How to check breast cancer and whether or not a woman to do it yourself? Doctors say that it is necessary, and it is very helpful in detecting breast cancer (BC) in the early stages. Identification of any, even seemingly minor changes in the breast should be the occasion to refer to a breast surgeon or oncologist.
How to check breast cancer and whether to do it yourself
Can a woman reveal cancer if she is not an expert in this field? It appears this is not required. The main objective is the self-identification of any changes in the breast, which can be seen in the mirror or probe. And appreciate the significance of the identified changes needed to trust the doctor. And even the doctor is not always based on the survey can make the correct diagnosis - it should prove instrumental and laboratory tests.
Thus, on a regular basis, once a month, conducted BSE allows a woman to notice the slightest changes in them and immediately consult your doctor.
BSE - when it should be done
To the woman was able to identify herself with breast cancer
Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
, Self-developed special rules, know and observe that every woman should. Women of reproductive age should conduct self-examination every month about a week after the start of the next menstrual cycle
Menstrual cycle and its characteristics
(7-10 days).
At irregular menstruation and during menopause self-examination is carried out every month on certain days. Women of reproductive age should try to select the days when her breasts are calm, that is swell, it does not hurt, and so on.
The basic rules of self
BSE should be on the same plan. First comes the examination of the breasts in the mirror, then they were probing in the supine position, standing at the mirror and in the shower.
If you always stick to this order, it is much easier to notice changes in the mammary glands. The fact that such changes usually do not happen pronounced requires attention and observation to notice them in time.
- Inspection before the mirror
Examination of the mammary glands in front of the mirror is performed, stripped to the waist, with a first lowered and then raised his hands. Pay attention to the increase or decrease in the size of one of the glands, retraction, a change in color or form, ulceration, crusts, scales on the skin of the breast or in the nipple. Particular attention should be paid to the state of the nipple and areola (retraction, any change in shape, swelling, ulceration)
It should pay attention to the presence of edema
Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
in the neck or hands - it may indicate a violation of lymphatic drainage.
Palpation (palpation) of mammary glands can be performed standing in front of a mirror, and lying in the shower. Standing in front of the mirror is done as follows: first examine the right breast, and then left. The right hand throws back his head and left hand detectable iron. To this end the fingers of the left hand is placed on the breast and slowly in a circular motion palpated all its parts, each time adhering in the inspection of the same plan. Be sure to palpate the armpit. Then change hands and palpate the right hand left breast.
After that, squeeze both nipples at their base with thumb and forefinger to learn about the possibility of allocating
Discharges in women when there is cause for concern
. In order to better examine the nature and color selections, you can use a white paper towel.
- Palpation of the breast lying. When the feeling of the right breast under the right shoulder blade enclose a small pillow, the palm of the right hand is under my head. Examine the right breast with his left hand. Spend feeling fingers in a circular motion with light pressure starting from the edges of the breast toward the nipple. Palpate all parts of the gland. The left breast is similar to explore the right.
- Palpation of the breast in the shower. Taking a shower, raised his right hand and his left hand soapy explore all parts of the right gland, gently fingering the possible swelling or thickening. Then, just examine your left breast. In the process of palpation can detect any education and seals in the mammary glands.
BSE - is the first and most important step in detecting breast cancer at an early stage. And early detection of cancer greatly increases the chances of a woman is not a complete cure.
Galina Romanenko
Article Tags:
- Diagnosis of breast cancer