Inflamed lymph node under the arm - in what could be the reason?

November 24, 2014

 inflamed lymph node under the arm
 If the inflamed lymph node under the arm, it may be the result of an inflammatory process in some nearby organs. But sometimes the inflammation in the axillary lymph nodes can start on their own, for example, in contact with the infection through an open wound.


Why can become inflamed lymph node under the arm

Usually inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpit (axillary lymphadenitis) is secondary, that is developing on the background of the existing infectious-inflammatory process in the surrounding or distant tissues. Very often the cause of axillary lymphadenitis is the inflammation of the mammary gland Inflammation of breast cancer: what is more dangerous - acute or chronic?  Inflammation of breast cancer: what is more dangerous - acute or chronic?
   - Mastitis.

In this case, the first lymph node begins reactive proliferation and tissue edema, which suggests a normal immune response to inflammation in other organs. Axillary lymph nodes at the same time enlarged, painful and not soldered to surrounding tissues. Such reactive inflammatory process ends or the suppression of infectious-inflammatory process in the surrounding tissues, or the involvement of the tissue of the lymph node.

The inflammatory process in the axillary lymph nodes may also begin in contact with him from distant foci of infection, such as chronic tonsillitis Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils  Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils
 , Adenoids, pyelonephritis, and so on. But in this case the development of lymphadenitis is often associated with reduced immunity.

Much less gate infections are various wounds, burns, frostbite in violation of the integrity of the skin, lymph nodes located near the armpit.

The causative agent of the disease can be as non-specific infection (eg, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa - in this case, the inflammatory process is called non-specific) and specific infections (eg, agents of tuberculosis, syphilis and others. With a characteristic only of this infection symptoms).

Inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes can occur acutely and chronically.


Symptoms of acute inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm

Acute axillary lymphadenitis may be serous, hemorrhagic, fibrinous and purulent. When nonspecific lymphadenitis axillary lymph nodes Axillary lymph nodes - signals about trouble in the mammary glands  Axillary lymph nodes - signals about trouble in the mammary glands
   It looks the same regardless of the pathogen. Acute axillary lymphadenitis seen an increase in size and tenderness of the lymph nodes, the skin over them reddened and swollen, lymph node with the surrounding tissues are not soldered. First, inflammation is catarrhal (surface, purulent) the nature, without disturbing the patient's general condition.

The disease can stay in this stage, but may also take purulent. Edema The transition to the surrounding tissue and lymph nodes soldered them in painful conglomerate. Purulent inflammation is always accompanied by a violation of the general conditions: a sharp rise in temperature, chills, malaise, headache and other symptoms of intoxication.

Patients worried about a strong nagging pain in the underarm area, which causes them to keep a hand in the forced position to provide the least pain.

In the later stages of the disease in the lymph node palpation can feel the fluctuation (fluctuation of the fluid that is accumulated pus).

Very hard phlegmonous inflammations occur when pus in the lymph node is not limited to a capsule. In this case, the infection can spread through the lymphatic and blood vessels in the others, including remote, organs and tissues. The process can be complicated by a general infection of the body (sepsis).

When the specific state of the axillary lymphadenitis axillary lymph nodes depends on the underlying disease.


Symptoms of chronic inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm

Chronic inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes most commonly develops in the wrong inadequate treatment of acute lymphadenitis. The disease can also develop in the presence of the organism in a permanent source of infection (chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, dental caries and so on).

Thus in the axillary lymph nodes under the influence of the inflammatory process involves the proliferation of lymphoid tissues, and it increases in size. The inflammatory process is prolonged and sluggish lymph nodes abscess are rare. They increase in size, are slightly painful, not soldered to surrounding tissues. In the long lymphoid tissue in the lymph nodes is replaced by connective tissue, which leads to decreased function of lymph node swelling and disruption of lymph circulation.


Treatment of axillary lymphadenitis

Treatment depends on the nature and stage of the inflammatory process. The initial stage of the disease (catarrh) treated conservatively with antibiotics and physiotherapy. If signs of festering abscess should be an autopsy.

If the inflamed lymph node Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system  Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system
   under his arm, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • lymph nodes

Metabolic disorders: acquired and inherited - is there any difference between them?

May 4, 2013

  • Metabolic disorders: acquired and inherited - is there any difference between them?
  • The emergence of the problem
  • Hereditary

 metabolic disease
 Metabolism - a process of cleavage products into simpler components: proteins, carbohydrates (or sugars) and fats. Metabolic disorders occur when the normal processes go wrong. Such disorders can be congenital or acquired.

 Metabolic disorders: acquired and inherited - is there any difference between them?

What is metabolism

Metabolism or metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
   is the set of chemical reactions that occur in the body and necessary to create and use energy. Here are just a few examples of metabolic processes:

  • Cleavage contained in food carbohydrates, protein and fat for energy.
  • Converting the excess nitrogen in the waste, and output together with the urine.
  • Splitting or transformation of one chemical to another, and their transport to the various cells of the body.

Metabolism - a pipeline that does not stop until his death; We are constantly used, produced and displayed a variety of substances. "Employee" of the conveyor are enzymes and other proteins, which occur because of all these chemical reactions.

 Metabolic disorders: acquired and inherited - is there any difference between them?

