Breast - the mirror Women's Health - About the disease

August 6th, 2013

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 breast disease

What is the breast - about the disease

Breast disease - is a disease of the breast, associated with hormonal imbalance of the body. When mastitis breast tissue unevenly sealed. It is a diffuse disease of the breast Diffuse breast disease - affects the whole breast  Diffuse breast disease - affects the whole breast
 . The main feature on which the woman immediately react is breast tenderness in one or two weeks before menstruation (mastalgia). Morbidity increases from cycle to cycle, often making it difficult to work and relax. Breast disease can manifest itself in various forms - non-proliferative and proliferative. The form of mastitis can be determined only after a special inspection. Proliferative breast disease increases the risk of transition to breast cancer Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know  Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
   three to five times.

Breast - is a mirror that reflects the general state of health. Breast tissue is sensitive to the so-called "hormonal swings" that run in a woman's body with the beginning of puberty and stop shortly after menopause. Swing those, in turn, are experiencing a significant influence on the part of a number of external and internal risk factors, of which there are many. The reasons for its appearance different - disease of the ovaries, adrenal glands, thyroid, pancreas, pituitary gland.


Why can occur

One of the first factors that can trigger the development of mastitis, can be called the abortion. But this is understandable. Once a woman becomes pregnant, the whole body begins to prepare for childbirth. Completely rebuilt all the hormones. Mammary glands begin to prepare for lactation. And suddenly it all roughly interrupted by abortion. The body does not forgive such jokes.

Sometimes a break from sexual activity can trigger the development of mastitis. In Italy, we conducted a study in the convents. It turned out that the hermit susceptible to breast cancer are more likely than peers who live a full life. So as the prevention of a disease can be recommended to establish a personal life, and even better - pregnancy and lactation.

Of paramount importance is the hereditary factor in the first place - is the presence of benign and malignant diseases in relatives on the maternal line. Higher risk of a woman is under stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 , Neurosis Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock  Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock
 Depression. Prolonged mental stress is one of the major causative factors of occurrence of mastitis.

Finally, the serious consequences threatening injury breast cancer .  Dangerous even microtrauma, when the subway, the bus pressed, squeezed accidentally hit in the chest with an elbow or a bag - you need to develop the habit to protect the chest .  In addition, an important role is played by the laundry .  In no case do not wear underwear that pulls, presses, third or pricked .  Breast skin almost twice thinner than the face, because calls for a reverent attitude .  The bra should closely match the size - underwear in any case there should be little .  Tight bra can disrupt blood circulation, which often provokes the development of breast diseases .  Sculpting effect has underwear made of elastic fabric, but it should be strictly in size, no less! Discard the push-ups with metal bones .  Tight underwear on metal bones, although very tempting, tightens the chest and leads to microtraumas .  So that if the bones, only plastic or whalebone - they do not violate the microcirculation .


Prevention m astopatii

All women should be carried out mandatory prophylactic breast examination - experience shows that in most cases, women may find themselves at upotneniya. Methods - set. The easiest and most accessible of them - self-examination.

Choose the time during the first week after menstruation, inspect yourself in a mirror, paying attention to all the signs of violation of symmetry, skin discoloration chest or peripapillary area, increased venous pattern. Inspection on first lying down, placing a pillow under the shoulder, and then stood, raising his hand and laying her head. Use your fingertips to inspect the chest. Start the examination with the underarm area, then moving in a spiral toward the nipple. Continue viewing, moving along vertical lines from top to bottom, from the inside of the breast to the armpit.


Seek medical attention immediately if you find yourself:

  • Any change appeared in the mammary gland.
  • Retraction of the skin or nipple.
  • Swelling of the skin as a "lemon peel".
  • Seal axilla.
  • Specific nipple discharge (clear or bloody).

But remember that self-examination only way to monitor the condition of the breasts between visits to the doctor.

In all forms of mastitis is an urgent need to see a specialist who, after appropriate investigation will appoint the necessary treatment. First of all, mammolog appoint an ultrasound or mammogram (depending on age: up to 40 years, ultrasound, after 40 years of age must mammography). This will detect all breast tumors in the earliest stages.

