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Pain in mastitis
Breast - a common enough phenomenon that sooner or later faces, according to statistics, more than half of women. A characteristic feature of mastitis - chest pain, which may be a permanent, in evidence throughout the menstrual cycle, and episodic (chest pain is felt just before the start of the menstrual period and disappear after menstruation). Fortunately, the pain of mastitis is easy enough to facilitate even at home.
In most cases the breast is not accompanied by bright clinical manifestations. One of the constant features can be a pain in the mastitis that have a different character. Pain syndrome causes to see a doctor, but it is important not to postpone the visit for a long period, as the pain may occur during complications. It has a large degree of importance changes in the tissues of the prostate, ie clinical variant of the disease.
Characteristic features of pain
Not in all cases, the established diagnosis of mastitis, patients complain of pain. The character of the pain is different diverse manifestations:
- Stitching
- It's a dull pain
- darting pain
The main cause of mastitis is hormonal disorders, therefore it is possible to note the close interconnection of the severity of chest pain and the phase of the cycle in women. In just a few days prior to the next menstrual period, and in the early days of the menstrual pain is the most severe. Mammary gland may increase slightly in size in the second phase of the cycle, it is tense, painful during the inspection. Even a slight touch of the breast can cause discomfort, pain. In some patients the pain is permanent, no connection with the menstrual cycle. Pain syndrome is the maximum expression during the physical examination, palpation of the gland when leads to pain.
Development of pain (or mastalgia) due to the influence of the hormone progesterone, the content of which is increased during the second phase. It is of great importance in the hormonal examination of mastitis, as results from the hormone levels in the blood will be resolved the issue of the amount of therapy.
How to ease the condition
Hormonal drugs relieves patients with mastopathy, a decrease in the severity of pain. Most often it recommended the appointment of combination drugs (contraceptives, or COCs). These drugs are different in their composition, as in hormonal components, must therefore be strictly individual approach to their appointment.
While receiving medical contraceptive effect is due primarily to the progestin component of the drug. The impact occurs at the level of the receptor unit to the hormone progesterone. The clinical effect can be expected within the first month of taking the pills. To get stable positive results in the syndrome of mastalgia, it is necessary to receive the full course of treatment over three to six months. During this period of time to control the state of the breast, which should include an objective examination, ultrasound scan, and mammography according to indications.
Hormones may be administered topically, that is directly on the breast tissue. Available in special creams or gels that contain hormones. The patient should rub it means in the mammary gland. The practice is widely used drug prozhestozhel containing progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
. When used in the mammary gland accumulates hormone progesterone, and the systemic effects on the whole organism is minimal. The action of progesterone based on interaction with estrogen receptors on their blocking, thus limiting the effect of estrogens on the breast tissue. Progesterone also prevents fluid retention during the secretory transformation of the mammary gland, therefore coming reduced severity of the pain disappears discomfort associated with the sense voltage.
If any dysfunction of sex hormones is recommended a course of hormone therapy. If there is a failure of the second phase of the cycle, progesterone is assigned to certain days of the cycle. The most widely used drugs and progesterone djufaston utrozhestan
Utrozhestan - corrects the deficiency of progesterone
. They are appointed for a second recovery phase of the cycle, to this end, drugs are taken within ten days from the 16th day of the menstrual cycle. Normal hormonal will positively affect the state of breast cancer.
To suppress the pain and other unpleasant symptoms of mastitis most often used standard painkillers - such as nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or paracetamol normal. The doctor may recommend oral contraceptives, which are due to the content of synthetic versions of the hormones estrogen and progesterone and normalize hormone levels in the body, helping to suppress the symptoms of mastitis. If the pain of repeated and severe mastitis, your doctor may prescribe Danazol - a drug that inhibits the excessive release of the hormone estrogen. Danazol to suppress the pain associated with mastitis is used in rare cases due to the high probability of occurrence of unpleasant side effects - changing hormonal balance, danazol can cause accelerated growth of body hair and the appearance of acne.
Changes in diet
Although the effectiveness of this method of treatment of mastitis is not confirmed by science, statistics show that some changes in the diet helps to suppress the symptoms of mastitis
Breast - Symptoms: When should I see a doctor?
. In particular, the exclusion from the diet of caffeine contained in coffee, tea and some drinks, helps ease the pain of mastitis. In addition, it helps to suppress the symptoms of mastitis and avoiding fatty foods - this is due to the fact that the fatty tissues produce an excess amount of the hormone estrogen. A diet with high fiber content helps to normalize hormonal levels and thus get rid of the pain in his chest.
Nutritional supplements
Evening primrose oil - a rich source of fatty acids and linoleic acid, which helps to suppress pain and inflammation and make breast tissue less sensitive to changes in hormone levels during the menstrual cycle. To relieve the symptoms of mastitis is recommended to take one to three capsules of evening primrose oil daily. Similarly, action has an ordinary fish oil
Fish oil - so whether it is useful to think?
Containing the same fatty acids needed by the body.
Other methods
For pain relief mastitis can use hot compresses. Relieving pain and discomfort helps correctly chosen underwear - bra suitable size and provides support to breast or sports bra, if the breast is particularly sensitive.