Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed - Classification

April 9, 2014

  • Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
  • How is infection
  • Classification
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Complications

 Classification of Tuberculosis

Classification of Tuberculosis

First of all, different types of tuberculosis was isolated on the basis of public bodies develop the disease. For example, there lupus TB skin - a rare form of the disease  TB skin - a rare form of the disease
 , Spine, liver, bronchus, oral cavity, and so on. The most common is tuberculosis.

Allocated and such forms of tuberculosis, as open (active) and closed (latent). When active, open tuberculosis or TB germs multiply rapidly and can penetrate into the various organs. Typical symptoms are open tuberculosis cough, chest pain, weakness, weight loss, fever, chills and sweating at night. A person with active TB is diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis can infect other people. Patients with this diagnosis are usually asked to tell what kind of people they are in close contact in recent years; as the disease is highly contagious and potentially dangerous these people are strongly recommended as soon as possible to undergo a medical examination.

Chronic tuberculosis. Many people infected with TB bacteria do not develop TB. They have no symptoms, and X-rays may look perfectly normal, but the tuberculin skin test (Mantoux test) and analysis of the secretion of gamma interferon can show the presence of bacteria that is the causative agent of tuberculosis. In many cases, latent tuberculosis makes itself felt throughout the patient's life, but there is always a risk that it will develop into a chronic infection. This is especially likely in HIV-infected patients and in people who take drugs that suppress the immune system.

Speaking on the classification of the disease, and the need to describe the stages of TB. In typical cases of tuberculosis in humans develops in three stages:

  • The first stage can cause symptoms similar to flu symptoms, which is why tuberculosis at an early stage is difficult to identify. Many patients do not pay due attention to such signs; after a while they disappear, and there comes the next stage;
  • Latent tuberculosis asymptomatic stage. However, at this stage, particularly in immunocompromised patients, tuberculosis can begin to spread to different organs that sooner or later lead to deterioration of the patient;
  • The third stage - an active form of tuberculosis, in which there are the classic symptoms of the disease, such as cough, chest pain Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
   and coughing up blood or sputum. Other symptoms of TB Symptoms of TB - how to recognize the disease  Symptoms of TB - how to recognize the disease
   It may be weakness and fatigue, causeless weight reduction.

Cough in tuberculosis persists for three weeks or more, and anyone with a cough persists for a long time, you should consult your doctor.


Tuberculosis in Russia

According to data obtained in the course of a number of studies the incidence of tuberculosis in Russia in the last decade has become noticeably lower than it was in the early and mid-1990s, when the disease was rampant in the former Soviet Union. However, in the Russian Federation are increasingly common drug-resistant tuberculosis, which is ineffective against virtually all antibiotics. Experts found that pathogens such tuberculosis has a genetic mutation that not only makes it resistant to various drugs, but also helps it to spread faster.

The researchers conducted a survey of 2348 patients with tuberculosis in Samara, and singled out the genomes of bacteria, which led to the development of the disease in about 1,000 of these patients. It has been discovered previously unknown mutations associated with antibiotic resistance, as well as the so-called compensatory mutations, which provides a quick and easy spread of bacteria. Approximately 16% of the strains showed a mutation that makes them resistant to several types of antibiotics. Today, Russia is in the list of 27 countries where there is a high incidence of TB caused by bacteria resistant to several types of drugs. Among the reasons for the prevalence of tuberculosis in the Russian experts, WHO called the low level of life, poor nutrition, chronic stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 , Alcoholism and drug addiction. Between 1991 and 1999, when the socio-economic conditions in the country have been particularly severe, the number of cases has grown on average by 7.5% per year. Now the situation is stabilized, but significant improvements apparently still far.

At the same time, researchers have noted the extremely rapid spread of tuberculosis in Russian prisons. It is estimated that the probability of infection for a prisoner with tuberculosis is 58 times higher, and likely to die from tuberculosis - 28 times higher than for residents of Russia, on average. In 2004, 12% of all TB cases in Russia were recorded among prisoners, in 2005 - already 27%. This is most likely due to the fact that this issue has been given more attention, and tuberculosis is diagnosed more often in the early stages, but it does not change the fact that the disease is still highly prevalent in Russian prisons.

Mononucleosis - forecast favorable - How to

June 10, 2014

  • Mononucleosis - forecast favorable
  • As shown
  • How to define
  • Treatment

 how to determine mononucleosis

How to determine mononucleosis

Depending on the patient's age and general health, the symptoms of mononucleosis may be more or less pronounced. As a rule, the mildest form of mononucleosis occurs in children and adolescents; the most severe forms of the disease occur in people with immune deficiency. Patients may appear symptoms of the disease such as malaise, muscle pain and body aches, pain in the upper left abdomen, which may indicate an enlarged spleen. Cervical lymph nodes Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system  Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system
   when mononucleosis is often increased so that the patient can detect the symptom of the disease itself, but contact with them can be very painful. Temperature mononucleosis may rise to 38.3 - 40 degrees Celsius; in addition to the heat, the patient may occasionally complain of chills.

During the examination, the doctor may find an enlarged spleen and a light coating on the tonsils - the last feature in combination with sore throat, fever and general malaise makes mononucleosis like tonsillitis. Often patients - especially adults, with the appearance of symptoms decide that they are sick is tonsillitis, and not go to the doctor. However, symptoms of mononucleosis are stored for much longer - up to two months, and for some time after recovery, the patient may experience weakness, drowsiness, fatigue. Sometimes patients also appears reddish rash, similar to that which occurs in patients with measles Measles in children - may cause serious complications  Measles in children - may cause serious complications
 . Skin rashes may appear during mononucleosis and those who are sick takes amoxicillin or ampicillin. In such cases, a rash is not an indication of an allergic reaction on antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?

Enlargement of the spleen is observed in about half of cases of mononucleosis. It can be increased two to three times and hit in vivid, fall, or intense exercise can cause it to break. To avoid this, you should refrain from heavy lifting and contact sports for as long as the doctor says that such load is safe for you. Very rarely splenic rupture can occur for no apparent reason.


Diagnosing mononucleosis

A very important stage of diagnosis of mononucleosis is to study the history and physical examination of the patient. The doctor asks the patient in detail what symptoms caused his illness, when they appeared, when it becomes more pronounced when weakened, and so on. It may also ask a series of questions relating to the patient's lifestyle. During the medical examination the doctor examines the state of the tonsils and perform abdominal palpation to detect a possible enlargement of the spleen. Be sure to tell your doctor if pressure on certain parts of the body causing your pain.

In addition, the blood test for antibodies to the virus, the causative agent of mononucleosis, blood count and liver function tests.

If the antibody test is performed too early, it can give a false-negative result. If the patient has typical symptoms of mononucleosis, the analysis is repeated a short time later.

Complete blood count and liver function tests can detect the characteristic changes in the blood when mononucleosis, for example, increasing the level of white blood cells and bilirubin. The latter says that mononucleosis led to inflammation of the liver - hepatitis. Fortunately, in most cases it goes away on its own, and does not entail serious consequences for health.

If the assay for antibodies to the Epstein-Barr virus twice gave a negative result, the physician usually decides to check the patient for the presence of CMV. In some cases, the virus causes symptoms similar to the symptoms of mononucleosis Symptoms of mononucleosis - easy to make a mistake  Symptoms of mononucleosis - easy to make a mistake