And in order not to provoke the development of mastitis, you need to take care of your health .  Women who have problems with the breast, it is not recommended to attend all physiotherapy, implying thermal effects, including all kinds of saunas, steam baths, wraps and massages his chest, as all these procedures increase blood flow to the tissues of the breast, which can trigger the development of disease (first consult your doctor before visiting a particular procedure) .  And women who have no problems with the feeding, all physiotherapy (except massage the breast) is not contraindicated, if they are in moderation (ie the temperature of 140 degrees in the bath will not benefit anyone) .  And, of course, need to be careful with the sun - tanning topless in the solarium and the beach is strictly forbidden to all women (the possibility of provoking the disease of breast cancer) .  Negatively on the state of the breast may also affect different creams and pills for breast augmentation .

Breast - the mirror Women's Health - Forum

August 6th, 2013

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I faced all mastopathy in 15 years - hurt his chest, palpated seal, all the cases, then, the truth, everything has resolved itself. And recently, after decades during which I more or less worried about breast tenderness before menstruation, did ultrasound, which revealed fibrocystic breast disease and cyst near the right armpit. I have a doctor - not a supporter of radical therapy, she put me on vitamins and supplements, said: does not die, it would be enough for you.
and I appointed Stellu.Uplotneniya resolved, and most importantly pain proshli.ono based on plant extracts, harmless to organizma.ochen pleased with the result !!!!
in both breasts with 8-9 years of solid tumors to the touch, with clear, but uneven edges, the size of 3-4 cm. form of tumor resembles a walnut. closely with the skin are not soldered. It is in the area under the nipple, that is, takes all lobes of the mammary glands. week before menstruation swelling and felt as if the tumor grows in size. after monthly decreases slightly and chest smyagchaetsya.inogda case of prolonged pain in her left breast, aching nature, fickle, but can be observed within a month. then no pain and a feeling of heaviness. Asymmetry glands (left from the beginning of ripening *** more than right). as the probability of cancer?
OlgaK quote:
She discovered a lump in the breast, and it is well, very sick. Every day more and more and more. Went to mammologu, she sent for an ultrasound. As a result, he said that the time to pay, as it is very dangerous. I was prescribed an ointment, vitamins and soothing tea at night. The course of treatment 3 months, every day before going to bed to smear ointment need. From what I have it there and it is not clear. Many reasons of course, but when I get nervous, chest pain intensifies. Let's see, this ointment will help or not.
  Tell me what kind of ointment?
On prescription Mastopol accept. This homeopathic remedy, without specific contraindications and without ogromadnogo pobochek list that has many products. I like. I advise everyone.
To quote Maria. 21 years old:
for some time I started to have a whitish discharge from the breast, and sometimes brown. Chest hurts. just before menstruation increases and painful, but it was always so. Please tell me if it looks like on a mastopathy? can anyone faced with similar? Thank you in advance.
  Discharge from the breast is very bad, the darker the more likely cancer. more hospital !!!!!!!!!
Tatiana I quote:
Hello, prompt pozhaluysta.ya finished breastfeeding 8 months ago 6 months protivozachatochnye.obnaruzhila accept that one breast milk has been allocated, with chest pains almost net.chto it may be, a pregnancy test is negative.
To stand out a little milk may be a long time after the cessation of breastfeeding. I myself have a year to make when pressed. Currently, 2 child stopped breastfeeding 7 months ago, and the same thing.
I appeared symmetrical compression in the chest when they came mesyachnye.S '21 breast began to swell and swell for a week to 25 menstruatsii.K ill and not swelling subsided sovsem.Bol armpits during M.Seychas 31.Pol me a year ago I decided to do a, pohudet.ozdorovit skin, maybe pryschi.Pereshla a healthy vegetable food, took Bodyflex, shake the press, began to walk for 2 hours in the park fast shagom.Cherez month studies (after the first M) chest literally blown away on glazah.Ne bolit.So 2 into a size 0, as it was in the 21 god.Ischezlo PMS, monthly steel bezboleznennye.Zanyatiya cause severe blood flow to the area of ​​small taza.Uznala recent story about a relative who fell ill mastopathy start to swing the press, on the advice of the doctor, half a year she still rassosalos.Esli connect here think drugs can help even running sluchayam.Vsem health, girls!
