Candidiasis language: at-risk children and the elderly

January 7, 2012

 candidiasis language children
 Candidiasis tongue thrush is usually a complication of oral mucosa, which occurs most often in children and the elderly. Therefore thrush should be treated without waiting for complications. Better yet, keep in mind the possibility of such diseases and to conduct its prevention.

 Candidiasis language: at-risk children and the elderly

Causes of candidiasis language

First of all - this is a violation of immunity. In infants, the immune system, the mother referred to them, significantly reduced to three to six months. Children who are breastfed and receive the mother's breast, thrush immune system better and they can be less likely than bottle-. A breeding ground for fungi of the genus Candida is milk, which further enhances the tendency of infants to the disease.

Older people are often weakened immune system against the background of chronic diseases. Furthermore, chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases require frequent administration of antibiotics, which leads to further weakening of the immune system and the risk of oral thrush and language increases.

 Candidiasis language: at-risk children and the elderly


Thrush is seldom directly with language. Usually first minor attacks appear white on the inner surface of the mucosa of the cheek, lips and gums. They increase in size and merge together to form a film, go to the surface of the tongue, the tonsils. Films like the thrush crud, hence the name of the disease. If they are forcibly removed from the mucosa, it is possible to see beneath the surface of the reddened edematous, and sometimes even small erosion and bleeding ulcers.

If infection spreads to the language, a condition called yeast glossitis. At the same time the language of the film appear white, especially a lot of them formed in the grooves. Buds are smoothed out, the language itself swells and increases so much that sometimes it does not fit in your mouth.

Thrush can be spread further, to the corners of the mouth (perleches), the red border of lips. Lips swollen. In the propagation of candida in the palatine tonsils them appear white and white cheesy raids plug in the gaps. This is very similar to the purulent tonsillitis, but, unlike the latter, not so suffers overall. Older people may be general weakness, malaise, appetite disorders, but it all takes place against a background of normal temperature. Babies can also be moody, bad sleep and suck.

Candidiasis language can be complicated by candidiasis gastrointestinal tract. Most often it happens in older people.

 Candidiasis language: at-risk children and the elderly


The diagnosis of candidiasis is usually the language is put on the basis of medical examination, as it has a very characteristic appearance. If the disease is difficult, the scrapings are taken for analysis. Under the microscope, the films can be found in fungal cells and thread pseudomycelium. Sowing on nutrient media confirms the presence of fungi genus Candida.

If necessary, it can be analyzed swabs or blood by PCR, as well as a blood test for the presence of antibodies to the fungus genus Candida.

 Candidiasis language: at-risk children and the elderly

Treatment and prevention

Treatment of candidiasis language in infants is performed mainly 2% solution of soda bread (a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of boiled water). This solution was treated with mouth after each feeding or regurgitation. If the mouth is not a nutrient medium (milk), the yeast usually resolve spontaneously.

Older people are usually prescribed antifungal drugs such as fluconazole Fluconazole - used with caution  Fluconazole - used with caution
 . The oral cavity is treated with a 20% solution of borax in glycerol Glycerine: a miracle ingredient for skin and hair  Glycerine: a miracle ingredient for skin and hair
   or an aqueous solution of methylene blue. Adults can be the oral language, and use the following structure: on half a cup of boiled water add a teaspoon of garlic juice Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
 , Onion, lemon and honey. Will and carrot juice is prepared immediately before the procedure (it also has an antifungal effect) acidic fruits and berries (gooseberries, currants, strawberries and so on).

In order to avoid the occurrence of candidiasis language, all linen and crockery infants treated carefully. Laundry is washed, dried in the open air, and iron, and boiled dishes. Oral cavity grudnichka should be inspected daily and the appearance of the first signs of yeast mouth processing 2% sodium carbonate solution to the disease does not spread further, including language.

Older people should be the prevention of the fact that if they need long-term use of antibiotics or hormones Hormonal treatments - not only contraceptives  Hormonal treatments - not only contraceptives
 Then with them should be prescribed and antifungal agents.

Candidiasis language will be held at regular properly conducted treatment, but if left untreated, it can go to the gastrointestinal tract, which is considerably complicate the situation.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • candidiasis

Treatment with dexamethasone - only on prescription

September 9, 2012

 Treatment with dexamethasone
 Dexamethasone - this is one of the most effective glucocorticosteroids (GCS). It is used for the relief of severe allergic reactions, such as anaphylaxis or angioedema. Assign short course of dexamethasone to relieve severe symptoms of allergy and inflammation in chronic diseases. Dexamethasone and used in treating some other disorders.

