How to take mikosist all depends on the affected area

August 19, 2012

 how to take mikosist
 Mikosist - a drug for the treatment of fungal diseases. It is used for the treatment of general (systemic) destruction of organs and tissues (for example, cryptococcosis), fungal diseases of the skin and nails (Microsporum, Trichophyton), deep fungal infections of the skin (coccidioidomycosis, paracoccidioidomycosis and histoplasmosis), and lesions of the skin, mucous membranes and all organism yeast fungi genus Candida.

 How to take mikosist all depends on the affected area

Formulations Mikosista

Mikosist - is an antifungal drug broad spectrum, wherein the active substance is fluconazole Fluconazole - used with caution  Fluconazole - used with caution

The pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter (Hungary) releases the drug in dosage forms for oral administration (capsules with different dosages of 50, 100 and 150 mg) and parenteral (solution for infusion in bottles of 100 ml, 1 ml of which contained 2 mg of active principle).

 How to take mikosist all depends on the affected area

Mikosist in the treatment of severe systemic fungal infections

In recent years, the growth of systemic fungal disease that causes damage to the whole organism. It is associated with decreased general immunity against the backdrop of high nervous and mental stress, misuse, irregular food, sedentary lifestyle with little exposure to fresh air. But the main reason leading to the spread of fungal infections, is a long indiscriminate use of antibiotics, leading to suppression of beneficial microflora, which normally inhibits the spread of fungal infections.

For fungal infection that causes destruction of the body system and is sensitive to the Mikosist Mikosist - another remedy for thrush  Mikosist - another remedy for thrush
 They include Cryptococcus, causing severe fungal infection - cryptococcosis with lesions of the skin, internal organs and even the brain. Very often, this fungal infection affects patients with severe immune disorders, such as patients with HIV infection.

This is a severe infection in which mikosist beginning to use as an intravenous infusion, and then, with the improvement of the patient, go to the reception of the drug inside. On the first day to 400 mg administered Mikosista, followed by 200 mg daily for fifteen - two months. In severe cryptococcal infection the duration of treatment can be up to three months.

 How to take mikosist all depends on the affected area

Mikosist in treating candidiasis

Candidiasis - an infection caused by yeast fungi genus Candida. It can also be a system with the defeat of various organs and tissues, but more often candidiasis affects the skin and mucous membranes. The most commonly affected organs include candidiasis gastrointestinal tract and genitals.

The mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract may be affected completely, since the oral cavity (candidiasis of the oral mucosa is called thrush) to the intestine. But mostly candidiasis affected intestine from pathogenic fungi may spread throughout the gastrointestinal tract and the bloodstream by other internal organs. For severe forms of candidiasis are generalized candidiasis, candidiasis light Candidiasis light: why it is so difficult to diagnose?  Candidiasis light: why it is so difficult to diagnose?
 , Abdomen, inner lining of the heart (endocarditis), eye, kidney and urinary tract and meninges (meningitis, candidiasis).

When severe systemic candidiasis mikosist is administered intravenously with 400 mg on the first day (the dose can sometimes reach up to 800 mg per day), and then move on to a dose of 200 mg per day. When improving the overall condition of the patient moving to a reception inside Mikosista at the same dosage. The duration of treatment depends on the patient, but the treatment should last at least two weeks after symptoms are gone all and has been confirmed by laboratory recovery.

 How to take mikosist all depends on the affected area

Treatment for thrush Mikosist

Candidiasis of the oral mucosa and throat (thrush) mikosist appoint 50-100 mg per day for one - two weeks. To prevent thrush Preventing thrush - why it's important  Preventing thrush - why it's important
   in patients with HIV infection mikosist appoint 150 mg once a week.

The defeat of the mucous membranes of the external genitalia also called thrush. In women, it occurs with lesions of the external genitalia and vagina (vulvovaginal candidiasis), and men - with skin lesions of the glans penis and foreskin (candidal ballanopostit).

