For an accurate diagnosis in gynecology used a variety of additional methods of examination. These include determining the level of hormones in the blood, ultrasound diagnostics, hysteroscopy and colposcopy
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And tests of functional diagnostics and many other methods. Measuring basal body temperature is one of the easiest ways to identify various hormonal dysfunctions and pregnancy. This method does not require sophisticated equipment, but still allows almost at preclinical level suspect any abnormalities in the body. For presentation and evaluation of basal temperature fluctuations construction timetable.
Basal Temperature
Basal temperature - a temperature, which is measured in the rectum, vagina or mouth after continuous sleep
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at least three-six hours. Some doctors believe that the most informative is the temperature measured in the rectum. At the basal temperature have almost no influence of outside influence (unlike axillary temperature, which considerably increases, for example, inflammation).
The menstrual cycle consists of four phases: follicular, ovulatory, and luteal phase desquamation (menstruation). All these phases are dependent on the level of sex hormones. Sex hormones throughout the menstrual cycle are allocated at regular intervals, causing metabolic changes in the internal sex organs, which leads to temperature changes in the various phases of the menstrual cycle. The results of the measurement of basal body temperature are reflected in the chart, based on which we can judge about a particular disease. For reliable analysis of basal body temperature measurement it is necessary to carry out for at least three menstrual cycles.
Indications for the measurement of basal body temperature
It must be remembered that on the basis of only the basal body temperature is impossible to draw definitive conclusions and make a diagnosis. Measurement of basal temperature is just an additional method of diagnosis. The schedule of basal temperature helps determine:
According to the schedule, you can determine ovulation occurred
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and calculate "dangerous" days, or, on the contrary, the days, the most favorable for conception.
The graph helps to identify possible pregnancy with a missed period.
- Hormonal disorders (infertility)
According to the schedule of basal temperature, you can identify the various hormonal disorders (anovulation, late ovulation defective egg destruction), as well as differentiate infertility (hormonal, pipe and other forms).
- The inflammatory process of genitals
Schedule invaluable in the identification of chronic inflammatory diseases (eg, endometritis).
The method is suitable for determining the timing of the next menstruation.
How to make the schedule of basal temperature
To schedule the temperature is convenient to use a piece of the cell. On a sheet otcherkivayutsya two perpendicular lines, horizontal lines mark the calendar and days of the menstrual cycle
The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
. The vertical line is marked by division, the corresponding temperature indicators (36, 5, 36, 6, 36, 7, and so on). For clarity, the red pencil is held horizontal line at the level of 37, 0. In a separate line for each day of the menstrual cycle, make a note of the nature of secretions and any abnormalities that affect the basal temperature (infectious disease, alcohol, sexual intercourse in the evening or in the morning and etc.).
Terms of the basal body temperature
- basal temperature is measured in the morning, immediately after waking up, getting out of bed;
- measurement must be performed in one and the same time;
- the temperature should be measured by the same thermometer in one place (or in the mouth, or the vagina or rectum);
- time measuring rectal temperature should be less than five minutes, in other places for three minutes;
- measurement must be carried out daily, including menstrual days;
- starting measurement of basal temperature should be from the first day of the menstrual cycle;
- after measuring the performance of basal temperature immediately recorded in the chart.
Anna Sozinova