It passed mandatory baseline medical examination. Diagnosed with symptoms of mastitis, I went to the site to read. Strangely, everyone some signs there, and I have no pain, no seals, generally no visible only prichin.Odno guards: before birth breast size was 1, and now (4 years after birth) size for 5, and in added weight is not particularly somewhere 5 kg, but then age - 37.Vrachi be wrong? I will begin to take any medication that's rubbish that is assigned, the bait has sores and by mastitis, as I understand it, I can not get rid of. Yes, and whether I have it in reality?
To quote Ian:
Two years ago, mastopathy cured completely. there was absolutely no complaints. and recently I experienced a lot of stress at work and it all started again. 2 months nagrubaet and chest pain.
Ian, do you have cured mastopathy ??? Help !!!
Malyshka15 quote:
  2 times deleted fibroadenomas and now there was a breast, what is the reason podskazhite.mogu I treat it without surgery.
  I have the same problem twice did surgery to remove a fibroadenoma. I examined by many doctors because All this is due to hormonal disruptions in the body, but with hormones all right. I will be re-examined, as it should find something.!
I figeyu with you girls if chestno.Tolko a solarium and think anyone in FIG your tan is not needed, rather spend the money on the health of their precious grudi.Solyary generally harmful, but what we can say about it, if the patient's chest? I never went to the solarium and feel great !!! Take care of your health !!!
I read and I almost cry! Girls, a solarium and a tan? What are you talking about? After all, many of you life has just begun, little kids you have and you are now in all such advanced, and you do not know the elementary: tan in the solarium, is contraindicated, even completely healthy lyudyam.My whites, for the most part and intense tan, whom we all misuse, we can not add health, but the consequences could be bitter ... Moreover, the solarium, the type of our cheap in many countries banned altogether .. At the slightest problem with the breast immediately to vrachu.Tak did I advise you to .In Soviet times, we were all, irrespective of their position, a free baseline medical examination, and every year. It was very pravilno.Tak how women's health is the health Natsii.Zhelayu you do not go on about the harmful for women's health habits and questionable newfangled ... Live long and in health.
Alina I quote:
Hello. I hear a lot about what the solarium is contraindicated in those who have suffered a mastopathy. Does it mean that exposure to the sun and tanning also contraindicated?
there is not that sunbathe, but also many other things can not. For example, a hot tub, all kinds of mud, torfo-, ezokerito-, paraffin and many others
She discovered a lump in the breast, and it is well, very sick. Every day more and more and more. Went to mammologu, she sent for an ultrasound. As a result, he said that the time to pay, as it is very dangerous. I was prescribed an ointment, vitamins and soothing tea at night. The course of treatment 3 months, every day before going to bed to smear ointment need. From what I have it there and it is not clear. Many reasons of course, but when I get nervous, chest pain intensifies. Let's see, this ointment will help or not.
Girls, I recommend reading the book Doctor Olga Eliseevoj "Secrets unrecognized diagnosis," which says that often the cause of mastitis and fibroadenoma of the breast are Trichinella worms. Their favorite place of residence - breasts. With effective antiparasitic treatment of all kinds of seals in the chest just disappeared. A few years ago I had a lump in her breast the size of a walnut, but fortunately I just read this book. To doctors did not apply, and made purgation and protiparazitarnye drugs cut. Seal has disappeared, everything is great!
Irina quote:
LANA I quote:
Good afternoon! the doctor said I have to give birth (1rebenok there 10 years) and (miscarriage was 2years ago) and as long as possible to breastfeed and then the breast will take place. Is it so? I am 32 years
I rdila second child, breastfed, milk was not enough, as it was fed (8 months). A year after weaning breast returned.
