Candidiasis can occur continuously and imperceptibly, but that does not mean that it does not cause harm to the body. And sometimes very difficult for candidiasis with multiple lesions of the internal organs, including the brain - these patients require immediate intensive treatment.
How is candidiasis
With the weakening of the body fungi of the genus Candida are beginning to proliferate and "win" new territory. Thus, starting at the oral mucosa in the form of Candida yeast can spread to the mucous membrane of the pharynx, esophagus, stomach and intestines, causing candidiasis of the gastrointestinal tract.
The spread of oral candidiasis can go through the larynx and into the trachea, bronchi and lungs, affecting the broncho-pulmonary system. The most common fungi affect those organs that have been affected by some disease. For example, chronic bronchitis and pneumonia fungal infection
Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat
often attached to the bacterial.
From any source of infection through the blood fungus can get into any organ, and sometimes hit many organs and systems. In this case we speak of generalized candidiasis.
Candida meningitis
When Candida meningitis in brain membranes formed infiltrates with foci of necrosis (tissue necrosis) and small hemorrhages. The defeat of the meninges is often associated with damage to the brain tissue in the form of small abscesses. In almost all cases, the infection gets into the brain from the lungs or kidneys in their primary lesion fungal genus Candida.
According to its manifestations Candida meningitis
Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
reminiscent of tuberculous meningitis
TB meningitis - the consequences of the spread of the pathogen
or abscess
Abscess - why it is so dangerous ulcers?
brain. At the same time the patient first appear malaise, fatigue, decreased performance, insomnia, slight rise in temperature. Then, the temperature rises sharply, there is a severe headache, nausea and vomiting. All signs of the disease is increasing gradually, but also found a sharp development of meningitis, especially in young children.
The diagnosis of Candida meningitis is based on the detection of fungi of the genus Candida in the cerebrospinal fluid. Treatment of such patients is carried out only in the hospital, sometimes they require resuscitation.
Chronic generalized candidiasis
Chronic generalized (granulomatous) candidiasis often occurs in children with impaired immunity. It can begin at an early age with normal thrush - fungal attack of Candida of the oral mucosa. Then, the fungus spreads to the mucous membrane of the throat, tongue, lips red border. Such a child's entire oral mucosa may be covered with solid white film, barely separated from it to form bleeding ulcers.
If a child is prescribed antibiotics (a child with immunodeficiency often sick infectious and inflammatory diseases), the process spreads further on the skin (there are moist surface in the folds of the skin), nails (there is redness and swelling of the nail fold, then the nail plate becomes brown, bumpy, thinning delaminate). On the scalp there are red scaly patches covered with papules and tubercles, the resolution of which leads to scarring in the area that no longer grow hair (Alopecia areata).
Candidiasis can spread to the internal organs, affecting the broncho-pulmonary system, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and urinary tract, liver, brain or any other organs.
The disease takes a long time, but with the defeat of the vital organs can occur during acute sharp violation of general condition. Children with chronic candidiasis bad suck a little sleep during the day sluggish, lagging behind in the physical and psychological development.
Diagnosis and treatment of these children is usually performed in a hospital, while in biological fluids have detected the presence of a large number of fungi of the genus Candida and filaments (pseudomycelium), and blood - antibodies thereto.
Treatment of chronic generalized candidiasis long. It includes antifungal agents, fortifying agents, drugs that affect certain parts of immunity, vitamins, micro and macro, and treatment of opportunistic diseases.
Preventing serious complications of candidiasis is the timely treatment of its first early symptoms. In addition, you should always be aware of the risk of candidiasis in long-term antibiotics, glucocorticoid hormones and other drugs, which can lead to decreased immunity. At long course of treatment with these drugs is required to be appointed antifungals.
Galina Romanenko