 Treatment with dexamethasone - only on prescription

The use of dexamethasone in cases of emergency

For relief of severe allergic reactions dexamethasone applied as a solution, which is administered intravenously. Such dexamethasone will quickly raise your blood pressure, a sharp decline in anaphylactic shock which can cause death of the patient.

If an allergic reaction in the form of angioedema, swelling when the exciting field of the vocal cords and blocks the flow of air into the lungs, will also help dexamethasone - it will remove the swelling of the vocal cords and restore normal breathing.

The same swelling of the vocal cords (false croup) often develops in young children with viral infections. Dexamethasone help in this case.

 Treatment with dexamethasone - only on prescription

Dexamethasone treatment of allergic diseases

In the treatment of allergic diseases short course of dexamethasone used in the case where other treatments do not relieve severe allergy symptoms.

For example, in asthma attacks of bronchospasm may follow one another, a condition called status asthmaticus. A short course of dexamethasone allows you to remove this condition and continue treatment by conventional means.

These short courses of dexamethasone can be used for skin allergy, room and seasonal rhinitis, and so on. Short course deksametazola usually does not cause side effects and helps patients overcome the most difficult periods of exacerbation of allergies.

 Treatment with dexamethasone - only on prescription

Dexamethasone treatment of inflammatory and infectious-allergic diseases

Severe inflammatory and infectious and allergic processes are especially characteristic of diseases of the joints and spine. Examples of such diseases are rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis Ankylosing spondylitis - a lot of patience is required  Ankylosing spondylitis - a lot of patience is required
 . The disease begins with infections and allergies to it, and then joins allergic to its own tissues. Occur these diseases is long, accompanied by severe pain and dysfunction of joints. Short courses of corticosteroids on the background of pronounced symptoms of exacerbation of these diseases can improve the quality of life of these patients.

For infectious diseases include allergic and glomerulonephritis - severe kidney disease, which also begins with an infection, joined by an allergy, including its own tissues. A particular danger in this case is a reduction in renal function. Dexamethasone in this case reduce the level of infection-inflammation and hardening of the kidneys warn - in the development of kidney tissue connective tissue, helping to reduce its function.

Sometimes deksametozon in these diseases is prescribed for a long time. In this case, removal of the drug after treatment should be carried out gradually, with a decrease in the dose in order to have time to recover from their own secretions (endogenous), glucocorticoids produced by the adrenal cortex.

 Treatment with dexamethasone - only on prescription

Dexamethasone treatment of other diseases

Dexamethasone inhibits the proliferation - growths of tissue cells. The fastest proliferation process expressed in tumor tissues, however dexamethasone Dexamethasone - one of the most effective glucocorticosteroids  Dexamethasone - one of the most effective glucocorticosteroids
   often part of the complex treatment of cancer patients.

The ability of dexamethasone to suppress the growth of connective tissue allows the use of this drug for the treatment of severe, long-occurring diseases such as systemic sclerosis Scleroderma - affects all the organs  Scleroderma - affects all the organs
   and systemic lupus erythematosus, are characterized by the growth of connective tissue - it permeates all the organs and tissues.

Used deksometazon and obstetric practice. In some cases, the cause of infertility in women The causes of infertility in women - and the main predisposing factors  The causes of infertility in women - and the main predisposing factors
   is too much in her blood of male sex hormones - androgens. Long-term courses of small doses of dexamethasone before pregnancy and supportive therapy, these drugs during pregnancy allow to suppress the action of androgens and bear a child.

As a replacement therapy dexamethasone is used in adrenal insufficiency and deficiency of the anterior pituitary. The anterior pituitary gland produces adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which stimulates the secretion of hormones of the adrenal cortex corticosteroids. By reducing the secretion of ACTH secretion is reduced and the GCS, which requires replacement therapy.

Dexamethasone as topical dosage forms (drops, eye ointment) is used for the treatment of inflammatory and allergic ophthalmic diseases.

Dexamethasone may also be used in the treatment of other serious diseases that are accompanied by inflammatory and allergic processes.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • dexamethasone