I have a similar situation. After the second birth (giving birth solely for the purpose of recovery) gave breast greatly felt. Synulya growing, honey, but chest pain only intensified.
Hello, baby 2, 3.perestala breastfeed 8 months ago Milk "took" no problem, no pain, no seals are not bylo.No still on pressure can be allocated a few drops of brownish or without tsvetnye.I began to notice that sometimes one breast "pulls", sometimes like pricks, "shoots" somewhere inside, but feeling no pain and uplotneniy.Chto can this be?
Guest quote:
After taking control (I stopped taking because it hurt his chest after each menstrual period when lying on his chest chuvstvuyudikomfort and a little pain, but skazhdym months after taking pills she threw less and menne but it bothers me
I just yesterday, worried one breast, ran to the doctor today, too - the initial stage, the first time took birth control pills (Novita, sorry if misspelled) for 3 months. A few days ago a friend, med.sestra said that eih tablets have ordered - a side effect, this one masteopatiya.Ot cherish, and the case is even worse.
found in his chest seal !!! This has had a tumor, it appeared due to hormonal disruptions and mastitis! Fibroadenoma of the breast, I had an operation! GO DIRECTLY TO doctor will note that something is not right
I was diagnosed with cystic fibrous mamolog after the examination and the conclusion of US sent me and said that the treatment was not even chest I still bespokoit.podskazhite what do I do?
I had a diffuse toxic goiter of 4-5 degree. Had surgery, removed the iron polnostyu.Vot two months chest pain at the top, sometimes it burns nevozmozhno.Kak bud oshparila.Znayu need to see a doctor, sobirayus.Hotelos to know who it was, how you were treated? It is very serious? Stupid of course, but it is easier to endure knowing that someone has the same problem.
I support mastopathy 9 years. I tried a lot of folk treatments (baked onions, cabbage, beets ntertaya, honey cakes, and so on. D. Etc). Mastodinon and other pills did not help. I saw dietary supplements from different manufacturers and our and French. And there was a spiral, then cleaned. Neovir adjust immunity and so on. One oncologist explained to me that if the disease is settled, then it is very difficult to remove. Exclude primarily stress from your life, do not drink or smoke, just do not burden your body with any muck. Childbirth does not help everyone, but only 10-14% of women (I know what I'm talking about: doing the study closely for many years). Love your life, girl ....
Before the birth was nodular breast, breast-feed the child for three years, bought bromocriptine to stop the lactation, but here's the problem, the left breast ducts resealed and hurt. I fear breast returns, taking pills or trying to feed on?
Prozhestozhel and Klamin (plus diet) helped get rid of the pain for 3 months. And again, all over again ... The doctor says, "that's okay", but I do not think so.
doctor - diagnosed mammolog "dishormonal changes in the mammary glands," appointed a cream tea and drops Mastodinon Mastofiton. Already 2 weeks all accept, he stopped eating salty, fatty, spicy (as advised). But breasts are constantly whining and becomes hard to the touch, which did not exist. Please, did you have something like that, and advise what to do? !!!
Zdravstvuyte.U me, Tod matstopatiya. This diagnosis put me oncologist-mammolog. Treatment has not yet appointed. Donating blood on hormones in two phases. It turned out that I giperprolaktiemiya. Was suspected pituitary adenoma, the next day went to do an MRI of the pituitary and sella - adenoma isklyuchili.I what do I do now then ???? It's been 2 months and chest more and more ... swellings and pain is amplified ((((
Gulnazira quote:
I put fibrotic mastopathy, have been treated, all proshlo.teper when opened mastitis, a large seal which rastet.teper in onkodispansere remove polgrudi.chto want me to do? Please posovetuyte.mozhno do without operation?
try to help honey cake (honey and flour) pomaglo me, I did a week day inoch.
A puncture took? If all goes well, then do not take the time to do the operation. I also had the seal of 1 cm, too, at first said to operate. I read in ZOZhe that of the nodes and seals well to the needles, the best broth. But I was once brewed, so in an Internet found about Feokarpin (tablets needles). Propyl 2 packs - seal disappeared. More help preparations based on kelp, but here we must be careful with the thyroid gland.
