10 unusual medical phenomenon: how terrible to live - Man-wood and face transplant

November 22, 2011

  • 10 unusual medical phenomenon: how terrible to live
  • Allergy to the baby and work as a disease
  • Sirenomelia and male pregnancy
  • Man-wood and face transplant

Man tree

Name Indonesian Dede Kosvara recently to come down from the pages of newspapers and magazines around the world. Such attention to the modest person of forty men due to the fact that he suffers from a rare skin disorder called dysplasia Lewandowski-Lutz. His skin is constantly covered with gnarled scales, becoming more like the bark of a tree, is particularly active these flakes are formed on the hands and feet. Therefore, he was called "man-tree". Suffering Dede began at age 15 when he cut his knee and he brought the infection into the body - human papilloma virus Papilloma - do not treat lightly  Papilloma - do not treat lightly
   the person who has spread throughout the body and began its dirty work. Due to illness the man threw the construction job, then - a fisherman, and began to travel the world as a living exhibit. His wife left him after ten years of marriage, citing "financial problems". As dubious plus his life can be called increased attention to the viral disease of the skin, as well as the increased number of donations that do not allow a man to starve to death. In addition, at public expense he had been made a few operations are temporarily facilitate the fate of the "man-tree". During one of these operations his body was removed more than eight kilograms of the growths, and he finally saw his hands, which were hidden under wooden scales twenty years.

Additional Information: dysplasia Dysplasia - what is it?  Dysplasia - what is it?
   Lewandowski-Lutz - a hereditary disease associated with an increased risk of carcinoma Carcinoma - how to prevent disaster?  Carcinoma - how to prevent disaster?
   skin. Typically, the disease is manifested before the age of 20 years, but sometimes it happens later, as happened with Dede Kosvara.

 Man-wood and face transplant | 10 unusual medical phenomenon: how terrible to live

Face transplant

Frenchwoman Isabelle Dinoire became the first person in the world who have made a partial face transplant .  Group of surgeons led by Dr. Bernard Devoshelya restored face 38-year-old woman after it has been disfigured by bites attacked her dog .  November 27, 2005 in the French hospital Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Nord in Amiens Isabel was transplanted triangle on the face, including the mouth, nose and chin .  The donor made woman with a non-functioning brain .  After surgery, a long time Isabel took special preparations to suppress the rejection of foreign tissue, and that in a few years, she discovered that her back sensitive person and she can control facial muscles .  At a press conference Dinuar thanked the doctors and relatives of the woman-donor .  French surgeons have stated that they intend in the near future to hold five more such operations .  Total in the world - in France, Spain, America and China - it was carried out 13 transplants, in which not only affects the soft tissue, but also of the facial skeleton .

Additional information: According to some experts, the disfigured face of Isabel as a result of a significant overdose of sleeping pills, and her Labrador dog tried to wake her mistress, adding imprints of their claws into the overall picture of the terrible. According to one version of events, Dinuar wanted to commit suicide, and therefore took a large dose of sleeping pills. By decision of the family Dinuar, Labrador euthanized. Not so long ago in France it was another major face transplant, this time a person with a genetic disease that disfigured his appearance. Frenchman transplanted soft tissue, including the lips, eyelids and tear ducts. The patient feels well and happy with the result.

Cytology - penetration into the secrets of cells - history, types, research

March 25, 2010

  • Cytology - insight into the secrets of cells
  • History, types, research

 cytology history kinds of research

History of Discoveries

The development of cytology is historically associated with the creation and improvement of the microscope. But the concept of "cell" was used before the invention of the microscope, the English scientist Hooke, who described the cellular structure of a number of plant tissues. After the discovery of the microscope observations of Hooke were confirmed by other scientists.

Cytology - the science of the structure, function and development of animal and plant cells, as well as single-celled organisms and bacteria. Cytological studies are essential for the diagnosis of human and animal diseases.

The concept of the cell as a structural unit of the body began to form in the first half of the XIX century. At the same time, scientists have found in the cell nucleus, the nucleoli in the nuclei of plant cells and cell division was first observed. Methods have been developed color and enlightenment cell preparations. And in 1839 T.Shvann formulated the cell theory, in which the cell is regarded as the foundation of the structure, functioning and development of animals and plants.

An important stage in the development of cytology was the creation of a German pathologist R.Virhovom doctrine of cellular pathology. He regarded the cell as a material substratum of diseases that attracted them to the study of other doctors and allowed us to study the cell in more detail. It was found that the cell is a complex multicomponent system, open the chromosome, and more, resulting in a cytology by the end of the XIX century became an independent section of biology.

A great influence on the development of cytology was open Austrian biologist Mendel laws inheritance of traits, which led to the creation of the chromosomal theory of heredity and the formation of a new direction in cytology cytogenetics. In the first half of the XX century begins to emerge functional role of intracellular structures, in particular, it was first formulated idea of ​​chromosomes as carriers of molecules of heredity.

In the middle of the XX century there was an electron microscope, and many have been studied as yet unknown properties of the cells. From a theoretical science modern cytology turned into applied science, which is not the last place is occupied by medical research.

 History, types of research | Cytology - insight into the secrets of cells

Forms and directions of Cytology

There are a total privacy and cytology. General cytology and cell biology studies are common to most types of cell structures, their function, metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 , Damage response, a variety of pathological changes, regenerative processes and adaptation to environmental conditions. Private cytology examines the characteristics of certain types of cells due to their specialization (in multicellular organisms) or adaptation (habituation) to the environment (in protozoa and bacteria).

Currently, there are six main areas of Cytology:

  • cytomorphology - studying the structural features of the cell;
  • cytophysiology - studying cellular activity as a single living system functioning and interaction of intracellular structures;
  • cytochemistry - explores the chemical composition of the cell and its individual components in health and changes therein;
  • tsitoekologiya - examines the response of cells to the effects of environmental factors and mechanisms of adaptation;
  • cytopathology - studying disease processes in the cell and is divided into viral cytopathology (effect on cell virus) tsitofarmakologiyu (exposing the cell to drugs), cancer cytology (the change in tumor cells), space cytology (the study of the behavior of cells in space flight) and etc.

 History, types of research | Cytology - insight into the secrets of cells

Cytological studies

Cytological studies - this study with a microscope structural features of the cell, the cell structure of organs, tissues, body fluids of humans and animals in health and in various diseases.

Cytological research techniques used in medicine, largely coincide with the histological studies (the study of tissue taken from the patient's body), but differ in that cytology requires a small amount of biological material, and he investigated without prior training and special equipment, just under the microscope . Cytological studies conducted in the case when a biopsy is impossible or undesirable (for example, when examining a patient in a clinic).

With cytological studies assess the condition of the tissues covering the body (skin and mucous membranes - of the tissue may form cancer), hormonal activity of women, the degree of destruction of tumor cells in the treatment of malignant diseases, the healing process and other processes.

The nature and method of producing the material for the research depends on which organ or tissue is amazed:

  • skin diseases - it scrapings and prints fabrics;
  • in diseases of the thyroid and mammary glands of the blood - punctate lesions of the sites;
  • in diseases of the central nervous system - the cerebrospinal fluid;
  • lung disease - mucus and so on.

Cytology - a modern rapidly developing science that is widely used in medical practice.

Galina Romanenko

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  • cytology
