Chest pain in women - a real threat or a variant of the norm?

February 2, 2012

 chest pain in women
 Chest pain, many women do not cause special alertness and is most often associated with the menstrual cycle. Until now, some women find the appearance of chest pain are normal. But is it really? And what terrible disease may be hiding under the guise of even minor aches.


What is the pain

Chest pain in women may be cyclic in nature (i.e., associated with the menstrual cycle) or acyclic nature (not related to the menstrual cycle). Cyclic pain, in turn, can be a constant (pulling), paroxysmal (stabbing, often given in the arm, shoulder, armpit), periodic (pressing, compression cast sternum).


Cyclical breast pain

Cyclical breast pain Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
   (breast) is associated with hormonal disorders in women and is not the norm. Such pain is part of a set of symptoms called premenstrual syndrome, or it may be one of the symptoms of mastitis and requires medical correction aimed at the normalization of hormonal balance.

In addition, cyclical breast pain can be a side effect of estrogen and progesterone, so some women have breast pain persists even in postmenopausal women Postmenopause - is it possible to control it?  Postmenopause - is it possible to control it?
 When they take hormones with the aim of substitution. Sometimes this pain can occur when taking antidepressant drugs for the treatment of peptic ulcer.


Cyclic breast pain

Cyclic breast pain may be associated with a number of diseases. The most common reasons for non-cyclic breast pain in some.

  • Oteohondroz thoracic spine. The pain is paroxysmal in nature, often given in the arm, shoulder, armpit. When such pain is necessary to the vertebronevrolog, perform X-rays and a CT scan of the spine to determine the causes of pain.
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding. Pain in the breast - is quite common in nursing mothers, especially first time. Pain can be associated with the overflow and breast engorgement (lactostasis) and inflammation of the mammary glands (lactation mastitis).
  • The trauma of the chest and breast. You need to know that any injury breast cancer, even a small subcutaneous hematoma requires special control and surveillance mammologist for several years, as it causes a predisposition to cancer.
  • Benign tumors of the breast - a nodal mastopathy Breast - the mirror Women's Health  Breast - the mirror Women's Health
 , Fibroadenoma of the breast Breast fibroadenoma - a benign tumor that requires Observed  Breast fibroadenoma - a benign tumor that requires Observed
 Cysts breast intraductal papilloma, and so on. During his growing tumors can compress the surrounding breast tissue (milk ducts, blood vessels, nerves), which accounts for the pain. With self-detection of any dense nodule should immediately turn to mammologu, perform a mammogram or breast ultrasound.
  • Thyroid disease. At deficiency of iodine in the body is an imbalance of hormones, including female hormone that promotes the appearance of chest pain.
  • Angina - intermittent attacks of severe pain in her left breast, smack in the chest, arm, shoulder. The pain of angina is related to the presence of atherosclerotic plaques in the blood vessels of the heart, they narrow the lumen of blood vessels and reduce blood flow to the heart, with a good chance of blood clots, and as a consequence - heart attack. If you experience such pain is necessary to consult a therapist to perform a contrast study of heart vessels and immediately begin the appropriate treatment.
  • Tight underwear. Very often there is pain in the chest due to the hard parts of bra that compress the breast. It is especially dangerous when the compression occurs in the armpits, where the major lymphatic ducts.
  • Neuroses. Nerve Surge often contribute to the emergence of hormonal disruptions in the body and cause chest pains.
  • Mammary cancer. It is a rare cause of chest pain. Pain in breast cancer manifests itself in the later stages in the germination of the tumor in the underlying tissues and the appearance of metastases.
  • Drugs - hormones, antidepressants, drugs to treat peptic ulcer disease, and others. These drugs affect the hormonal balance of women and as a result cause mastalgia (breast pain).
  • Viral benign lymphadenitis - cat-scratch disease. The viral infection spreads through the lymphatic vessels, enters the axillary region, causing inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes, and chest pain.
  • Thrombophlebitis (Mondor disease). Mondor disease in superficial veins of the chest and abdominal wall are formed clots that become inflamed first, and then cause sclerosis (growth of connective tissue) and the deformation of vessels (in particular the mammary glands are determined painful thickening purple color in the form of cords).