The diagnosis of breast I have put 25 years nazad.V onkologich.tsentre punktsiyu.Lekarstvo took what was prescribed, no pharmacy cook not mogla.20 years I muchalas.Bolelo so that I could not go up and down stairs, to tears. In normal medical examination gynecology advised to try to take fish oil capsules, better dr.masel additives and dietary supplements Klamin.Pro illness I remember unless you regularly take lekarstvo.I even for myself, I realized, with a regular *** life and about the pill you can forget, too, is very helpful.
Leno4ka quote:
and whether signs of mastitis appear when visiting the solarium ... ?? or it does not influence?
I went to the solarium two raza.Pri Every visit to the chest made itself znat.Slyshala that the solarium is not very vreden.Sovetuyu riskovat.Zdorove vazhnee.Ne healthy, no beauty is not necessary.
LANA I quote:
Good afternoon! the doctor said I have to give birth (1rebenok there 10 years) and (miscarriage was 2years ago) and as long as possible to breastfeed and then the breast will take place. Is it so? I am 32 years
I am 26. Feed the baby and 1 g 2 mes.Mastopatiya failed. As I explained to the doctor, the main observed. A fibrous mastitis nothing very terrible there.
Alina I quote:
Hello. I hear a lot about what the solarium is contraindicated in those who have suffered a mastopathy. Does it mean that exposure to the sun and tanning also contraindicated?
tan is contraindicated as well as a solarium because of direct contact with the sun's rays can be oslozhneniya.luchshe not risk.
Good afternoon, Christina! Very well, the first thing you decide to see a doctor. Only a qualified technician can find out what's going on with your breasts, put the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate lechenie.Chto As for the second question, chest pain (mastalgia in a scientific way) - it is not always a sign of mastitis. But in the presence of other symptoms (eg, seals, discharge from the nipple) is more likely to be a disease of the breast.
Olya quote:
whether it is possible to visit a solarium during mastitis?
Lovely girls, the article has a page number 2 - and there about the sun and about the solarium said - could try to read the article ;-)
Hello, today was at his podrugi.ona signs of mastitis her very famous! at my request, she looked at my chest and my left breast uplotneniya.sobirayus go to the US, it does show me that prishodit my breasts ?? and the patient breast before menstruation is a sign of mastitis ???
I drank tea mastofiton very good! consulting with a doctor of course, I used the ointment prozhestozhel all this complex and now forgotten the endless pain
Hello! Please tell me 3 months ago I was diagnosed with fibrocystic breast disease, the cause of wonder, I think that she left the child breast-feed, went to the sea and swim, although the milk was coming, and yet I stsezhivalas.Mozhet this be? And yet, the breasts are not so much worried about how disturbed thoracic lymph nodes, sore and temperatuta 37-37 1. It can display and search for the cause of mastitis in the other?
LANA I quote:
Good afternoon! the doctor said I have to give birth (1rebenok there 10 years) and (miscarriage was 2years ago) and as long as possible to breastfeed and then the breast will take place. Is it so? I am 32 years
I rdila second child, breastfed, milk was not enough, as it was fed (8 months). A year after weaning breast returned.
LANA I quote:
Good afternoon! the doctor said I have to give birth (1rebenok there 10 years) and (miscarriage was 2years ago) and as long as possible to breastfeed and then the breast will take place. Is it so? I am 32 years
I also had a similar situation, only the child was 5 years old. I gave birth and then the breast does not bother me
Hello, I have found mastopathy husband. He became zhalovatsya the fact that I have lumps in the breast. And I pay attention to it and the truth is it was tak.Seychas I have a lot of disorders associated to the study that's probably also affected. read the forum I realized that there was a 1 time breast will be shown the rest of his life ((is this true? After all, you do not want, because I'm only 18.
Guest quote:
whether it is possible to visit a solarium during mastitis? Does it affect a woman's health? If so, how?
Unfortunately, I also pushed to a mastopathy and visiting a doctor, I can say with accuracy - is strictly forbidden solarium, cigarettes and alcohol are also not desirable
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  • disease of the breast
