Inflammatory Breast Cancer - the silent killer - When the sound alarm

November 19, 2006

  • Inflammatory breast cancer - silent killer
  • When the sound alarm

Early diagnosis can save you

Approximately sixty percent of the AWG can not be cured.

VRG - rapidly developing breast cancer that spreads to the whole breast. It's not a tumor or seal. It is not just a highlight Discharges in women when there is cause for concern  Discharges in women when there is cause for concern
   from the nipple. Cancer affects all of a sudden the whole breast.

For this reason, oncologists believe that early diagnosis and aggressive treatment are essential VRG. However, remember that the AWG can not always be detected by a mammogram or breast examination.

 When alarmed | Inflammatory breast cancer - silent killer

Symptoms of the disease

This disease can not be traced a certain scheme, symptoms, by which it can be identified. But if you compare the healthy breast and chest, the affected VRG, the differences between them become apparent.

VRG is very similar to the layers of cancer cells, it is very difficult to see or feel the touch.

These symptoms are not typical for breast cancer. It is very typical of VRG.

 When alarmed | Inflammatory breast cancer - silent killer

When you need to sound the alarm

Contact your doctor immediately if you notice at least one of the following symptoms. Chest constantly warm, reddened, inflamed. At the touch of the breast it seems more dense than usual. Possibly, the surface may be compared with orange peel - same uneven. Also look at the confluence taking out or leveling the nipple or areola color change.

VRG Symptoms often resemble symptoms of an infectious disease, so many patients with VRG initially put the wrong diagnosis, and they are taking antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?

If we talk about mortality, about 90% of female patients survive breast cancer after the first degree. After VRG survive only 40%. VRG is only 2% of all diseases of breast cancer, so it is important to do a breast exam and a mammogram Mammography - protection against breast cancer  Mammography - protection against breast cancer
 . They allow you to identify the disease at an early stage. However, it is equally important to know the symptoms of VRG approximate, since it leaves no time for reflection and preparation.

Article Tags:
  • breast cancer

Breast cancer - stage cancer - IV degree

June 17, 2013

  • Breast cancer - stage cancer
  • Grade I
  • Grade II
  • Grade III
  • Grade IV

 Breast cancer grade IV

Breast cancer grade IV - metastasis to distant organs and tissues

Grade IV breast cancer (stage) is characterized by the appearance of metastases in distant organs or tissues. At this stage is usually not carried out radical treatment, however, with proper, adequate treatment is quite possible to achieve to improve the quality and length of life of the woman.

 Grade IV | Breast cancer - stage cancer

Breast cancer grade IV - as the disease develops

At this stage breast cancer (BC) marked the highest aggressiveness of cancer cells that are on the lymphatic and blood vessels enter the nearby and distant organs and tissues.

Thus, tumor lymphatics can penetrate into the lungs to form metastases in them, and go to the other breast and lymph nodes from the opposite side. In blood vessels cancer cells spread to bone, liver, kidney, brain and spinal cord, and any other organs and tissues.

The primary cancerous tumor located in the breast, there may, as the increase in size, completely distorting the breast and nipple, and remain small. But the cohesion of the tumor to the surrounding tissues is maximized, so when probing hard to determine the size of the tumor.

 Grade IV | Breast cancer - stage cancer

Signs of breast cancer stage IV

Breast cancer in stage IV consists of symptoms in the presence of one or two breast node indeterminate shape and size, changing the shape of the affected breast, lymph nodes increase in dense soldered to surrounding tissues conglomerates and signs of lesions organ where formed metastases.

Thus, the first manifested lung dry cough, which is becoming more and more intrusive. With the destruction of tumor blood vessel may appear hemoptysis. To cancer in the lungs and bronchi often joins a bacterial infection. In this case the temperature rises, there is a purulent sputum. After treatment, most symptoms pass, but dry cough is haunting.

Metastases to bone appear aching pain in the bones. Bones become brittle fractures often occur.

Metastases to the liver, it can grow in size, becoming a dense, hilly, disturbed liver function, one sign of which may be jaundice.

When brain metastases appear severe headaches, dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 , Blurred vision, hearing, coordination and so on. If there are metastases in the spinal cord, you may receive the fecal incontinence and urine.

 Grade IV | Breast cancer - stage cancer

Diagnosis of breast cancer stage IV

At this stage of breast cancer than the usual breast examinations Breast examination - which treatments are most effective?  Breast examination - which treatments are most effective?
   (Ultrasound, mammography Mammography - protection against breast cancer  Mammography - protection against breast cancer
 , Ductography, MRI, biopsy followed by laboratory research content) conducted a full examination in order to identify women with metastases in different organs and tissues.

For example, a scanning (scintigraphy) of bones - this is a very important study, which allows to identify asymptomatic cancer metastasis in the skeletal system. Bone scan is a radioisotope studies based on the ability of certain radioactive substances briefly accumulate in the bone tissue. To clarify the nature of metastases Metastasis - danger everywhere  Metastasis - danger everywhere
   scintigraphy is performed after the sighting Radiography revealed lesions.

Be sure to also performed scans and ultrasound liver. These studies identify metastases in the liver, their relationship to the primary tumor in the mammary gland and decreased liver function.

Pelvic ultrasound is performed to detect metastases in the uterus, as well as the concomitant gynecological pathology. Since all gynecological diseases actively influence the state of breast cancer, their detection allows more clearly define the management of women.

In assessing the overall prevalence of the process is also carried out a study of tumor markers. For example, the presence in the blood of women of this tumor marker as the CA 15-3, suggests malignant disease, and the growth of this indicator is both an indicator of neglect of the disease. By this token, you can also evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment and to predict the progression of the process - known to a significant increase in this indicator for 4-6 months before the appearance of metastases.

Breast cancer - a disease in which the quality of life and survival depends on the stage of the cancer process. However, today, and we learn how to help those women who have had first identified the later stages of breast cancer. To this end, the courses of treatment, the vast spread of the tumor, and extends the life of the woman.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • breast cancer