Symptoms of metabolic disorders

The symptoms of inborn errors of metabolism:

Diseases of this type can cause very diverse symptoms, depending on which particular metabolic disorders are a particular person. Some of the most common signs of inherited metabolic disorders:

  • Lethargy;
  • Poor appetite;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Vomiting;
  • Weight loss;
  • Jaundice;
  • Stunted growth in children;
  • Developmental delay;
  • Cramps;
  • Coma;
  • Abnormal smell of urine, sweat, saliva, or breath;
  • Bone diseases such as osteoporosis (thinning and weakening of the bones);
  • Impaired memory, thinking processes, the ability to speak and understand speech, and difficulty with writing and reading;
  • Increased liver, heart, kidney, and spleen;
  • Slow growth in children;
  • Frequent infections;
  • Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar);
  • Blurred vision, sometimes - loss of vision;
  • Muscle spasms and / or involuntary movement;
  • Muscle weakness;
  • Paralysis.

These symptoms may appear gradually or suddenly; in many hereditary metabolic disorders are manifested in the first weeks after birth. Sign of some diseases already appear in adults. It should be noted that similar symptoms may arise as a result of taking certain medications due to dehydration, and by other factors.

Symptoms of acquired metabolic disorders:

  • Chronic or persistent diarrhea;
  • Fatigue;
  • Headache;
  • Irritability and mood changes;
  • Muscle cramps;
  • Nausea and / or vomiting;
  • Rapid breathing (tachypnea) or shortness of breath.

In some cases the metabolic cause life-threatening condition. Urgently seek medical attention if the following symptoms:

  • Bluish color of the lips or nails;
  • Changes in mental status or sudden behavior change, such as confusion, delirium, lethargy, hallucinations;
  • Shortness of breath, inability to breathe properly;
  • Convulsions.

 Metabolic disorders: acquired and inherited - is there any difference between them?

Hereditary metabolic diseases

Hereditary metabolic disorders - are genetic diseases that lead to various problems related to the metabolism. Most people with disorders of this type are defective genes, because of which the deficiency develops certain enzymes. There are hundreds of different genetic metabolic disorders, with a very diverse symptoms, treatments and prognosis.

 Metabolic disorders: acquired and inherited - is there any difference between them?

Causes of inherited metabolic disorders

In most cases, the enzymes of metabolic disorders, one or not produced in the body or produced, but in a form that perform its conventional functions can not be .  The missing enzyme - like a missing worker pipeline .  Depending on what task he had to perform in the body begin various abnormal processes - for example, accumulate toxins, or is it impossible to develop important substances .  Code or plan according to which should be generated or that the enzyme is usually stored in the gene pairs .  Most people with hereditary metabolic disorders, there are two copies of the defective gene - one from each parent .  Both parents are carriers of the abnormal gene pairs - one defective copy, the other - normal .  Parents normal copy compensates for the presence of a defective copy .  Usually enzyme levels have correct, and any symptoms of a genetic metabolic disorder absent .  However, in the body of the child who has inherited two copies of the gene abnormal, enzymes can not be produced in sufficient quantities, which is why the disease develops .  This form of genetic transmission is called autosomal recessive inheritance .  The original cause of the majority of inherited metabolic disorders in most cases the gene mutation that took place many, many generations ago .  This mutated gene was inherited, I am not "met" with another in such a gene belonging to another person .

Congenital metabolic disorders in the general human population are relatively rare - they occur, on average, one of newborn 1000-2500. In some ethnic groups, such as Ashkenazi Jews (the group formed in Central and Eastern Europe) violations of this type occur much more frequently.

 Metabolic disorders: acquired and inherited - is there any difference between them?

Acquired metabolic disorders

The following factors can cause metabolic disorders at any stage of life:

  • Alcohol abuse;
  • Diabetes;
  • Abuse of diuretics;
  • Gout;
  • The use of poison or toxins, such as aspirin in too large an amount, bicarbonate, alkali, methanol, or ethylene glycol;
  • Renal insufficiency;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Sepsis (life-threatening bacterial infection of the blood).

 Metabolic disorders: acquired and inherited - is there any difference between them?

Risk factors

The following factors increase the risk of metabolic disorders:

  • Certain chronic diseases, such as lung disease and kidney failure;
  • Inborn errors of metabolism in the family history;
  • HIV / AIDS.

 Metabolic disorders: acquired and inherited - is there any difference between them?


For the treatment of inborn errors of metabolism usually use the following techniques:

  • Medications to relieve symptoms such as pain or drugs to raise blood sugar levels Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
  • Nutritional supplements;
  • Changes in diet;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Bone marrow transplantation;
  • Surgical interventions to alleviate symptoms.

Treatment of acquired disorders of metabolism depends on what was its cause. For example, if the violation is caused by alcohol abuse, then to normalize the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 , One must get rid of alcohol addiction Alcohol addiction - for no reason, no reason not arise  Alcohol addiction - for no reason, no reason not arise
 And, if necessary, to treatment for other diseases that it has caused.

 Metabolic disorders: acquired and inherited - is there any difference between them?


Complications of metabolic disorders can be:

  • Violation of the internal organs or complete cessation of the work of some of them;
  • Chronic seizures and tremors;
  • Coma.

However, provided that the patient meets all the conditions of the treatment, the symptoms of the disorder can be successfully controlled.
