Breast cancer - the verdict? - Prevention

June 1, 2013

  • Breast cancer - the verdict?
  • Causes
  • Prevention
  • Treatment
  • Targeted drugs

 Prevention of Breast Cancer


These Russian statistics daunting: only half of breast cancer patients live more than 5 years and only 30% of the survivors have the chance to completely defeat the terrible disease. And this despite the fact that modern medicine has all the technology to completely cure the disease. Doctors can save not only the life and health but also the beauty of women. But for this you need to find breast cancer at an early stage when the disease is still asymptomatic. A woman knows that she is sick, she does not experience pain, sickness and therefore can not go to the doctor. When symptoms appear, it is hard to help ...

Some statistics: the United States is much higher cure rates and 80%. The thing is that the program includes mass preventive examinations for early detection of the disease. Already at the first stage of the disease the woman is under the supervision of doctors, and often quite small orgonosohrannoy chemotherapy or surgery.

In Russia, these programs yet, and we are frequent cases of detection of breast cancer at III and IV stages, when the tumor reaches 8 cm. Clearly, in this situation, to hope for a favorable outcome is difficult. Problems of early diagnosis of breast cancer Diagnosis of breast cancer - the most important task of modern medicine  Diagnosis of breast cancer - the most important task of modern medicine
   partly take on charitable programs, but it is certainly just a drop in the sea.

The main problem is that most Russian women are simply not aware of the need to be surveyed. Unaware that time detection of the disease is completely curable in 94% of cases, they take breast cancer as a sentence. The logic is simple: "Why go to the doctor? If I'm sick, you still have no help. "

In caring for the family and children formerly run on doctors? Go to the doctor for them the same - for the sake of the family and children. After all, you want them alive and well, and for the child there is no greater misfortune than when sick beloved mother.

 Prevention | Breast cancer - a sentence?

How to deal with breast cancer

Any disease, whether it is a fracture, heart attack or cancer - Stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   for a man. Somehow, in our country, it was felt that oncology - the most horrible, hopeless and deadly. First and foremost, this is the ratio of women to breast cancer.

This is a misconception. In the world for several decades with breast cancer is not considered fatal. This is due to the development of diagnostic methods that detect breast cancer Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know  Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
   at an early stage, when it is possible to save not only the health but also the beauty of the breast.

And here the main role played by the psychological mood of the woman, her attitude to cooperation with your doctor. If a woman falls in spirit and not trying to fight medical possibilities are limited because not cooperating with the doctor, the person does not comply with its recommendations and violates regimen. And no doctor to cure, if the person himself does not want it. Therefore, the ideal situation - when a woman and a doctor trust.

When it comes to such a diagnosis, life does not end, but varies. And when life changes, it's always a crisis for humans. So the main thing - to learn to live in the new situation, to overcome it, to find a hobby, want to like.

A woman experiencing stress after surgery, because it seems that it has become worse - less attractive and interesting. But this is fundamentally wrong! Some do not even think that if such perseverance send a positive direction, everything will become good. In this situation, family and loved ones has an important psychological pressure - they can not change the behavior. I saw different cases, different reactions of men at the same time. In general, they can be divided into two groups: some just go, but others remain with the woman until the end, helping to overcome all difficulties. Those who go, can not be condemned: it is on the conscience of the individual. Not all men are able to be strong.

It must be remembered that the woman is actually much harder than it seems. Stress has an effect only on the first time - within a few days or weeks after diagnosis (all different), plays a role as the element of surprise. Then, when she interprets the situation, she realizes that it is necessary to fight - high responsibility for the family, children. Therefore, fighting for his life, the woman actually fighting for the happiness of the family, children. It is, in most cases, and shakes the woman, she realizes that you can not give up - life goes on.

Some women learned about the diagnosis, trying to hide it from their loved ones. But it's impossible to hide, because they still see depressed, depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 . Do not be afraid to share a problem - in the family experienced both joy and sorrow. Often, trying to fulfill the role of defenders of children intuitively trying to take my mother under her wing. Do not avoid it: the closest person can help, because he knows better than you - and especially to help psychologically.

You can not be afraid of the diagnosis - to be afraid to miss him, because then the treatment will be more difficult. The earlier a woman comes to the doctor, the easier it will take treatment and recovery. It must be remembered that the detection of breast cancer at an early stage, the likelihood of full recovery is 94% (and in medicine this figure is considered to be 100%, because, as doctors say, people correctly handle this number because such a guarantee the right to give only God) ".

The stagnation of milk in the breast - feeding does not stop

August 5, 2010

 stagnation of milk in the breast
 Mother's milk - the best food for newly born baby appeared. It includes all the necessary nutrients and minerals, as well as antibodies that protect the baby from various bacteria and viruses. But while many women face such unpleasant condition as the stagnation of milk in the breasts (lactostasis).


Why there is stagnation in the breast milk

The mammary gland consists of lobules where breast milk is produced, and. Then it enters the channels terminating at the top of the nipple holes milky. In cases where some segments are not exempt from the milk ducts in whole or in traffic jams formed milk, there lactostasis.

There are factors that can lead to stagnation of the milk. These include:

  • Poor attachment baby to the breast, which is why he is not empty the gland;
  • Flat nipples or the presence of cracks on them;
  • Injuries, bruises and hypothermia breast;
  • Infrequent emptying of the breast or big breaks between feedings child;
  • Refusal of breastfeeding during lactation saved;
  • Squeezing duct fingers during feeding;
  • Sleeping on your stomach;
  • Wearing tight underwear;
  • Milk production in large quantities and narrow ducts cancer;
  • Frequent stress, lack of sleep and constant fatigue;
  • Drinking liquid in insufficient quantities.


