Metastatic breast cancer - the spread of the tumor

June 11, 2013

 metastases in breast cancer
 Metastatic breast cancer may be different. Thus, metastasized to nearby lymph nodes can occur in the second stage of the disease, and metastasis to distant organs and tissues appear late, the fourth stage of breast cancer Breast cancer - stage cancer  Breast cancer - stage cancer
 . Treatment of metastases is also different. As a rule, for every woman it is chosen individually.

 Metastatic breast cancer - the spread of the tumor

Why is there in breast cancer metastasis

Metastatic breast cancer (breast cancer) in various organs and tissues occur during propagation of the tumor cells as follows: tumor invasion into surrounding tissues and organs, the lymphatic vessels and blood vessels.

The spread of the tumor metastasis in breast and adjacent tissues occurs through the spread of tumor cells of mammary ducts and intercellular space. The tumor can spread to the entire breast, a front chest respiratory organs and so on.

As lymphatic tumor cells tend to fall into nearby lymph nodes (axillary or typically located next to the breastbone lymph nodes), and the blood vessels - all in distant organs and tissues. In most distant metastases develop ovarian, lung, bone, brain. Often also may develop metastases in the liver where tumor cells are exposed to both blood and lymphatic vessels.

 Metastatic breast cancer - the spread of the tumor

Metastatic breast cancer to nearby lymph nodes

Metastases to the nearby lymph nodes occur in the early stages because of the fact that the breast tissue there is a well-defined system of lymphatic drainage.

First metastases occur in the closest lymph nodes. Most of all - it is the axillary lymph nodes Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system  Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system
 But there may be others (depending on where in the mammary gland is the primary tumor). Thus metastases in the axillary lymph nodes typically occurs when the tumor's location in the outer area of ​​the breast. If the tumor is located closer to the middle of the chest, there are metastases in the lymph nodes near the breastbone.

Then metastasis is more distant with respect to tumor lymph nodes - supraclavicular, cervical or mediastinal area, and sometimes in axillary lymph nodes Axillary lymph nodes - signals about trouble in the mammary glands  Axillary lymph nodes - signals about trouble in the mammary glands
   opposite side. Simultaneously, metastases may spread to the other breast.

 Metastatic breast cancer - the spread of the tumor

Distant metastases in breast cancer

The larger in size the primary cancer, the faster it spreads through the lymph and blood vessels. The threat of metastasis increases significantly when the tumor size of 3 cm in diameter. Since the blood flow of the tumor cells can be transported to distant organs and tissues. Such damage shows later stages of the process.

So, metastases in the bone most often manifested in the form of lesions of the spine, long bones (femur, humerus), pelvis, ribs, skulls. Symptoms of bone metastases are debilitating system aching in the bones of a permanent nature. The pain can be so severe that the patient can lead a normal life.

As soon as metastases develop in a particular organ, there are signs of his defeat. If it affects the lungs - a cough, chest pain, shortness of breath. The cough may be dry, intrusive, can be blood. If you joined a bacterial infection, the sputum becomes purulent, the temperature can rise high.

If it affects the central nervous system can occur headaches, dizziness, hallucinations, impaired consciousness, seizures, impaired coordination of movement, vision, hearing, and so on.

 Metastatic breast cancer - the spread of the tumor

How to treat metastatic breast cancer

In the arsenal of agents for the treatment of breast cancer are a major surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy and immunotherapy. Treatment of metastases can be radical (a consequence of which is expected to be complete freedom from tumor and metastases) and palliative (the provision of partial assistance, improving the patient's condition).

As a rule, comprehensive treatment when surgery is performed in soche6tanii with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Surgical treatment of cancer Cancer Treatment - difficult, but necessary  Cancer Treatment - difficult, but necessary
   breast cancer still remains a major. Depending on the spread of the tumor are different types of operations. In the initial stages of the disease most often carried out removal of the breast in combination with the removal of surrounding lymph nodes. After the operation is generally carried out a course of radiation therapy.

When cancer metastases to distant organs appointed complex, individually tailored treatment.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • breast cancer

Breast cancer - the verdict? - Causes

June 1, 2013

  • Breast cancer - the verdict?
  • Causes
  • Prevention
  • Treatment
  • Targeted drugs

 the causes of breast cancer

Causes of breast cancer

What, above all, pay attention to a man looks at a woman? The eyes, the posture, the harmony of body lines, proportionality of forms - and, of course, the breast - a source of pride and feelings of each the fairer sex. The canons of female beauty The mystery of female beauty - mystery and femininity  The mystery of female beauty - mystery and femininity
   constantly changing, but the formula of the male ideal of the female breast is always included. It is this part of a woman's body magically transforms its possessor into an object of desire to men.

But the female breast is also the most "fragile" and vulnerable part of the female body. It is a fairly large extent exposed to various diseases and tumors, unfortunately, including malignant.

 Causes | Breast cancer - a sentence?

Why breast is exposed to the malignant process?

Breast cancer - the most hormone-dependent organ in a woman's body. And on the hormonal status affects everything: magnetic storms, solar radiation Radiation and its biological effect: gently infected!  Radiation and its biological effect: gently infected!
 Lifestyle, mental attitude, stress and anxiety. However, not all factors are equally negative impact on breast cancer. Based on many years of observations scientists had a rating of risk factors.

In the first place - heredity. Breast cancer can be transmitted through the maternal line. Scientists have even identified the genes which cause the disease and the chromosomes in which they are located. The likelihood of developing cancer in carriers of these genes is 40% - 50% and 80 years - 70 years. But do not panic, knowing that someone in the family had breast cancer. Panic itself is no advantage for the organism. Holds monthly self-examination, and once a year visit a doctor-mammalogy.

Another risk factor, vying for first place to heredity - change reproductive behavior of the modern woman. After giving birth to her only child, she hurries back to work and continue to build a career. And it is designed by nature to give birth and breastfeed children. Breast feed your baby should be at least up to six months, and preferably up to 9-10 months.

Correct reproductive life consists in a regular sexual life. Their absence - the third risk factor. Women are often alone, in spite of numerous meetings, receptions and parties. In such a hectic lifestyle it can be difficult to stop for a moment and take his personal life. Well, if a woman does not feel discomfort and at the same time quite happy with such a course of life. In this case, the situation does not pose a serious threat. But if a woman feels the need for sex, but is not able to satisfy it, then it is fraught with trouble: sex hormones "take vengeance" on the chest.

Provoke the development of breast cancer and abortion. From the first day of pregnancy the body starts restructuring. It starts the process for up to 2 years long (pregnancy and breast). After an abortion, there is a failure of the hormonal system. Especially dangerous is the termination of pregnancy at an early age, before the birth of their first child.

The negative impact on the health of the breast have stress. Chronic caused endless problems and experiences, stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   It leads to reduced immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
 . This means that the body can not cope with the tumor cells, which are produced in the body every second thousands.

Can lead to cancer, and injuries to the chest. Now this factor acquired special urgency. Most women drive the car. Cases when under heavy braking injured chest. Even in public transport can injure the chest. Therefore, doctors are advised to develop a reflex - at the slightest danger to close the chest with his elbows.

Harmful and constant exposure to the sun. Even tan with no trace of the swimsuit - not a fad, but a terrible mistake. Especially harmful effects of direct sunlight on the chest. The sun can stimulate the growth of tumors is still tiny.

At the end of ranking settled factors such as obesity, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption - faithful companions of the modern pace of life. Although they can not be attributed to the factors directly affecting the occurrence of breast cancer.