For the treatment of uncomplicated thrush mikosist administered one capsule of 150 mg once inside. If you continue to relapse, then the persistent suppression of vital activity of fungi of the genus Candida is recommended to take mikosist 150 mg each month for four months to a year.

Mikosist is an antifungal drug broad spectrum of action, which is active against many fungal infections.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • mikosist

Clindamycin - why its efficiency drops?

February 19, 2009

  • Clindamycin - why its efficiency drops?
  • When appointed

 Clindamycin - an antibiotic Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 Which is used to treat infections of the skin and soft tissue, respiratory tract, joints, bones, blood, abdomen, and so on. Prescribed by a doctor, it has a number of side effects, so you need to be careful about his reception.

 Clindamycin - why its efficiency drops?

Important information about Clindamycin

  • Do not take this medication if you are allergic to clindamycin or lincomycin (contained in drugs such as Bactramycin, L-Mycin, Lincocin).
  • Do not take simultaneously with erythromycin clindamycin Erythromycin - if you are allergic to penicillin  Erythromycin - if you are allergic to penicillin
  • Before you start taking clindamycin, tell your doctor if you have kidney disease and / or liver, intestinal disorders, such as colitis or Crohn's disease; a history of asthma, eczema Eczema - is difficult to treat  Eczema - is difficult to treat
 Or allergic skin reactions.
  • Fully undergoing receiving clindamycin prescription. Even if the symptoms disappear, it does not always mean that the infection is defeated. If you stop the treatment before it is necessary, there is a possibility of development of resistance in bacteria that caused the disease, which can lead to relapse and re-treatment - has other antibiotics.
  • At the time of treatment of clindamycin doctor may prescribe regular inspections, during which will be checked by a blood test and liver and kidney function. This is necessary to ensure that the drug does not cause you any harm.

 Clindamycin - why its efficiency drops?

Pregnancy and lactation

Clindamycin is considered safe for a developing baby, but it prescribed to pregnant women only when necessary. Since clindamycin is excreted in breast milk, it is not recommended for nursing mothers.

 Clindamycin - why its efficiency drops?

Side effects

Seek emergency medical attention if there are any of these signs of an allergic reaction to clindamycin: hives, difficulty breathing, swelling Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   face, lips, tongue, or throat. Stop taking clindamycin and call your doctor if you develop any of these serious side effects:

  • Diarrhea: watery stools or stools with traces of blood;
  • Jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes);
  • Rarer than usual urination or lack thereof;
  • Fever, chills, muscle pain, symptoms similar to flu symptoms;
  • Ulcers in the mouth and throat;
  • Skin rash with severe burning, numbness, pain, muscle weakness;
  • Easy bruising, unusual bleeding (nose, mouth, vagina or rectum);
  • Fever, sore throat, headache, severe peeling of the skin.

Less serious side effects of clindamycin:

  • Changes in intestinal motility (especially in the elderly);
  • Mild nausea, vomiting, or stomach pain;
  • Joint pain;
  • Vaginal itching and / or unusual discharge;
  • Slight or moderate rash or itching;
  • Throat irritation.

 Clindamycin - why its efficiency drops?


  • Bacteremia

Adult 450-900 mg every 8 hours by intravenous infusion. Once the patient is stabilized, clindamycin taken orally at 450 mg every six hours.

Clindamycin is rarely used for the treatment of bacteremia, and in particular is not suitable for the treatment of diseases caused by staphylococci.

Duration of treatment - 14 days, but can vary depending on the nature and severity of the infection.

  • Bacterial vaginosis

Adults: 300 mg orally twice a day. The duration of treatment in most cases - seven days.

  • Diverticulitis

450 mg orally every six hours. This dosing regimen for mild cases of diverticulitis; Clindamycin taken concurrently with trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole.

  • Infections of the abdominal cavity

Adults: 450-900 mg every eight hours by intravenous infusion. The treatment normally lasts from seven to fourteen days.
