, insulin resistance, and a number of other diseases. Plants and herbs, lowering blood sugar Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
   - It's a great help to health.

 Plants and herbs that lower blood sugar - to the origins of nature

Plants reduce blood sugar

  • Artichokes, broccoli, tomatoes, rutabaga, turnips, and other non-starchy vegetables are plants that effectively lowers blood sugar. In addition, they help to control weight and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. If you eat a small amount of carbohydrate foods in conjunction with these vegetables, your blood sugar will not rise the way it would have happened if you used to eat only carbohydrates. Include in your diet, these vegetables, you save yourself from having to severely restrict their diet, and from time to time be able to treat yourself to various goodies.
  • Amaranth. Amaranth seeds are rich in nutrients that help quickly enough to lower blood sugar Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
 . In animal experiments it was found that the oil from the seeds of Amaranthus improves liver and stimulates the processing of sugar in the body.
  • Bow. It is expected that the antioxidants contained in onions Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits  Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits
   help to reduce blood sugar levels. Supporting this is the data were obtained only in experiments on animals, but you certainly will not hurt if you prepare your own salads every day with a small amount of onions - green or bulb of your choice.
  • Cinnamon. Fragrant bark of an evergreen tree called Cinnamomum Ceylon - a popular spice that can be of great benefit to people with high blood sugar levels. Cinnamon helps to normalize blood sugar levels and in addition it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, and improves digestion.

 Plants and herbs that lower blood sugar - to the origins of nature

Herbs for lowering blood sugar

  • Oregano - a popular spice that is added to many vegetable and meat dishes. Those who have elevated levels of blood sugar, it is recommended to cook dishes with oregano is not only for fun but also for their own health.
  • Sage. To reduce the level of blood sugar is particularly useful every day to drink a decoction of sage Sage - cvyaschennaya grass  Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
   on an empty stomach. They can also savor grilled meats, soups, and other dishes.
  • Devil's claw - a plant native to Africa, reducing blood sugar levels, dilate blood vessels, and normalizing blood pressure. It can be used for tea and a variety of meat dishes.
  • Fenugreek. Fenugreek seeds help to prevent a sharp rise in blood sugar after a meal. For this ground fenugreek seeds is recommended to be taken with food. During the day, should take no more than 10-15 grams of ground seeds in equal portions.

Article Tags:
  • blood sugar

Useful properties of myrtle: the justified expectations

January 31, 2012

 Feijoa useful properties
 At present we know many examples of the appearance and disappearance of entire species. Natural conditions are others, and with them changing flora. Some flowers, shrubs, trees are fundamentally different from those of his predecessors, as amended and edible plants, mainly fruits and berries. The evolutionary process within centuries imperceptible, but still, the emergence of new plants or substantial changes in the existing can be seen. However, fruits and berries are united, that for thousands of years they have remained virtually unchanged and is very useful for humans. Useful properties of myrtle are widely known for many centuries, and from the nineteenth century berry has spread around the world.

 Useful properties of myrtle: the justified expectations

Amazing berry

It grows on trees or bushes in the subtropical regions of South America, Africa. Recently berry grown in greenhouses, and even not only in the subtropics. By type and size can be compared with kiwi or small potatoes. The color is usually green, peel a little tight, ripe berries in a jelly-like consistency, having a pleasant fragrance similar to strawberries or kiwi. The taste resembles a pineapple Pineapple: caloric and other features of sweet fruit  Pineapple: caloric and other features of sweet fruit
 But more acidic. In its composition among the most mineralized and fortified fruit, and contains a lot of cellulose, pectin and iodine, vitamin C, antioxidant, tannin, catechin, a lot of calcium and minerals that promote absorption of all light components. So, this berry can be called a vitamin-mineral complex.

 Useful properties of myrtle: the justified expectations

The basic properties of feijoa

  • Prevention. Iodine, pectin, thiamine (vitamin B1), calcium, vitamin C and antioxidants well lower blood pressure, strengthen the cardiovascular and nervous system, bones, muscles, effectively cleanse the body of toxins, improve immunity, promote rejuvenation.
  • Pharmacological. Manufacture of medical food supplements Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
   and vitamins. First of all, from the berries get "easy" iodine, whose action on hormones stabilizes the whole body. It effectively acts on the brain activity. Pectin cleanses the intestines, having good absorption and together with thiamine and antioxidants Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits  Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits
   regulates metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 Significantly improves the functioning of the digestive system and kidneys. Vitamin B1 is used in the treatment of endocrine system and diabetes. Calcium is widely used in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Vitamin C, tannin and kotehin used in the treatment of heart and blood vessels.
  • Technology. Pectin used for the preservation of products. It is possible to eliminate the unnatural preservatives, and during preservation temperature conditions become more loyal, which helps preserve vitamins in canned foods. Sometimes canned added thiamine, facilitating easier absorption of food.
  • Cosmetic. Their skin feijoa get antioxidants and enzymes that are widely used in the manufacture of anti-aging creams and masks. Pectin and vitamin C is used in the manufacture of nutrient creams, lotions, cosmetic milk.
  • Taste. The presence of sub-tropical taste freshness with strawberry-pineapple flavor makes it possible to prepare from different feijoa juice, mousse and cocktails. Berry is also used for making fruit salads. It is known for the unique mixture of pulp feijoa, walnut, honey and lemongrass, which is used even in the preparation of cosmonauts.

Properties feijoa fruit still investigating as many interesting secrets stored in itself enzymes and antioxidants. So it is not far off the new discoveries about the healing effect of this amazing fruit on the human body.

Nelly Ryabinin

Article Tags:
  • Feijoa
