The symptoms of fibroadenomas of the breast practically invisible. Most often, the disease is detected during prophylactic examinations mammologists. However, the woman herself may find a small painless swelling of elastic round or oval in his breast.
Clinical symptoms of breast fibroadenoma nodular
Any type of node fibroadenoma (intrakanikulyarnaya, perikanikulyarnaya mixed) appears as a painless, well delimited round or oval plotnoelasticheskoy host of different sizes. Dimensions node fibroadenoma is usually from 1 to 3 cm, but may be more. The tumor can be felt in finding women in different positions (both standing and lying down) as opposed to nodal mastopathy, which merges with the breast tissue in a prone position. Usually fibroadenoma - a single tumor, but in some cases, a woman may receive multiple tumor nodes.
Ill mostly women under 35 years of age and adolescent girls during the formation of the reproductive system. Height fibroadenomas more often observed in the young age of 35-40 years.
With age, the fibroadenoma can stop its growth, but never resolved. If the node appears fibroadenoma (or increases) after 40 years, it may speak of its degeneration into a malignant tumor. Sometimes nodal fibroadenoma of the breast combined with diffuse mastopathy - the growth of the mammary gland in the background of hormonal disorders
Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
connective tissue cyst formation filled with a transparent liquid.
Very often, in addition to fibroadenomas in women identified the symptoms of other diseases of the reproductive system: menstrual disorders, chronic inflammatory processes (including leaking hidden), endocrine disorders (hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid,
The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
, Adrenal gland).
Clinical symptoms of leaf (filloidnoy) breast fibroadenoma
Leaf-fibroadenoma in most cases develops later in life, after 40 years. It has a layered structure, however, it is clearly distinguished from the surrounding tissue. A distinctive feature of filloidnoy fibroadenoma is a rapid growth. It leads to a change in volume and shape of the affected breast, this is detected so that the shape fibroadenoma fast enough. Sometimes the tumor grows so that replaces up to two thirds of breast cancer or all of the cloth. The skin over the large fibroadenoma usually not changed tumor detectable in the form of round or oval node, but may have the form krupnobugristuyu breaking contours of the breast.
Fibroadenoma is usually painless, but only as long as it starts to compress the nerve endings in the breast. After that the pain may appear different nature, often aching, smack in the armpit, and sometimes in the back.
Another feature of the leaf-fibroadenoma is its relatively frequent (compared to the nodal fibroadenoma) degeneration into a malignant tumor.
The symptoms of fibroadenomas in the breast ultrasound
Breast ultrasound is of great importance to detect breast diseases, including fibroadenoma. On ultrasound can assess the structure of glandular and fatty tissue, the condition of the milk ducts, the structure of the tumor, the surrounding breast tissue and nearby lymph nodes.
Nodal fibroadenoma clearly visible on ultrasound. Echogenicity of the tumors decreased in comparison with the surrounding breast tissue. Usually it is homogeneous tumor, but can meet diverse areas ehostruktury. Nodal fibroadenomas have a round or oval shape, width greater than the height and sharp contours. Often fibroadenomas revealed small (and sometimes large) centers of deposits of calcium salts (calcification).
Leaf fibroadenoma characterized by the smoothed outline ehostruktury internal heterogeneity, the presence of inclusions with low echogenicity and scalloped edges.
Ultrasound examination of the breast is recommended for 4-8 day at 28-day and 4-6 day at 21 day menstrual cycle.
The symptoms of fibroadenomas of the breast cytology
In order to distinguish from malignant tumors fibroadenoma
Malignant tumor: cells are mad
, Carried out a puncture of the tumor, followed by cytological examination of the material obtained. For fibroadenoma is characterized by cubic epithelial cells and connective tissue. In breast cancer, in a biological material appear atypical immature cells.
The symptoms of fibroadenomas of the breast
Breast fibroadenoma - a benign tumor that requires Observed
Only a specialist can reveal.
Galina Romanenko
Article Tags:
- mammary gland,
- fibroadenoma