Signs of stagnation

When lactostasis Lactostasis - stagnation of milk in the mammary gland  Lactostasis - stagnation of milk in the mammary gland
   in some areas of the breast can be felt seal, sometimes the skin over them blush. During emptying the breast or after the woman concerned soreness and discomfort.

Sometimes the temperature rises, there is a weakness and chills. This happens when developing an uninfected mastitis - a complication lactostasis. In this situation, you need to see a doctor, so that he appointed the right treatment. If this is not done in time, the infection can join.


How to fix

The first thing to check the correctness of applying the baby to her breast. Tiny best sucking milk from this portion of the gland, which indicates his chin. When feeding a child actively working the lower jaw, so those areas of the breast that are closer to it, it is better emptied. In order to drain the milk came from all segments of the breast, it is necessary to change the position of the baby during feedings.

More frequent feedings of breast, which originated lactostasis may also restore normal movement of the milk ducts. But do not forget about the healthy breast. It is best to feed small portions, but every one or two hours.

If these measures will not be enough, it will require a therapeutic and prophylactic pumping. But do not do it after each feeding, as pumping in this mode will lead to increased milk production and worsen the condition of the woman. This procedure is performed from one to three times a day, but no more. It includes several stages:

  • First you need ten minutes to make a warm compress (eg suit soaked in hot water, a towel) to the area where there is a seal. A warm bath or shower will also help to improve the outflow of milk.
  • Very carefully and gently massage the breasts in a circular motion in the direction from its base to the nipple. You can lubricate the skin before that baby oil, so as not to damage it when crushed.
  • Express milk, with a special attention should be paid to the proportion of cancer in which there was stagnation of milk. Immediately after that you need to make a baby to her breast, stroking with the mammary gland in stagnation towards the nipple.
  • To reduce the swelling of the breasts after a breast pump, it is recommended to put it simple cool compress (towel soaked with water). For these purposes, you can use a cool leaf of the fresh cabbage, which is before it needs a little discourage, appeared to juice. The latter, however, must not fall into the region of the nipple, because it adversely affects the child's digestion. Low-fat cottage cheese and cool honey cakes will also help eliminate the edema. Such compresses should be applied to the affected breast for twenty minutes.
  • When the temperature rises to 38, 5º C can take antipyretics that are allowed through breastfeeding. For example, for this purpose, suitable paracetamol.



Frequent nursing baby to the breast - one of the most important measures to prevent lactostasis. This should be done for each request baby and allow him to remain at the breast as long as he wants. The intervals between feedings should not be more than four hours (for children up to six months, and after that - to the extent of filling of the mammary glands).

Women are encouraged to wear supportive, but not contracted breast linen and sleeping on your side or back. They should avoid significant physical activity, stress and sleep well.

Alcohol compresses, and camphor ointment Vishnevsky at stagnation of milk can not be used. These funds are even more difficult to outflows. Ointments and Wisniewski alcohol can cause abscesses (collections of pus limited), breast cancer, and this state is required surgical intervention.

Too rough massage of the breast is also dangerous, it increases the likelihood of damage to the shares and ducts, as a result may be new pockets of lactostasis. If the milk will be absorbed into the bloodstream through damaged ducts, the developing "milk fever" - fever.

Lactostasis can occur at any time during breastfeeding, as at first birth, and women who already have children. If this state does not fight, then a few days later may develop an uninfected mastitis. Do not trust the advice of traditional medicine, as it may not only worsen the condition of women, but also to postpone the effective treatment. If the body temperature is not reduced during the day or in the mammary gland seal The seal in the breast - a cause for concern  The seal in the breast - a cause for concern
   is not reduced for a few days, an urgent need to see a doctor.


Contraindications for milk stasis

Breastfeeding is the best option for the child and mother. Breastfeeding not only provides the baby with essential nutrients, but also passes antibodies and maintains the connection between mother and child. But during breastfeeding, many mothers face such unpleasant problem as the stagnation of milk in the breast. This phenomenon can occur not only in nulliparous women, but also mothers with breastfeeding experience.

Galactostasia lactostasis chest or even no disease and represents a state of the mammary glands, where they are filled with milk, and the movement itself is not breast milk. If time does not take action, then the process can join an infection that will lead to mastitis.

When stagnation of milk in the breast milk produced plug that covers the exit of the newly formed milk. In place of the cork there is swelling of the breast tissue, which manifests seal. Then seal joins pain, flushing (redness) of the skin and fever. In severe cases of stagnation of milk it is difficult to distinguish from mild mastitis.

There are certain things that can not be applied in cases lactostasis as this will only exacerbate the process and can cause breast mastitis.

  • in any case not to stop breast-feeding (the baby will help to cope with the stagnation of milk);
  • you can not apply a hot compress in between breastfeeding;
  • trying to stretch the seal in the chest The seal in the chest - a reason to turn to mammologu  The seal in the chest - a reason to turn to mammologu
   hands (it allowed a gentle massage of the breast in a circle first, and then stroking motion from top to bottom);
  • used to lubricate the breast alcohol, camphor or ointment Vishnevsky (it only reduce the formation of oxytocin, which is needed for milk production);
  • skip breastfeeding Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
   or disrupt the rhythm of feeding;
  • restrict fluid;
  • antipyretic drugs used at a temperature below 38, 5 degrees and no intoxication syndrome (lethargy, malaise, weakness), as fever is struggling with stagnation of milk.

Although congestion in the breast milk is very common problem with natural feeding, discard it should not be just for that reason alone. Lactostasis how easy it arises and passes so quickly when you use the necessary measures to deal with it.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • lactation
