Chest pain before menstruation: breast engorgement

February 4, 2012

 chest pain monthly
 Before menstruation under the influence of hormones there is swelling and engorgement. They often appear breast pain. In some women the pain minor and they do not pay attention to them, in others very strong.


As changing breasts during the normal menstrual cycle

Mammary glands begin to be formed under the influence of female hormones estrogen. At first, they may develop asymmetrically, but after ten years, both breasts are equal. Fully mammary glands are formed in 14-16 years.

Growth and development of the mammary glands is directly related to the menstrual cycle. Woman's menstrual cycle is regulated by hormones of the hypothalamus - pituitary - ovary. Participants in the adrenal glands and hormones. Woman's menstrual cycle has two phases. In the first phase of the main hormones are estrogen secreted by the ovaries and pituitary follicle-stimulating hormone. Female sex hormones estrogen promote growth of connective and adipose tissue in the breast. Under the influence of these hormones breast ductal increase in length and have the form of tubes.

During the second phase of the menstrual cycle in the ovaries produce the female sex hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 And in the pituitary gland - luteinizing hormone. Under the influence of these hormones is growing glandular tissue of the breast: the final section ducts of the mammary glands (acini) develop and become branched. At this time, there nagrubaie, hardening and tenderness in the breast. This happens about a week before menstruation. In most cases, healthy women do not feel pain expressed in this area, but in some women with increased sensitivity to pain in the breast can be considerable, even at normal hormonal background. So the body prepares for pregnancy, but if it does not occur, the sprawling epithelium dies. During all of the next menstrual cycle begins again.


Severe pain in the breast before menstruation

Severe pain in the breast before menstruation talking about some failures in women. It may be hormonal disorders, inflammation, hormone-dependent tumors, and so on. In order to establish the cause of the pain, you need to see a doctor. First is to visit a gynecologist and then mammalogy and to conduct a full examination, which includes: a blood analysis on hormones on cancer markers (their presence suggests a possible cancer), ultrasonography (US) of the pelvic organs on the seventh day of the menstrual cycle The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases  The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
 , Breast ultrasound in the second half of the menstrual cycle. If you found any pathology of the breast, it is carried out X-ray examination of the breast and its puncture (puncture) with the capture of biological material for research.

In violation of the ratio of hormones of the hypothalamus, pituitary, ovary and adrenal glands may be a disease like breast Breast - the mirror Women's Health  Breast - the mirror Women's Health
 . In this case violated the right balance of proliferation and the withering away of ductal epithelium and glandular breast tissue, which leads to the widening of the ducts of the mammary glands, connective tissue and a formation at the ends of the ducts of small cysts. When this process affects both breasts evenly diffuse talk about mastitis Diffuse breast disease - affects the whole breast  Diffuse breast disease - affects the whole breast

Diffuse breast is closely related to the menstrual cycle of women. Sharp breast engorgement before menstruation causing severe pain. After the onset of menstruation pains are normally reduced or completely. Over time, breast pain associated with fewer menstrual cycle and can pass entirely. Most often it is a sign of the transition to a nodal diffuse mastopathy, when the breast is developing one or more painless nodes.

Diffuse breast treated conservatively, about treatment of the underlying disease, which led to the development of mastitis - hormonal disorders, inflammation and so on. To relieve pain in the breast appointed physiotherapy (eg, electrophoresis with novocaine). Nodular form of mastitis is treated only operatively.

In congenital hypoplasia of the hypothalamus or some acquired disorders in this area may occur imbalance in the hypothalamus - pituitary - ovarian - adrenal glands, and then there is premenstrual syndrome (PMS) - a series of symptoms that developed in the second phase of the menstrual cycle and manifest neuropsychiatric , vegetative-vascular and metabolic and endocrine disorders, including severe engorgement and tenderness in the breast. Treating PMS - is primarily the central nervous system to the regulation of the hypothalamic - pituitary - ovarian - adrenal glands.

Severe pain in the breast before menstruation require testing.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • chest pain

Inflammation of breast cysts - problems with the breast

July 12, 2013

 inflammation of the mammary gland cyst
 Cyst of breast cancer is more common in women of childbearing age. A particular danger to the lives of breast cyst Cyst of the breast - a sign of hormonal trouble  Cyst of the breast - a sign of hormonal trouble
   It is not, but the danger of occurrence of various complications. In particular, one of such complications is an inflammation of the mammary gland cysts. This disease should not be let to "drift", and you need as quickly as possible to seek qualified help.

Chest - is the most beautiful body of a woman and it is a special honor, so the treatment of breast diseases, especially inflammation of the mammary gland cysts, should be entrusted to a specialist.


A little about breast cysts

Cyst of breast cancer is a cavernous formation, roughly speaking, a bag, which is filled with liquid contents. Cyst is its capsule, which is represented by connective tissue. There are single (solitary) and multiple cysts. In terms of the degeneration of cysts in the breast cancer atypical cysts are the most dangerous. But apart from malignancy of cysts does not lose relevance and the question of its infection, ie inflammation.


The causes of breast cysts and the factors contributing to its infection

The starting point in the occurrence of breast cysts is considered an excess of estrogen - the female sex hormone. Therefore, the reasons that contribute to the appearance of cysts or cysts of the breast include various gynecological diseases (endometriosis, uterine fibroids, chronic inflammatory processes in the genital organs, endocrine infertility). Furthermore, breast cysts often occur in obese women (as is known, the adipose tissue produces estrogen). Also provoke breast cysts can be a variety of endocrine diseases (diabetes, thyroid disease). Not the least role in the appearance of cysts and a genetic predisposition plays.

Infection of the cysts is one of its complications. Provoke inflammation of the cyst may be the following processes:

  • Any inflammatory diseases of the body (SARS, influenza, sore throat Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"?  Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"?
   and others);
  • trauma and shock in the presence of breast cancer in her cyst or cysts;
  • weakening the body's defenses;
  • thermal procedures on the chest (compresses, baths Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures  Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures
   or sauna).


As shown

The cyst usually if it small size, clinically does not manifest itself. Complaints appear at an increase (growth) education. Moreover, the larger the diameter of a cyst of the breast, the more severe manifestations. The characteristic symptom is considered to be the occurrence of pain. Pain is usually associated with the menstrual cycle and intensified on the eve of the monthly. After the end of menstrual pain disappear. The nature of pain can be different from the aching, pulling up and bursting. When inflammation of the mammary gland cyst pain becomes intense, twitch or pulsating and is not related to the menstrual cycle. Often the pain is so pronounced that disrupts sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams

The second characteristic feature of inflammation of the breast cyst is a fever. Increased body temperature sometimes reaches a sufficiently high numbers (38-39 degrees). Against the background of fever appears all the other signs of intoxication syndrome (lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting, weakness and malaise).

On examination of the breast is marked hyperemia (redness) of the skin, increased local temperature, sometimes purulent discharge from the nipple. Palpation of the breast rezkoboleznenna.


Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of inflammatory breast cysts is not difficult, especially if you know the presence of cysts in women in history. Also apply additional methods of research: mammography and breast ultrasound. If necessary, a needle biopsy of the breast.

Treatment of inflammatory breast cysts classic. The therapy includes the appointment of antibacterial drugs, intravenous infusions, vitamins and means of stimulating the immune system.

Anna Sozinova

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  • lactocele