Any pain that appears in the breast requires immediate treatment to the doctor to identify its causes and timely administration of the treatment.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • chest pain

How to check breast cancer: a reminder to women

June 10th, 2013

 how to check breast cancer
 How to check breast cancer and whether or not a woman to do it yourself? Doctors say that it is necessary, and it is very helpful in detecting breast cancer (BC) in the early stages. Identification of any, even seemingly minor changes in the breast should be the occasion to refer to a breast surgeon or oncologist.

 How to check breast cancer: a reminder to women

How to check breast cancer and whether to do it yourself

Can a woman reveal cancer if she is not an expert in this field? It appears this is not required. The main objective is the self-identification of any changes in the breast, which can be seen in the mirror or probe. And appreciate the significance of the identified changes needed to trust the doctor. And even the doctor is not always based on the survey can make the correct diagnosis - it should prove instrumental and laboratory tests.

Thus, on a regular basis, once a month, conducted BSE allows a woman to notice the slightest changes in them and immediately consult your doctor.

 How to check breast cancer: a reminder to women

BSE - when it should be done

To the woman was able to identify herself with breast cancer Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know  Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
 , Self-developed special rules, know and observe that every woman should. Women of reproductive age should conduct self-examination every month about a week after the start of the next menstrual cycle Menstrual cycle and its characteristics  Menstrual cycle and its characteristics
   (7-10 days).

At irregular menstruation and during menopause self-examination is carried out every month on certain days. Women of reproductive age should try to select the days when her breasts are calm, that is swell, it does not hurt, and so on.

 How to check breast cancer: a reminder to women

The basic rules of self

BSE should be on the same plan. First comes the examination of the breasts in the mirror, then they were probing in the supine position, standing at the mirror and in the shower.

If you always stick to this order, it is much easier to notice changes in the mammary glands. The fact that such changes usually do not happen pronounced requires attention and observation to notice them in time.

  • Inspection before the mirror

Examination of the mammary glands in front of the mirror is performed, stripped to the waist, with a first lowered and then raised his hands. Pay attention to the increase or decrease in the size of one of the glands, retraction, a change in color or form, ulceration, crusts, scales on the skin of the breast or in the nipple. Particular attention should be paid to the state of the nipple and areola (retraction, any change in shape, swelling, ulceration)

It should pay attention to the presence of edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   in the neck or hands - it may indicate a violation of lymphatic drainage.

  • Palpation of the breast

Palpation (palpation) of mammary glands can be performed standing in front of a mirror, and lying in the shower. Standing in front of the mirror is done as follows: first examine the right breast, and then left. The right hand throws back his head and left hand detectable iron. To this end the fingers of the left hand is placed on the breast and slowly in a circular motion palpated all its parts, each time adhering in the inspection of the same plan. Be sure to palpate the armpit. Then change hands and palpate the right hand left breast.

After that, squeeze both nipples at their base with thumb and forefinger to learn about the possibility of allocating Discharges in women when there is cause for concern  Discharges in women when there is cause for concern
 . In order to better examine the nature and color selections, you can use a white paper towel.

  • Palpation of the breast lying. When the feeling of the right breast under the right shoulder blade enclose a small pillow, the palm of the right hand is under my head. Examine the right breast with his left hand. Spend feeling fingers in a circular motion with light pressure starting from the edges of the breast toward the nipple. Palpate all parts of the gland. The left breast is similar to explore the right.
  • Palpation of the breast in the shower. Taking a shower, raised his right hand and his left hand soapy explore all parts of the right gland, gently fingering the possible swelling or thickening. Then, just examine your left breast. In the process of palpation can detect any education and seals in the mammary glands.

BSE - is the first and most important step in detecting breast cancer at an early stage. And early detection of cancer greatly increases the chances of a woman is not a complete cure.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Diagnosis of breast cancer
